Posts tagged: Home

A weighty secret

By , January 12, 2010 5:31 am

Thank you for all of your feedback and questions yesterday – I really appreciate it. I am taking many notes to review. Keep the suggestions/questions coming!

I have to share a little secret – I have been weighing myself every single day since October 17th.

And to make it worse? I have been tracking every weigh-in in excel. Oh yes, so I can make fun charts like this:

What does this all mean?

That I am about to get chewed out for weighing myself 7 times a week?

Actually, it means that I have been using the home scale since October 17th and have not stayed overnight anywhere since then.

Well, that is about to change! We’re going to Barbados!

Ha! Not! I wish. No, we are leaving for Iowa soon and will be there 5 nights and 4 whole days.

That is a lot of time away from the scale.

Dun dun dun… what is going to happen?

What usually happens when I visit family (or they visit) is that I lose all abandon and stuff my face silly. But these past few months we’ve had family over a few times, and I have been fine. In fact, in the past few months I have only had four incidences where I felt like I was binge-eating, and they were all at work.

So, I am feeling pretty optimistic that I can forget about that scale for (gasp!) 5 days and see what happens. I think I can have fun and eat reasonably. And I know I can fit exercise in.

But just in case, what are your tips for eating healthy when you are in a situation that normally triggers the opposite?

My tips are to focus on the company, not the food, and to drink lots of water.

Realization: I can’t do it all/have it all

By , December 30, 2009 7:48 am

It seems like I am making a New Year’s Realization instead of a Resolution. Ha, ha… ha?

I keep putting myself on ridiculous schedules because I think it will help me out, when really, it just hinders me.

I have to STOP doing this. I have to.

Today is a perfect example. I am having lunch with a coworker and I also want to get a run in. I obviously can’t do it during lunch time anymore, so it would probably make sense to do it in the evening. No, that makes TOO MUCH SENSE, let’s get up at 4:30 so we can get to the office gym at 6:30 and put 6 miles in before work! Then, you get to run, see your friend for lunch, AND spend quality time with your husband when you get home!

It sounds so perfect when I write it all out, but Steven can tell you which one of these things doesn’t happen. By the time I get home, I am so tired from getting up so early that all I want to do is eat dinner and go to bed. I try to “relax” (how does one do that?) by sitting on the couch watching a movie, but I just feel exhausted.

And I keep doing this… why? It’s like I want to prove to myself that I CAN fit it all in to one day – working out, lunch with a friend, time with Steven, 3 hours commuting and 9.5 hours at work.

I can’t do it all. I can’t have it all. I have to prioritize. I have to be flexible/less rigid with my schedule. Ugh. I just need to learn HOW TO RELAX.

Friends, I have been fighting this for a long time. It’s what causes me to get burnt out and give up. I don’t want that to happen anymore. I am sick of yo-yoing with my weight, and really, with my life.

Do any of you ever feel like you are doing this to yourself? How to you stop/slow down?

Happy Holidays!

By , December 25, 2009 6:01 am

Happy Holidays Everyone!

My family does a holiday photo each year (you can check them all out here). They usually have a funny theme, but this year, we actually took a serious photo to send out.

Anthony, Me, Steven, Mom, Nicholas, Dad, Thomas (baby) Nick, Courtney (SiL) and Christina

Don’t I have a gorgeous family (if I do say so myself)? I am happy we took these*.

The original Ilax clan

I get to spend today** with my other family – Steven’s parents and brother! They snuck in (from Kansas City) just before the ice storm and I am happy to be celebrating the holiday with them in our home this year! We’re so lucky that they were able to come out and share the day with us. It’s so nice to slow down and relax for once.

However you spend the day, I hope it is wonderful! Leave me a comment telling me your favorite part of the day!

*Even though, uh, it was 25 pounds ago
**I will see my family in January

Our holiday gift to one another

By , December 24, 2009 6:14 am

We’ve been searching for art for our dining room for a few years, but we’ve struggled to find anything that suits our tastes. And our dining room looks so sad and plain (I apologize for the nasty photo taken with flash).

We knew we wanted three pieces, and possibly a theme that tied together, but we couldn’t find nature scenes that weren’t cheesy or graphic prints that were “us.”

A few weeks ago, I saw some simple graphic prints in the art shop across my office and fell in love. The problem? One print was about $150 each (with frame), and that was after the 50% off discount! I snapped a photo and sent it to Steven, to show him what I had in mind.

