What are your tips for reducing spending?
Two Mondays ago, I mentioned that we cut back on spending in 2009, and Chez Julie asked me to share some of my tips. What a great idea!
I have a lot of tips and I bet commenters will too – so don’t feel bad if you can’t read them all – PLEASE SHARE your ideas!
I broke my tips into three categories: Shopping, Entertainment and General. Click “more” to read (skim, really) on.
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Friday Questions
ALDI, bowling, buck, bulk, cents, cheap, Coupons, cutting back, dinner, dollars, economical, family, forest preserves, friends, groceries, lunch, luxuries, Money, movies, Netflix, off brand, Pay-Per-View, reducing spending, save money, saving money, stock up, Target, thrifty
Which stores send you weekly (and sometimes daily) ad and coupon emails? Please let me know who is sending out great deals that I am missing out on!
I get emails from New York & Company, Victoria’s Secret, Bath & Body Works, Borders, Barnes & Noble, and White House | Black Market (WHBM).
Damn WHBM and their marketing campaign. For the last two Thursdays they have sent me pictures of women modeling their dresses, while holding a cat. Apparently, all it takes to pique my interest in a product is a picture of a cat,* because I have visited their site after both emails. Is it more sad that I am admitting this, or that I am hoping one of you can relate (it doesn’t have to be a cat – anything cute and cuddly!)?

*Especially a GRAY cat!!!
Fashion + Beauty
animals, Barnes & Noble, Bath and Body Works, Borders, Cat, clothing, Coupons, dresses, marketing, New York & Company, pathetic, shopping, Victoria's Secret, White House Black Market
Do you use coupons?
A few weeks ago on the train, I saw a woman spend an hour organizing coupons into a little plastic box. She had all these ads out, as well as her scissors, and was cutting and filing away. I was intimidated by the amount of coupons she had – it must have been hundreds!
I don’t go out of my way to obtain coupons. If one comes in the mail that I think I’ll use, I hold on to it. I look through the Sunday coupons to see if there are any for products we already use, and I save those. But that’s about it.
But I know there are whole websites and clubs devoted to using coupons to maximize savings. I know for some it is a hobby! Are any of you in that group?