Posts tagged: electrolytes

13.1 numero uno: Wisconsin Half Marathon

By , May 2, 2009 1:53 pm

Today was the big day… Steven and I ran the Wisconsin Half Marathon! I am still waiting to get our official time. I think it was 1:57:45 or something like that. Update: Official time is 1:57:47.

It was a beautiful, perfect day for a half marathon! Clear blue skies, weather starting in the low 40s and moving into the mid 50s – we couldn’t have asked for better weather!

image:Kenosha Scenery

The beautiful scenery! We got to run along Lake Michigan for much of the race!

image: Steven and Kim before the Wisconsin Half Marathon

The calm before the storm (Check out all those tissues! I didn’t use one!). I am happy I wore green – it was very easy for people to find me!

image: Beginning of the Half Marathon

In the beginning, we looped right past the start and I yelled to my dad (as a joke), “I’m tired!” He yelled back, “Quit your whining!” Ha ha. (Click to enlarge – see me waving in the green?)

The race went really well. I felt great most of the time, despite spending half of it feeling like I had to go poo. I finally succumbed and went at mile 10. Talk about a load off! It took me a full mile and a half to catch up with Steven, which was kind of a bummer since it was so close to the end of the race and I wanted to run with him.

image: Steven runng alone

Ever wonder what Steven is thinking when he has to run alone?

image: Kim running by herself

I had just handed my hydration belt off to my mom before this photo – I am so happy my parents were there!

The Jelly Bellies worked really well for me! I ate 25 of them around mile 6 and they tasted great and maybe gave me a little boost? I am not sure. I would definitely use something with electrolytes in it for a full, but they worked fine for me for this half.

Steven got really dehydrated in the last couple of miles, and I felt so awful there was nothing I could do for him. We still finished strong, together!

image: Crossing the finish line!

Crossing the finish line!

image: Kim running by herself

Still nipping out after 13.1 miles! Check out the cheese medal!

image: Kim and Mom

My mom made this fun sign for us. When she got here last night I asked if she made me a sign. She said, “I didn’t know people did that!” So I happily supplied her with paper and markers. Yeah. I’m kind of lame.

image:Kim and her parents

Me and los padres (doesn’t that background look like something bobbiandmike would like?).

My legs immediately felt sore and tired after the race. I quickly changed out of my race clothes and into my “frump” outfit to walk back to the finish line to watch other runners and check out the booths. And dance on the rocks.

image:Polka time!

They were planning polka music at the finish line so my mom and I had to do some dancing.

We saw my coworker finish her half, and well as Susan BOSTON QUALIFY! You rock Susan! I am so impressed!

image:Go Susan Go!

Go Susan Go!

This race left me totally pumped. I was really energetic throughout it, talking to the spectators, making jokes… I definitely see a full marathon in my future!

Sports Beans vs. Regular Jelly Belly Jelly Beans – What’s the difference?

By , April 26, 2009 7:29 am

I used my last pack of Berry Blue Sports Beans during my 12 mile run on Friday. I later drove to Sports Authority to buy a few more packs for next Saturday’s race, and… they were out. I actually said “shit!” when the sales clerk told me.

Since we’ve decided we like them so much, we looked into buying a case of them online (we’ll be using a lot once we start training for a full marathon!) yesterday morning. Then, we actually compared the nutritional label for Sports Beans versus regular Jelly Belly Jelly Beans and found out the differences are some added vitamins, potassium and sodium (electrolytes)  in the Sports Beans, and less calories in the Jelly Belly Jelly Beans. That’s it.

We basically just need them for the sugar/energy during endurance runs (I mean really, do you actually expect to get vitamins from candy?), so we decided to just buy regular Jelly Belly Jelly Beans for awhile and see how those work out. We’ll get to eat more. Ha!

Our Target has a HUGE Jelly Belly selection. So it was fun to pick and chose!

image: The Jelly Belly Aisle

There are actually more jelly beans not shown in the photo!

I decided to try one of the Cold Stone Birthday Cake Remix Jelly Beans, because they made me think of my sister. They were okay, but I know I wouldn’t like that taste in my mouth during a run!

image: Coldstone Birthday Cake Remix Jelly Beans

I chose (starting on the right): berry blue, kiwi, and watermelon*. Steven made two mixes: lemon drop with lemon lime, and orange juice with tangerine and orange crush. I put the Sports Beans in the picture below for comparison.

image: Jelly Beans we chose

I am not sure what those last things are on the left? They don’t look like Jelly Beans.

When we went through the checkout, I started chatting with the cashier about Sports Beans, and how we were buying these instead, and blah blah blah. She said  (something like), “It looks like you got a lot of healthy food, so it’s no big deal you are getting these!” Then I explained to her that we actually eat this while running. She was nice to me, but I think she thought I was crazy. And Steven probably did too. But you know what? I try to talk to the cashier, to be polite. Even if I don’t make sense (that’s often). What’s the point of acting like they aren’t there?

If we end up liking using these, it will be a huge cost savings. Sports Beans cost $1.00+ for a 1 oz. pack. Jelly Belly Jelly Beans cost $7.49 a lb. That is a saving of .53¢ an ounce!

So… we’ll see how it goes! Has anyone else tried doing this? Probably. It’s not that novel of an idea.

Kenosha Half Marathon Weather Watch Day 4:

image: Kenosha weather Day 4

Steven asked if looking at the weather every day was making me feel worried. Actually, it’s not. I am just looking at it for humorous purposes. It is what it is on race day!

*What’s funny is, these can sit in our pantry forever, and I won’t touch them unless I am running. I’m not that into jelly beans! But that peanut butter… oh, no.

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