You know what’s exhausting? Trying to give someone what they want, when what they want is constantly changing*.
I am sick of trying to figure people (and their mood swings) out. I know it’s their issue, not mine, but still, it’s exhausting and wearing me down.
My therapist pointed out that when someone is really detail oriented and likes to pick things apart, that by letting it ruin my day, I am doing the same thing – focusing in on the irrelevant details. What a good point. So I am working on not letting the small things build up, but in the meantime… ugh. I feel like I am constanlty being attacked.
*Because they are crazy, and want one thing one day and something different the next.
What foods are on your “will not eat” list?
I don’t want to encourage picky eating (says the vegetarian/vegan), but I am curious to find out what foods do not appeal to other people.
Besides not eating meat, dairy and eggs, I also do not eat tree nuts (almonds, cashews, walnuts, etc.). They give me severe headaches, so I avoid them altogether. Sometimes even the smell of them is enough to make me sick.
I avoid olives, mushrooms, and seeds, because I do not care for their taste. I will still try dishes that have these foods in them, but I am probably not going to like it if they are the main ingredient!
And brussel sprouts. We tried. We really did. I think this requires another go-around.
Side Note: Why are all of my Friday Questions about FOOD? I had two other questions in mind that were NOT food related. Hmm.
Friday Questions
brussel sprouts, dairy, eggs, fish, food, Friday Question, meat, mushrooms, olives, picky, picky eater, Seeds, tree nuts, Vegan, Vegetarian