Posts tagged: hair

Friday Question #89

By , November 20, 2009 5:12 am

image:getting readyWhat’s your morning routine? How long does it take you to get ready for work or a day at home?

I am guilty of being lazy and tired in the morning, and my routine time has cut down drastically. I shower at night. I wake up 30 minutes before I have to leave each morning (usually wake up between 4:30 – 5:30 am) – 10 minutes for makeup/hair, 10 minutes for clothes, 10 minutes for packing lunch. Yeah, I don’t always look so… polished. I don’t think I look sloppy, but I don’t look put together! I just DO NOT KNOW what to do with my hair. I know how to use a hair straightener and that’s about it!

I am actually more likely to spend more time getting ready on the weekends because I do not feel rushed and tired.

Friday Question #81

By , September 25, 2009 8:45 am

What reality show/game show do you want to be on?

image:what not to wear

Definitely TLC’s What Not to Wear. Whenever I happen to catch that show, I always wonder what they would make me throw out of my closet. I do hold on to all of my race shirts, but I only wear them for exercise and sleeping in. I try not to wear too many t-shirts. But, my work wardrobe is admittedly plain – nice slacks and a blouse every day.

And I would LOVE to do a shopping spree in NYC! And to get a hair and make-up makeover. I am so lost with my hair… I don’t know how to style it. I am doomed to be a frizzy fluffy head.

Maybe Steven should enter me as a contestant. He keeps asking me to enter him on Overhaulin’

Crazy 8’s Meme

By , April 29, 2009 6:43 am

Look! Another meme! I’ve seen this one going around the internet A LOT lately, and I finally got tagged for it… by Bethany!

I have to be honest. I usually skim memes. Or just mark them as read. So if you do the same for me, I understand.

Although, this one was interesting to fill out, because I really had to think hard about what to put on these lists! And I am sure as the day goes on, I will think of even more things to add.

8 Things I am looking forward to:

  1. The Kenosha Half Marathon this Saturday!
  2. Seeing my parents this weekend.
  3. Going to SELF’s Workout in the Park with Diane on 5/16.
  4. Spending time on the Mississippi River this summer.
  5. Going to Disney World in January.
  6. Doing the 30 Day Shred for 30 consecutive days (starting 5/1) and getting shredded!
  7. Trying a vegan diet.
  8. Seeing X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Star Trek, Angels & Demons, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, Terminator Salvation this summer.

8 Things I did yesterday:

  1. Got caught up at work!!!
  2. Blogged. Read blogs. Added new blogs to my reader. Felt guilty for being addicted to blogging.
  3. Talked to my coworker about doing a sprint triathlon.
  4. Listened to Jillian Michaels’s podcast.
  5. Ran 4 miles with Steven.
  6. Ate homemade Mexican Food for dinner.
  7. Got sick and spent a lot of time on the toilet.
  8. Started watching Lady in the Water and wondered, “Is this lame movie going anywhere?!?!”

8 Things I wish I could will do*:

  1. Run a marathon in 2009.
  2. Finish logging in my IDP** credits.
  3. Learn how to style my hair.
  4. Work harder at communication with Steven.
  5. Experiment more in the kitchen.
  6. Try yoga. Try slowing down.
  7. Maintain my weight loss.
  8. Get more sleep!

8 Shows I watch:

  1. I don’t watch television, but I do own all 6 seasons of Sex and the City.

Play along if you want!

*Modified that one a bit!
**It’s an architecture thing.

Homemade oatmeal* bars and Silk Spectre II’s hair

By , March 8, 2009 8:32 am

Since I’ve been dwelling so much on how much sugar is in all the granola and protein bars I eat, Steven and I decided to make some of our own.

The base has whole wheat flour, wheat germ, oatmeal, eggs, honey, apple butter and vanilla.  We split the base so I could add fruit to one half and Steven could add almonds and fruit to his. After you mix it all up, you put it into a pan and bake it in the oven.

image: Prunes and Apricots

I started by adding dried prunes and apricots to mine…

image: Cranberries

…then decided it need some red, so I threw in some cranberries.

image: Our bars together

Steven’s bars are the thick ones on the left, mine are on the right.

image: Kim's Fruity Bars

The “Fruity” bars have about 115 calories per bar.

image: Steven's Nutty Bars

The “Nutty” bars have about 180 calories** per bar.

The bars have a “healthy” taste to them. They are soft, but a bit chewy. I like that they aren’t very complicated, and were super easy to make. I think I am going to wrap them up in plastic wrap to eat throughout the week.

I keep feeling like I should apologize for dwelling so much on exercise, health, nutrition/food, and body image. But, writing about those things is kind of like therapy for me. It gets redundant, I know. Thanks for sticking around.

*I was going to call them “granola bars,” but they don’t actually have any granola in them. Oatmeal bar sounds like a dessert!

**These bars were higher in calories because we made them thicker and cut them larger.

Side Note: Did anyone else see Watchmen this weekend? Did anyone else wonder how, during the fight scene in the jail, Silk Spectre II could possibly keep her hair out of her face while fighting?

image: Silk Spectre II

Hidden Desire

By , January 29, 2009 6:06 am

Every morning, Data likes to sit on the back of the toilet in the bathroom and watch Steven blow dry his hair. He’s not looking at Steven, he’s looking at the blow dryer.

This morning, I had to get up earlier than Steven, and Data sat near the sink the whole time, watching me using the hair straightener.

<image:Data loves to sit on the bathroom counter and learn how to style hair;

I think he has a hidden desire to become a hair stylist! Data – my advice is to keep watching Steven. He knows what he’s doing. I do not.

<image:Data loves to sit on the bathroom counter and learn how to style hair;

Steven and I use the same hairstylist. When she was on maternity leave for 3 months, Steven and I didn’t get our hair cut for 3 months. When she came back, and we went in for an appointment together, she only needed to trim Steven’s hair! She didn’t even charge him for a cut! She raved about how soft and nice his hair was.

Then she got to me.

And cut off about 3 inches. And asked Steven to teach me how to blow dry my hair instead of use the straightener. Apparently the straightener is not supposed to be used every day? I obviously didn’t learn my lesson, but I have cut back quite a bit. I’ll see if she notices when I go in for (hopefully just) a trim on Friday.

Oops, I’ve become a bit sidetracked. I wanted to say, I do realize the only reason Data pays attention to what either of us are doing in the morning is because he hopes to catch our attention and be fed early. But I still appreciate having him there, keeping me company as I get ready at 4:30 in the morning.

That is, until I move on to makeup and he starts attacking the brushes and mascara wand!

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