Posts tagged: Friday Questions

Friday Question #65

By , May 8, 2009 5:36 am

What is your response in classes/seminars when you are asked to tell “three interesting things about yourself” during introductions?

I was surprised on Monday morning when our instructor asked us to reveal “three interesting things abut ourselves” to our table-mates, then later to the class. I couldn’t remember the last time an instructor asked me to do that. Sure, tell where you are from, what your degree is, blah blah blah, I’ve done all that, but three interesting facts?

The first three things that came to my mind were:

  1. I am vegetarian
  2. I am a runner
  3. I write a blog

I think those are some of the more interesting facts about me. Or at least, somewhat unique facts about me.

But what I said was:

  1. I am a runner
  2. I like to travel
  3. I like to read

Lame-o, cop-out responses! I didn’t want anyone asking me about why I am a vegetarian, and I didn’t want anyone asking me what a blog is, what I blog about, or what my blog address is, so… I was totally vague*.

Which turned out to be a good thing, because I did get a lot of questions, at least at my table, about my running. Which makes me think they would have asked about the other two things. Which means they are polite people, but… I just don’t like talking about my vegetarianism to people. I am so tired of hearing the same questions over and over, and the same excuses for why they eat meat, or why they couldn’t give up meat. It’s rude for me to say this, but I don’t care. Some people automatically assume they have to justify their diet to me, when I really DON’T CARE. Why people are so interested in what I eat continues to fathom me.

Hmm. Wasn’t expecting all of that to come out. Sorry.

So I guess my real question is: If you had to share “three interesting things” about yourself, would you share the first three that come to your mind, or think about it for awhile and maybe come up with something else? What would those three (or up to six) things be?

Yeah. And just ignore all the crazy writing above.

*I think the fact that I did this says something about my personality… but I am not sure what. I am usually very open, but maybe there are just certain things I am guarded about? Who knows. I’m tired.

Friday Question #61

By , March 27, 2009 8:10 am

image:Brown Paper BagDo you “brown-bag” your lunch or a lunch for your kids/family members? How often?

A little blurb in the April issue of Marie Claire made me think about this. They had a little chart that compared the cost of making a sandwich at home, to buying one at Subway. They concluded that the cost was so close ($5.01 vs. $5.59), it might not even be worth the effort to make the sandwich at home.


I bring my lunch to work every day of the week, unless I have a planned lunch date. I usually only have one lunch date a week (with my favorite lunch buddy, diane), but this week, I had THREE lunch dates – one every single day I was at work!

It’s expensive to eat out downtown every day. But some people do. I know people at my old office who did. And I am sure there are people at my new office who do as well. I’d rather have it be a treat, then do it every day. Three days in a row was too much this week.

Friday Question #48

By , November 28, 2008 10:25 am

<image:couponsDo you use coupons?

A few weeks ago on the train, I saw a woman spend an hour organizing coupons into a little plastic box. She had all these ads out, as well as her scissors, and was cutting and filing away. I was intimidated by the amount of coupons she had – it must have been hundreds!

I don’t go out of my way to obtain coupons. If one comes in the mail that I think I’ll use, I hold on to it. I look through the Sunday coupons to see if there are any for products we already use, and I save those. But that’s about it.

But I know there are whole websites and clubs devoted to using coupons to maximize savings. I know for some it is a hobby! Are any of you in that group?

Friday Question #38

By , September 19, 2008 5:47 am

Are you a creature of habit, food wise? Do you eat the same thing everyday? Are there any foods/drinks, you feel like you have to consume on a daily basis? Or… do you like some variety?

Since I am on the “healthy lifestyle” quest, I am very conscious of what I consume everyday. I generally eat a rotation of the same food groups each day – vegetables, whole grains, fruit, (soy) protein – but I try to eat a different variety within that group each day so that I don’t get bored with it.

I have to have carbohydrates everyday though – I could never give them up. I like to “graze” – eating small snacks throughout the day, rather than typical “meals,” to keep my metabolism up. I finish with a medium-sized dinner. I don’t feel like there is one food I must have on a daily basis though, except warm oatmeal at work for breakfast. It makes starting the work day so much more pleasant for me.

You know, I really hate being this conscious of food, and what I am eating all the time. It makes dining out a TOTAL headache. BUT – I am trying to enjoy life and enjoy food. I am trying not to feel guilty if I eat something that is a lot higher in calories than I normally would. And I am hoping that this will all become more natural with time. I mean, it has to!

Friday Question #37

By , September 12, 2008 6:04 am

What do you love/hate about fall?

Although it is not “officially” fall (or autumn, as I like to refer to it), it sure as hell feels like it, with these cool temperatures.

