Posts tagged: Memorial Day weekend

The truth about spending long weekends with your family

By , May 27, 2009 12:21 pm

I had such a crappy, “not what I expected” Memorial Day weekend that it’s left me in a fog this week. It’s causing this huge funk that feels like it’s taking forever to shake off.

It’s also reiterated that nothing is ever going to turn out how I expect it. I can’t control people. I can’t stop them from being judgmental and irrational and pushy and ridiculous (the list could go on). ALL I CAN CONTROL IS MYSELF.

I just hate that I turn into a bitch (and more) when someone pisses me off. So I’ll work on that. And I’ll work on avoiding the people that make me feel this way.

This is why we don’t care that we live so far away from our families. Because most of them MAKE US CRAZY after long periods of time.* There, I said it.

*A long period of time being more than a day.

Wouldn’t it be nice…

By , May 26, 2008 11:19 pm

Wouldn’t it be nice if all of our weekends were three-day weekends?

Steven and I had enough time this weekend to cross a lot of things off of our “to-do” list and still go bowling twice, see Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (boo, too much Lucas) watch four new movies at home, take a walk, relax… you get the idea.

We normally have at least one weekend day that is so full of errands and activities that we feel more exhausted than when we get home after working nine hours. And we normally have plans for our three-day weekends. It was nice to take one and just catch up with things around the house and have fun. I wish all of our weekends could be like this.


“Today’s Idiom” is on a break until Steven and I have time to work in our vocab book again!

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