If you could be anyone’s personal assistant for one day, who would you choose and why?
I think I would chose First Lady Michelle Obama.

It would be so neat to see what a day is like in her life. From everything I’ve read about her, it sounds like she is a very busy, involved and dedicated person, but also balanced. I feel like I could learn a lot from watching someone like that in action! I think she makes a great role model.
Plus, I LOVE her wardrobe. I would just like to look into her closet. And maybe help her organize some clothes to donate…? Wink wink. Have you visited the blog Mrs. O? They follow her fashion, and I am always excited to see what she’s wearing.
Your answer doesn’t have to be a political figure. It can be anyone! This is just the first person that popped into my head!
For a few weeks in December, I worked in the same building as Barack Obama. The office I work for was actually in charge of his transition! Of course, I wasn’t one of the lucky people that got to meet him (My mom kept saying to me, “If you run into him, tell him I said hi!” To which I responded, “Mom. You voted Republican.” Her response: “That’s okay! Tell him hello anyway!” Ha.).
Today we were allowed to tour his transition office. I felt kind of dorky going up there, but knew I would regret it if I didn’t.
His office layout is very similar to the layout of the floor I work on. Actually, the only difference is the color of the chairs and columns, and a few different office configurations. It was exciting though, to know which office was Obama’s, his wife’s, Biden’s, Jarrett’s, Emanuel’s, etc.
I’m not sure if this guy is moving in now or what. I think that most of the excitement is in the past now though.

Me at Obama’s old desk

Obama’s conference room

Obama’s private bathroom… built just for him!
Work + Design
Barack Obama, chicago, Joe Biden, Michelle Obama, president, Presidential, Rahm Emanuel, Roland Burris, Tour, Transition Office, Valerie Jarrett, Work + Design