And that is what I love about fall – the cooler temperatures. It’s perfect for wearing a light jacket on a walk outside. The temperature is also perfect for running without a jacket on. It’s just a comfortable temperature all around. I don’t get sweaty walking to work or to the train.

Unfortunately, that comfortable temperature only lasts a certain amount of time!

The only thing I hate is the idea that summer is ending, and summer-fun along with it. But it’s my goal to start having “summer-fun” all year round. There’s no reason I have to lock myself in the house all fall/winter/spring! I can still get out and do things!

Friday Question #33

By , July 25, 2008 5:59 am

Which magazines, if any, do you subscribe to at home? Do you have time to read them? Do you throw them away when you are done reading them?

I subscribed to a lot of magazines when I was in college – Glamour, Marie Clare, Fitness, Women’s Health – because I actually had time to read them. I’ve since added Architectural Record, Motor Trend, and (am trying to subscribe to) Entertainment Weekly.

I used to devour a magazine in one sitting, because I was eager to read something new. Now I barely find time to read anything at all – except for the newspaper, on the train. I usually (over the month) read most of Glamour and Marie Clare, but only parts of Fitness and Women’s Health – and that is if I’m feeling healthy. I skim the others.

I save them for about a year (in magazine holders on my shelf), then recycle them. Except Architectural Record. I hold on to that one for some reason.

This makes me wonder… why do I subscribe to so many? I suppose I miss them, when I don’t have them. I think I am going to drop my Fitness subscription though. It never has anything new, and I like Women’s Health much better!

Friday Question #32

By , July 11, 2008 12:14 pm

If you had to wear only one pin everyday for the rest of your life, what would be on it/what would it say?

Using the “flair” application on Facebook made me think of this. It seems like the flair can actually be used to say a lot about yourself!

<image: Kim's facebook flair>

Kim’s Facebook flair

<image: I love animls pin>

But what if you had to limit it to only one pin? I think mine would have something to do with my love and compassion for animals. Maybe this “I Love Animals” Pin? I think that says a lot about me, or at least gives people an idea of whether or not they’d like me!

Friday Question #25

By , May 16, 2008 5:35 am

If you could be the spokesperson for any product on the market, which product would you choose to enthusiastically represent?

Boca’s Meatless Chik’n Patties.

I don’t know why, but this is the one boca food I never get sick of, and actually crave. You fry one of these patties in a pan for 12 minutes (flipping occasionally), then throw it on a bun, with a bit of mayo, some big pickles and lettuce… heavenly… drool.

(The Morningstar Corn Dogs are runner up. Oh gosh, those are so good – when you make them in the oven. The interesting thing about these soy products is that they always test better in the pan or oven, almost never the microwave. Oh, and I can’t forget the Morningstar Black Bean Burger – yummy! Alright, that’s enough of that!)

Friday Question #12

By , January 25, 2008 5:47 am

If you could add one month to the year, between two existing months, where would you add the extra 30 days and what would you call the month? (Assume the weather for the new month would be a mix of the of the weather typical for the month preceding it and following it.)

Blubuary – the new month between November and December. Not only would you have more time to complete holiday gift shopping, you have a whole extra month to eat all those holiday sweats and treats!

Honestly, I get sick of all those cookies after a few weeks, but it would be nice to spread out Thanksgiving and Christmas and not feel so rushed and busy for two months! The winter holidays give me a happy high, then it immediately drops off in January… I wouldn’t mind the chilly weather of another month if it meant I was more relaxed!

Friday Question #8

By , December 28, 2007 8:17 am

What gift were you most excited to give someone this holiday season? How did they react when they opened it?

It’s kind of silly for me to ask this, because personally, the only person I have given gifts to so far is Steven. We haven’t seen his family or mine yet.

But, I really love giving gifts, so I wanted to hear all of your stories before it got too late into January and you forgot!

Steven has been talking about a universal remote they sell at his office for months now. He anxiously awaited its December in-store release so he could play with it.

As soon as it came in the store, he gave me rave reviews of how much he liked it, how cool the interface was, blah blah blah. Unfortunately, the thing is a few hundred dollars, and I couldn’t afford to buy it for him.

I told him he wouldn’t be getting it and he didn’t seem too disappointed. He knows I am not rolling in the riches!

But then his brother and parents decided to go in on it with me for his birthday.  So I bought it in secret (which was hard since I bought it where he works!).

We were planning on giving it to him together last Saturday – on his birthday. But our flight never left, and we went back home. On Sunday, his parents told me to go ahead and give it to him. He was so surprised and happy to get it! He spend the whole day programming it. He even brought it to bed with him. Ha ha.

I am happy too – now we don’t have to use 4 separate remotes to watch a movie!

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26 ‘queries’.