And he suggested we buy canvases and do it ourselves! Yes, I was skeptical*. BUT, we bought the canvases this weekend, and Steven painted them on Sunday! And voila! We now have art! We are counting this as our holiday gift to each other, and I couldn’t be happier to finally have something hanging in our dining room. I think they turned out great! (And guess what? Steven used our house paint to paint them! So the colors definitely tie together!)

Do you have art hanging in your home? How did you choose it? Did it take you a long time to find the “perfect” piece(s)?

*Due to my lack of artistic talent, not his.

How my mother made my day from 250 miles away

By , December 1, 2009 5:26 am

When we were done painting the guest bedroom, we decided not to put the dresser back in there because it takes up too much space. Instead, we put some shelves up where the dresser was, and are temporarily storing the dresser in our room. We now have three dressers in our room that are not being used – and this new one which doesn’t even match the others! Ha ha. Our long term plan is to re-finish the dresser we just brought into our room and its match in the guest bedroom, and get rid of the two in our room now. Anyway.

The Lone Dresser. Data likes to run across the room and jump onto it, then on to the treadmill.

On Saturday night, Steven and I were discussing the design of the dresser, and how it’s silly that it looks like it has small drawers on the top, but it really doesn’t. We started to open the drawers to look at how it is built and…

… we found a drawer full of STUFF!!! Holiday stuff!* Stockings filled with goodies and other treats! My mother must have hid them in there when she visited two weekends ago!**

The loot!

Of course, we went through everything right away. I am not sure when we were supposed to find the stockings, but it was so exciting to find a holiday gifts so early!

My mother is so thoughtful. She is constantly thinking of how other people feel, and how her actions affect other people. I think this is a wonderful characteristic, and wish I knew more people like her.

Do you know anyone who is super caring, thoughtful and considerate? How do they inspire you?

I like to think a bit of this rubbed off on me, because I do seem to be hyper-aware of how other people are feeling, and I try to do thoughtful “out-of-the-blue” things for them. Of course, my budget doesn’t always allow it!

Besides this drawer full of goodies, my mom sends me cards throughout the year, and even surprise gifts! Two Decembers ago, I was telling Steven how I really wanted the game Apples to Apples, and it just appeared on my doorstep the next night – from my mother! She also sent me the book Thrive: The Vegan Nutrition Guide to Optimal Performance in Sports and Life this past October, as a surprise, just because she knew I wanted it (watch for an upcoming review of the book).

And I really shouldn’t leave my dad out – I’m sure he was a part of all that. I know he was in charge of sending me my care packages (scroll down to 2/23 post) when I lived in Rome!

I know some people don’t like surprises, but to me, it always feels good when I know someone went above and beyond because they were thinking about me.

Here’s a better question, how do you plan on being thoughtful this holiday season?

Side Note: Don’t forget to enter my Eating Animals Giveaway!

*Because I am crazy, I thought I had hid all of this stuff in there for a split second.
**Ha ha ha. I didn’t have the opportunity to talk to my mom about this until yesterday. But I tricked her and told her we had Salvation Army come up and pick up all the dressers. Ha ha! She freaked out for a minute. “I thought you were going to keep them!” “You said you were going to paint them!” “You said you were going to get rid of the other one.” I’m SO MEAN. She told me she hid the stockings there when I was running the Friday night they visited. Everyone told her not to hide them there (that we would find them) but she said, “Kim said she doesn’t use her dressers!” I don’t use them – it was completely by chance that we opened them. My poor mom. I ruined her surprise! She was going to call us Christmas morning and tell us to look in the dresser. What a thoughtful idea. She said on the phone “Did Data see them too?!” He did. “No one will be surprised!” But I let her know she made my day!

Friday Question #63

By , April 10, 2009 6:51 am

image:cuddlyAre you cuddly? Do you like to snuggle?

I’m not opposed to it, but I’m not very good at making it happen. I think I’ve become too comfortable in “my” space. My side of the bed, my side of the couch, etc.

Yet another thing I’d like to work on!

Neighbor-less no more

By , February 17, 2009 5:52 pm

I drove home on Thursday night to find the garage to our neighbor’s home open and full of boxes along with a moving truck parked on the street.

We are next door neighbor-less no more.

Steven’s been talking to the real estate agent quite a bit about the townhome next door. The price went down again, and she let us know that she was “pretty sure” she had renters for it. But still no buyer.

I hate to confess, but I kind of felt my stomach turn when I saw the neighbor’s garage door light on. We’ve had bad experiences with all three sets of neighbors that have lived there. It’s selfish to say, but it was nice not having someone living next door. We didn’t have to worry about someone playing their speakers too loud and keeping us up all night, or waking us up because they were screaming bloody murder at each other outside. Oh, and the whole not being afraid to come home thing was nice as well.

