Posts tagged: residential brokerage

Uh… wrong house…

By , January 24, 2009 9:03 am

There are three townhomes in the photo below, and one “residential brokerage”  (aka “for sale”) sign. Which house does the sign look like it is in front of – the one on the left, middle or right?

<image:Our home is not for sale!;

Maybe the photo is a bit too skewed. Here is a more straight-on photo.

<image:Our home is not for sale!;

Guess which house is ours.

And not for sale.

Last Saturday, after opening the shades so Data could sit on my desk and look out the window, I went into the bedroom and said to Steven, “Guess what? Our house is for sale!”

He didn’t find it as amusing as I did until he actually looked out the window, and saw where the sign was (I think he thought I was exaggerating in my description of it). We haven’t had any next-door neighbors for quite some time (hurrah!) and we were wondering if the house was going to go on the market.

He called the number on the sign, and left a polite message inquiring about the price of the home and told them that they put the sign in front of our house by mistake.

He didn’t actually talk to the real estate agent until this Thursday. She told Steven that she has to remove the sign anyway (it is against our townhome association code to put them up) and that the house is going for about 20-25% less than its original cost.

Yikes. I told Steven, “I guess that means we’re stuck here for awhile!”

We aren’t planning on moving anytime SOON, but we definitely aren’t going to move if the market is so bad. I suppose we’ll have to wait it out a few more years…

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