No longer upset
Thank you for all of your wonderful comments/emails yesterday. They made me smile, tear up a bit, laugh and feel so much stronger. It was exactly what I needed. I am going to take the time to respond to each of them in email form, so please give me a bit of time to write up the thoughtful responses they deserve.
Your comments/emails made me feel so much better, that I am now able to laugh at most of the things that have been upsetting me off all week. What’s the point in being upset anymore, now that it’s Thursday night, and I don’t even have to work tomorrow?
Here’s my week’s rant list anyway. Would any of these things have bothered you?
- The Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Fiasco
Steven was at work on Sunday and I was really excited to spend the day baking treats for us, our neighbors and our coworkers. The first thing I made was oatmeal raisin cookies, trying the recipe on the inside of the Quaker Oats container. What a crapshoot they turned out to be. Completely flat, soft and crumbly and falling apart. It made me so upset, it ruined my day. The chocolate chip cookies and pumpkin bread were flat too. I didn’t put two and two together. Steven pointed out to me that it was probably the baking soda/baking powder’s fault, not mine. He fixed them by putting them in a muffin tin and making “cookie pucks.” They were a huge hit at his office.
- Zit Face
I usually only break out on my chin, once a month. I started getting zits all over my face on Saturday, and they haven’t gone away. They are so red. I don’t know how to get rid of them. It’s embarrassing.
- Size 12
Yeah, my size 12 clothes fit. But they’re ALL out of style. And the nice pants I bought at Banana Republic in the middle of September? Already too big.
- The Leather Rep
Someone representing leather (for furniture) happened to visit our office Tuesday morning. And happened to talk all about the cows, and how they have to be raised to produce the best leather. And happened to pass around samples of leather. This REALLY bothered me. I was surprised how much it bothered me. When I talked to my mom that evening, she happened to mention how they were cutting down a tree, and she hated feeling like “she killed something.” I almost started to yell a vegetarian rant at her, but luckily, I stopped myself.
- Slow Walkers
All those people walking too slow on the streets of Chicago… get the hell out of my way!
- Cold Train
The AC has been blasting on the train every morning. Why why why? When it is 45 degrees outside, we don’t need the air on! It’s so cold, I sit there shivering.
- Overwhelmed at Work
A lot of people in my office don’t have much to do right now, but my projects seem to have a lot going on. I felt a bit overwhelmed and frustrated about it all this week. More than I can say.
- Lunch Meetings
Having a meeting during lunch once in awhile is okay. But spur of the moment? Or all the time? That is not a break. I need a break. Even if I am just sitting at my desk.
- The Presidential Debate Last Night
Complete bs. Need I say more?
What a dumb, dumb list. Why was I letting all of these things upset me?