Posts tagged: dream

Random Wednesday: Office Biggest Loser, Weigh-ins, Evil Cookies, Thanks, and that Bruise

By , March 4, 2009 5:16 am

It looks like I am having another random Wednesday. Maybe I should copy Kevin and start doing “Snippet Wednesdays” if this turns into a habit – I just don’t know if I can promise snippets though!

My Office’s Biggest Loser Challenge Update: Week 6

It’s week 6 of the Biggest Loser Challenge, and I’ve lost 6.56% of my starting weight. I’ve been taking it nice and slow. So even though I am trying to lose weight, I don’t feel like I am living the lifestyle of someone who is trying to lose weight. Does that make any sense? What I am saying is, I DON’T feel like I am on a diet!

Weigh-ins Don’t Work for Everyone

Every Tuesday, the Sun-Times has a Q&A column by Mehmet Oz, M.D. and Michael Roizen, M.D. Apparently we are supposed to be impressed because the first guy is associated with Oprah, and the second guy worked at a prestigious hospital.

Anyway. Today’s first question was about programs that require weekly weigh-ins, and whether they are more successful than programs that don’t.

I found their response interesting – basically, you get out of it what you put into it. If a weekly weigh-in causes you to rethink your efforts and put new vigor into your eating and exercise, that’s good. If a weekly weigh-in causes you to “drown your disappointment in a pint of dark-chocolate ice cream,” that’s bad.

Overall, they said you should be measuring inches, not pounds. I wish I would have measured myself before I started my Office’s Biggest Loser Challenge!

Do you think weekly, private, weigh-ins would work for you?

MyPlate Doesn’t Work for Me

One week on my Office’s Biggest Loser Challenge, I decided I was frustrated (because of a very small gain!) and I signed up for the food diary site, MyPlate. I used it for three days. That was enough. I ate very well those three days, but the headache and constant stress of thinking about food was too much for me. I know that so many people recommend keeping a food diary, but I just can’t do it. It makes me want to rebel.

It was a silly three days, but it helped me get to the point of realizing that my body weight naturally fluctuates and it’s not a big deal.

The Sweet Portion of Lent and Guilt-Ridden Dreams

The Girl Scout Cookies have landed. And they’re everywhere in my office. Let me repeat: I feel relieved to walk by these and not feel tempted by them. Because. They. Are. Everywhere. I. Turn.

My first week of not eating sugary treats went very well. I shared a blueberry muffin with Steven on Sunday and that was it. I think I could have gone the whole day without that muffin, but I could tell he really wanted it.

On Monday night, I had a nightmare that I was gorging on sweets. This tells me I must be serious about it. Sometimes, I have nightmares that I am eating meat and feel very guilty in the dream. Steven has these dreams too. Maybe all vegetarians do? I’ve never craved meat the 8 years I’ve been a vegetarian, but I will have this dream every once in awhile. Well, the sugar dream made me feel the same way – guilty.

I wonder if my sister Christina, who is also a used to be a vegetarian, has had those dreams. Christina, if you are reading this, I also had a dream Monday night that you and Steven and I were at Grandma’s Pete’s old house with the whole fam. The three of us were upset because they were making huge egg mcmuffins, but wouldn’t make them without canadian bacon on them for us. Aunt Linda was making them (of course…). I took one from her and threw a egg on the ceiling and it stuck. I thought dad was going to yell at me, but he laughed. Then we got mad and left!

Thanks Tori!

Tori, thank you for sending me the awesome Thyroid Cancer Awareness wristband. I am going to wear it and tell everyone who asks about it your story and how awesome you are!

(P.S. Data is jealous)

image:Data with wristband

That Nasty Bruise

Thought you’d go a whole week without a fencing post? HA! Not so fast! I was sad not to have fencing class Monday night. Although, it may have hurt if someone hit me in my bruised spot.

The first week of the bruise I thought it was cool. Now I just want it to go away so I can wear a short sleeved shirt and not have to explain to people that I am taking a fencing class (although, it is a good conversation starter!).

image:My nasty fencing bruise

Bonus (if you made it this far!)

Has anyone else seen the Terminator Salvation trailer (at bottom of link)? SWEET! Can’t wait for May 21st! I love your potty-mouth Christian Bale!


By , February 12, 2008 6:12 am

Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night from a dream so frightening and realistic that you can’t fall back asleep?

I usually don’t. I usually only remember the dreams I have during my one-hour nap on the train to work in the morning. But last night I went to bed just a little bit early and woke up around 3:30 from the most awful and realistic dream of my life.

In my dream, it was about 3:00 in the morning, and I woke up because I heard Data getting into something in the kitchen downstairs. I walked to the top of the stair bainster, peered into the kitchen and said “Data, what are you doing?”

But Data wasn’t in the kitchen alone. The light was on, and he was in there with some man, who was rummaging through our stuff. He saw me, and I ran back into my bedroom. I tried to call 911 but my phone wouldn’t connect. I ran to open the window and jump out but there were more men outside. Then the man came into the room with one of our fancy wüsthof knives from the kitchen.

It’s kind of humorous that I was dreaming about our wüsthof knives, because there is an ongoing joke between me and Steven, about how much he is in love with them. But it’s not funny when someone comes after you with one in a dream.

So in the dream, I had a knife too (I am not sure how, I don’t keep knives in my bedroom). Mine was more of a butcher’s knife, and his was some fancy curved knife. I struggled with the man and yelled at Steven to get out of bed and take the knife from the man. Miraculously, he was able to take it a way, and I pushed the man onto the floor and did that neck twist you see in all the movies that makes someone pass out. The whole time, I was frantically calling for Data, because I was worried the man had hurt him. Steven and I continued to try to call 911 but we couldn’t get through. Then I woke up.

The dream was so awful because it was in my house, and it was a culmination of all the fears I have rolled into one – house getting robbed, being threatened with death, someone hurting my cat, having to jump out of the window, using one of our precious wüsthof knives to shed blood, etc.

I knew I shouldn’t have watched any of The Punisher last night before going to bed.

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