(See previous versions of Data’s World on the “Photos” page – 1, 2, 3 and 4.)
Data’s been a little sh!tbox since we arrive home from Colorado on Monday.
We walked in the door and he didn’t even say hello. Now, I know this is typical for many cats, but not for Data. He is always purry and happy to see us when we get home (i.e. he wants to be fed).
Since then, he’s been running around like he OWNS the house. Like we just happen to be people who stay here from time to time.
Every night, he waits until I am walking away from him, then he runs up behind me and jumps on my bare legs to bite me.
On Friday night, I was laying in the bed taking photos of Steven’s awesome bruises (that’s just how weird I am), when Data jumped up onto the bed, bit my arm, then grabbed the camera cord with his teeth and ran away with it. I had to laugh, but also wondered what his deal was. And of course, this was after he got in trouble for getting into Steven’s closet and knocking everything down off of his shelves.
And as always, he always wants me to be awake. Besides waking me up early in the morning, he tries to wake me up even if I am taking a nap. Yesterday, I was fortunate enough to have the free time to take a nap, but couldn’t enjoy it, because someone (not Steven) was purring and meowing in my ear the whole time.
Conclusion: My neighbors are too nice. They visited Data at least 5 times while we were gone for 4 days. THEY are the ones spoiling him. (Ha ha).
No, really. We always miss Data when we travel and look forward to how sweet he is when we come home (sweet because he misses us so much). But now that people are coming over to take care of him, it’s not such a big deal for him anymore. I am happy our neighbors are generous enough to come over and fed him, play with him, leave us notes about how he was doing.. and leave us cookies too! I just need to understand that he won’t be as sweet when we get home, because he wasn’t as lonely.
And yeah, and probably wouldn’t kill me to play with him a bit more each night so he isn’t runing up after me and attacking me, in his attempt to play.