The new neighbor was still outside unloading the truck, so I decided to be nice and introduce myself.

Before I had a chance though, he walked by our garage and excitedly asked, “You have a 240Z?!”

“Actually, it’s a 280Z,” I responded.

“Sweet! I have a 510.”

So, I peered into his garage and assumed that the boxy car in there was the 510 he was talking about. We briefly chatted, and I introduced myself then went home, impressed that someone recognized the Datsun and showed interest in it.

Later, we left the house (I shamefully admit it was to pick up a pizza), and Steven noted (with envy?) that the new neighbor has an engine hoist.

When we arrived home, Steven introduced himself. They chatted a bit about their Datsuns. The new neighbor offered his tools and help to Steven. Then I fell in love with the new neighbor and begged him to help Steven get the Datsun running for good.

I like this new neighbor already. If there is one thing I’m not good at (Ha! Just one?), it’s helping Steven work on the Datsun. Sure, I can stand there and take instructions, but other than that, I am USELESS.

And I feel bad. Because Steven explains things to me about the Datsun over and over, and I truly listen, but it just doesn’t sink in. I am going to keep trying, but for now, let me say, I am having higher hopes for this neighbor than I normally would…

Uh… wrong house…

By , January 24, 2009 9:03 am

There are three townhomes in the photo below, and one “residential brokerage”  (aka “for sale”) sign. Which house does the sign look like it is in front of – the one on the left, middle or right?

<image:Our home is not for sale!;

Maybe the photo is a bit too skewed. Here is a more straight-on photo.

<image:Our home is not for sale!;

Guess which house is ours.

And not for sale.

Last Saturday, after opening the shades so Data could sit on my desk and look out the window, I went into the bedroom and said to Steven, “Guess what? Our house is for sale!”

He didn’t find it as amusing as I did until he actually looked out the window, and saw where the sign was (I think he thought I was exaggerating in my description of it). We haven’t had any next-door neighbors for quite some time (hurrah!) and we were wondering if the house was going to go on the market.

He called the number on the sign, and left a polite message inquiring about the price of the home and told them that they put the sign in front of our house by mistake.

He didn’t actually talk to the real estate agent until this Thursday. She told Steven that she has to remove the sign anyway (it is against our townhome association code to put them up) and that the house is going for about 20-25% less than its original cost.

Yikes. I told Steven, “I guess that means we’re stuck here for awhile!”

We aren’t planning on moving anytime SOON, but we definitely aren’t going to move if the market is so bad. I suppose we’ll have to wait it out a few more years…

Let me in!

By , June 30, 2008 5:45 am

I love seeing the inside of someone else’s house for the first time. I like to see what color their walls are painted, if they have any artwork or plants, what their furniture is like, if they have a library… how organized their house is, and so on…

Is this an “architect-thing” or a human curiosity thing? Do you notice anything in particular when you visit someone else’s house for the first time?

Amigos nuevos?

By , June 9, 2008 5:55 am

I had so much fun Saturday night with Kevin and Diane + company (Red Robin + bowling! My two favorite things!) that I actually feel a little sad. I wish I could see them more often.

And I wish… I had more friends out here. Don’t get me wrong! I love spending time with Steven. We were in a long-distance relationship for 4 years, and every moment together feels like a blessing. But sometimes it’s nice to talk (together) to new people too.

We’ve gone out with people we’ve met at work, but you know what that means. As soon as either of us get different jobs, those relationships will likely deteriorate. It’s just the nature of the beast.

I find myself reaching out to new people I meet, and I’m not sure if I am being outgoing in making a new relationship or pathetic.

A few weeks ago, we went bowling early Saturday morning, and there was a person next to us bowling alone. We started talking, exchanged phone numbers, and she invited us to join her bowling league (on a separate team)… so we did a few weeks later.

Also a few weeks ago, we met someone during the townhome association meeting who lives in our neighborhood. On Friday, he was driving by our house with his wife and young daughter and saw me outside (with Data, on his leash). He stopped to say hi, and we ended up visiting for about an hour and a half. We even gave them a tour of our house. (And wow, I have never seen such a well behaved 2.5 year old! This gives me hope!)

I think I am just being friendly, but I have thought so much about how I need to make new friends that I’m worried I am being weird. Well, weird in that aspect! How am I supposed to make new friends outside of work… if work is the only place I ever meet new people?

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28 ‘queries’.