Posts tagged: Famous

One of the cool things about working in Chicago is…

By , November 14, 2008 1:12 pm

… that you sometimes run into famous people during your lunch break.

Today I ran into Tony Hawk.

I was walking and he was just standing on the sidewalk by the curb, alone. I slowed down because I thought he looked famous. I remembered that his first name was Tony.

People were walking by him saying, “Hey man! What’s up?” and stopping to take their photos together with their camera phones. It made me laugh – it seemed only the skater-looking people were stopping (I know, stereotype).

I called my mom and she actually remembered his last name! Points for mom for knowing some pop culture!

I am taking me being excited about this is a sign that I am not as jaded as I though. Ha!

(But this is still not as cool as my friend who works in the Rookery and was there when Christian Bale was filming The Dark Knight)

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