Posts tagged: holiday

My half-conscious, middle of the night thinking

By , September 30, 2009 7:32 am

Data has decided to honor me by sleeping with me the last 4 or 5 nights.

What this really means is that I wake up a few times in the middle of the night because I want to roll over, but I don’t, because he is sleeping so peacefully between my legs/next to me/on my feet. And I would never dream of interrupting his slumber (in the middle of the night)! I mean, he wouldn’t do that to me!

Oh, wait. He does. Every time I try to sleep in past 5:30 a.m.

image: My legs keep Data warm

Data sleeping between my legs. It’s kind of hard to tell, but I am under the covers! Like my cat blanket? HA!

image: My legs keep Data warm

The things we do for our pets. Does anyone else have this half-conscious, “I shouldn’t interrupt the sleeping pet” mentality in the middle of the night?

Ha. On a somewhat related note, Steven and I watched The Cat from Outer Space Monday night on DVD. If you like cats and cheesy old movies (released in 1978*), you have to watch this. I was laughing out loud for much of it, just because it was so ridiculous. It’s definitely going on my holiday wishlist.

image: The Cat from Outer Space

*For some reason, I expect movies that were released after Star Wars (1977) to have similar quality graphics (The Cat from Outer Space, The Last Starfighter, Robocop)… they don’t. And why would they? I guess that just shows how ahead of his time (crazy) Lucas was.

Vegan Chocolate Cake

By , September 7, 2009 7:54 am

Yesterday while I was cutting up our vegetables and fruit (and cleaning the fridge and running to the grocery store),

Fruits and Veggies

Veggies and some fruit for the week.

Steven made a vegan chocolate cake! The same one my grandma made me for my birthday in July.

Kim's 25th Birthday Cake

Nom nom nom nom nom.

My mom got me a mixer for my birthday (can you believe I have been mixing everything by hand until now?!), so we’ve been using that for all of our baking lately.

Vegan Chocolate Cake Batter

The batter.

Batter in a bundt cake pan

Does anyone else ALWAYS think of My Big Fat Greek Wedding whenever they see a bundt cake now?

Baked Vegan Chocolate

I want to eat it now!

Vegan Chocolate Frosting

The frosting… we had a bit extra…

Vegan Chocolate Frosting on a Strawberry

So we had to be creative on how to use it! (There are still two cups in the fridge!)

Finished Vegan Chocolate Cake

The finished product!

This cake is so decadent, dense, moist, rich and PERFECT. When my grandma made it for me for my birthday, I think I ate a fourth of it in one day. I couldn’t get enough. I have never had chocolate cake this good (I don’t even really LIKE chocolate cake that much!!!). Try it if you get the craving for something AWESOME and CHOCOLATE. You can find the recipe here.

A slice of Vegan Chocolate Cake


Happy Labor Day Everyone! We stayed in town this weekend and have been taking it easy. It’s been nice!

(What would this post be without a pic of Data? He was very chill while we were working in the kitchen. He has been enjoying many long walks this weekend, followed by long naps.)

Data is so chill

It seemed like a good idea at the time

By , July 4, 2009 10:55 pm

When we got to the beach today we saw that someone had set up a huge slide at the top of the sand hill, with a pump to run water down it.

image:Huge slide at the beach
There was a huge ramp at the end of it.

image:A huge ramp at the end of the slide
My brother Nick got some major air going down it.

image:My brother Nick going off the ramp
I went down a few times.

image:Kim doing down the slide
It was a lot of fun.

image:Kim doing down the slide
Until I landed on my wrist. I can’t move it too much right now.

image:Kim with hurt wrist

As long as I can run I don’t care. I may have to see a doctor though.

It’s really hard to type with my left hand only.

Editor’s Note: Check out the awesome splint & sling that Steven and my Grandma made me! And here’s a video of my sister’s boyfriend going down the slide.

It feels like it should be Saturday

By , July 6, 2008 10:34 pm

I still have nothing nice to say.

I skipped blogging for a whole week, because every thought entering my head that I deemed “blog-worthy” could also have been labeled “negative,” “whiny,” or “bitter.”

Ugh. I’ve just been feeling so on edge, like I have all this built up tension… over what? I don’t know what.

I really looked forward to the three-day weekend, and the mini-vacation with my family. And I had a great time, but don’t feel relaxed like I thought I would. I still feel jumpy. And anxious. And even… hostile?

This is really something I want to get away from. I just don’t know how.

Friday Question #8

By , December 28, 2007 8:17 am

What gift were you most excited to give someone this holiday season? How did they react when they opened it?

It’s kind of silly for me to ask this, because personally, the only person I have given gifts to so far is Steven. We haven’t seen his family or mine yet.

But, I really love giving gifts, so I wanted to hear all of your stories before it got too late into January and you forgot!

Steven has been talking about a universal remote they sell at his office for months now. He anxiously awaited its December in-store release so he could play with it.

As soon as it came in the store, he gave me rave reviews of how much he liked it, how cool the interface was, blah blah blah. Unfortunately, the thing is a few hundred dollars, and I couldn’t afford to buy it for him.

I told him he wouldn’t be getting it and he didn’t seem too disappointed. He knows I am not rolling in the riches!

But then his brother and parents decided to go in on it with me for his birthday.  So I bought it in secret (which was hard since I bought it where he works!).

We were planning on giving it to him together last Saturday – on his birthday. But our flight never left, and we went back home. On Sunday, his parents told me to go ahead and give it to him. He was so surprised and happy to get it! He spend the whole day programming it. He even brought it to bed with him. Ha ha.

I am happy too – now we don’t have to use 4 separate remotes to watch a movie!

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26 ‘queries’.