If you could instantly learn to play any one musical instrument extremely well, which one would you choose?
I would choose the piano, so I can play fun songs like this (make sure to listen to the audio!). I hope to take piano lessons someday, before I get too old and lose all of my youth and vigor. I bet I would be good at it.
I played the violin for 9 years (from the 4th-12th grades of school), but right now, I can’t remember the last time I played it. I get urges to get it out and play from time to time. Steven has a cello… maybe we could join an orchestra (after practicing for awhile). Would that be dorky?*
*Not that it’s stopped me before.
One of our top priorities today is creating a few Cruisin’ CDs for when we are driving this around next Saturday:

Of course, that is assuming the Gallardo has a CD player. I was surprised when the Ferrari didn’t have AC, so you never know…
We need some suggestions for good “Driving” music. Here’s what’s on our list so far (in no particular order):
- “Low Rider”
- “La Grange” – ZZ Top
- “Panama” – Van Halen
- “Disco Science” – Marwais (Snatch Soundtrack)
- “Spirit in the Sky” – Norman Greenbaum
- “Latin Girl” – Black Eyed Peas
- “Harder Better Faster Stronger” – Daft Punk (and I must say, I liked this band BEFORE Kanye West sampled them)
- “Can I Get A” – Jay Z
- “The Joker” – Steve Miller Band
So, you can see… we have a varied musical tastes. I really REALLY like classic rock, and will probably put a bit more of that on there.
What are your suggestions for good “Driving” songs?