Posts tagged: fortune-telling

Ups and Downs in the Economy

By , March 2, 2009 5:45 am

image:arrowsI’m not an economist, but I’ve been making my own internal speculations about products and services that may be affected by the current economy. I figured activities like library visits, grocery store shopping and working out from home would be up, and eating out, going to the movies and getting haircuts would be down.

The Sun-Times featured an interesting article yesterday on the same topic (click here for a visual version of the article). Their lists of “ups” and “downs” reinforced some of my assumptions, but shattered one of them (okay, and some of the things on their list are just silly).


  1. Seed Sales
  2. SPAM Sales
  3. McDonald’s Sales
  4. Book (American History, Romance, Science Fiction and Fantasy) Sales
  5. Library Book Borrowing
  6. Wine Sales
  7. Movie Attendance


  1. Frozen Meals for Seniors
  2. Shark Attacks (???)
  3. Stocks
  4. Fortune-Telling
  5. Cigarette Sales
  6. Plastic Surgery
  7. Hotel Occupancy

What do you think of the list? Have you been making any speculations of your own?

(I hope this post doesn’t offend anyone or make anyone think I am not taking this very seriously. I just found the article interesting and wanted to share it.)

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