Ha. I had two posts written for today. The first one was a rant on some article I read yesterday and it made me sound crazy. I decided not to use that one and wrote another semi-rant that made me sound bitchy.
I must have been in a weird mood yesterday morning. I decided to table those for another day when I have more time to think and am not writing in the “heat of the moment.”
Do you write your posts ahead of time? Or are you more likely to write and immediately hit “publish”? What’s your blogging style? When do you blog?
I generally write all of my posts ahead of time (except for the random “spur of the moment” posts) and schedule them to be published in the morning. I even work on my Sunday training recap post throughout the week so I can publish it after my last workout on Sunday.
During the week, I write posts in the morning or evening train ride. Sometimes I write 2 or 3 at a time. Sometimes I just write them the night before. On the weekends, it’s more sporadic.
And I usually DON’T censor myself! But I have a hard enough time communicating as it is, and if I go back and read something and it doesn’t make sense… then it is not ready to publish! We’ll have to see if I ever use those!
We figured out what to do with the leftover Vegan “Meatloaf” – Vegan “Meatloaf” tacos! I kept joking to Steven that we should make them, but he kept saying no. Then he was too sick to argue so I made them and he LOVED them. Ha!

Blogging, Recipes + Food
article, bitchy, blog, Blogging, commenting, crazy, filter, post, posting, publish, rant, Reading, schedule, Vegan Meatloaf tacos, when to post, wordpress
Suppose you are truly color-blind, and all you can see is black and white. Then one day you wake up and find you can see one color. Which color would you want it to be?
It’s not even my favorite color, but I have to say RED. It’s such a strong, energetic, vibrant color. It would be beautiful to see in comparison to white, grays and black.

Have you read The Giver by Lois Lowry? That has got to be one of my all-time favorite books, even though I think it is meant for little kids (the wikipedia description of the plot is pretty good).
I mention this book because (you guessed it) the people in it cannot see color. The main character discovers color, and it’s written so well… check it out if you haven’t already!
Which magazines, if any, do you subscribe to at home? Do you have time to read them? Do you throw them away when you are done reading them?
I subscribed to a lot of magazines when I was in college – Glamour, Marie Clare, Fitness, Women’s Health – because I actually had time to read them. I’ve since added Architectural Record, Motor Trend, and (am trying to subscribe to) Entertainment Weekly.
I used to devour a magazine in one sitting, because I was eager to read something new. Now I barely find time to read anything at all – except for the newspaper, on the train. I usually (over the month) read most of Glamour and Marie Clare, but only parts of Fitness and Women’s Health – and that is if I’m feeling healthy. I skim the others.
I save them for about a year (in magazine holders on my shelf), then recycle them. Except Architectural Record. I hold on to that one for some reason.
This makes me wonder… why do I subscribe to so many? I suppose I miss them, when I don’t have them. I think I am going to drop my Fitness subscription though. It never has anything new, and I like Women’s Health much better!