What are your Halloween plans this year? Dressing up and going out – what as? Trick-or-treating with the kids – what are they going as? Handing out candy – what kind? Not doing anything?
We are doing the same thing we have the past two years – handing out candy. Well, not candy, but animal crackers! We usually don’t have many kids come to our door; I think it’s because we live in a townhome. Two years ago we had 35 kids visit, and I think last year we had between 20-25.

Two years ago, we handed out little Darth Vader helmets (from inside of that big helmet) that were full of candy.
This year the trick-or-treating in our neighborhood is from 1:00-7:00 pm. Doesn’t that seem like a long-ass time?! When I was a kid, it was from 5:00-7:00, and we were hauling ass going from house to house.* We had so much fun though. We always went to my grandma’s neighborhood, and hit almost every house. Then we immediately went back to her house to sort our candy and make any trades. My grandma really got into Halloween. She always had this scary dummy she put on the bench on her front porch. One year, we arrived, and walked right past it, and it jumped out at us! She had dressed up as they dummy to freak us out. Well, she did. Hmm, that must be where my mom got that. Ha, I’ll have to tell a funny story about that sometime.
Oops, got off tangent. I hope we have more trick-or-treaters since they have a six-hour window to trick-or-treat. Our only other plans this weekend are to paint the guest bathroom. Woo-hoo! Not. I hate to paint. But this was my idea. We have paint, might as well use it!
*I apologize for the use of the word “ass” twice in one sentence.
Dear Aunt Christina,
You are so kind and thoughtful to send a personal gift to my home. You must be a member of my fan club. I apologize if I have not responded to your letters of love and affection in the past. I am very busy and popular and also require 20+ hours of beauty sleep a day.

While I appreciate your gift, I am confused by it. It is not salmon, or even salmon scented.

It does not contain cat nip.

It is not something I can fit in my mouth.

In fact, it makes me look ridiculous. As if the idiots in this household were not already threatening me with this, now I have this contraption to run away from.
I am considering revoking your fan club membership.
Ha ha, thanks Christina. I was just emailing friends this week telling them how much I wanted a cat hat! Ha!
Do you plan on handing out treats to trick-or-treaters for Halloween this year? What kind of treats will you hand out?
Our town is kind of goofy. It seems they always have the trick-or-treating on the Sunday before Halloween, which means it will be this Sunday, October 26th. Seems kind of early.
We handed out candy last year, and it was such a bust. It was almost like we had to do the work to get the trick-or-treaters to come to us. I was disappointed. It was my first year handing out treats in “my own” home.
I haven’t asked Steven if he wants to hand out treats this year, and I am guessing he will say no. But, if we do decide, for some reason, I would like to hand out those little packs of animal crackers. They’re only 60 calories each, and would make a good “snack” for me if we had leftovers!
When I’m feeling low, the most unintentional things pick me up – praise from my boss, a thoughtful email from a friend, a smile or compliment from a stranger…
It doesn’t take more than a second to go from feeling calm to feeling crummy, but just as quickly, the simplest things can turn that crummy mood into a chipper one again.
Happy Halloween!

On a side note, please visit psuedotherapy.com and participate in SJ’s Halloween Meme. It sounds like it will be a lot of fun!