What kind of pillow do you like to use? How often do you get a new pillow? Do you bring a pillow when you travel?
Another strange question, right? Well, this came to mind because I have two people in my family who are very peculiar about pillows (hello Mom and Steven), but I will let them tell their own story.
I like soft pillows, but not so soft that your head sinks right through them to the mattress. I have been using this cheap-o memory foam contour pillow from Target for about four years now. I like to put a flat pillow underneath it, then let the front of the contour pillow slide off a little bit. The only time I’ve replaced it is when I came back from Rome, because it got stinky.
Data really likes this pillow too. If I leave him alone in the bedroom, I will come back to find lots of tiny teeth marks in it, and in my pillowcase. Thanks Data!
I always bring a pillow with me when I travel, unless I am going on an airplane (too inconvenient) or to my Aunt Sue’s house (because I really like her pillows).
I hate how I can feel my inner thighs rubbing together* when I wear a skirt. But… I love how breezy it is on hot summer days. Comfort (temperature) wins!
Yesterday was my second quarterly panel report, so I wore a skirt/suit outfit. Then there was a discussion within my team about the merits of wearing a skirt. Some people actually have very strong opinions about wearing or not wearing a skirt. I was kind of surprised. But kind of not. Because some people just like to present their opinions in that strong manner.
Anyway, I have a big box in my closet full of skirts. I got it down this morning and pulled out one of my favorites – this brown/black/orange/white floral print from H&M.

I’ve had this skirt a couple of years, but I just can’t find the right top to wear with it.
With the heat we’ve been having, I’ll probably be wearing skirts more often this summer than I normally would. I just hope I don’t get too much flak about it. Because people generally don’t like to be teased about what they are wearing. Or really, even have it noticed, unless it’s to give a compliment.
*Will they ever NOT rub together…?
Fashion + Beauty, Work + Design
Clothes, comfort, dressing up, Fashion + Beauty, Heat, inner thighs, report, rubbing, second quarterly panel report, skirt, tease, Work + Design
Are you cuddly? Do you like to snuggle?
I’m not opposed to it, but I’m not very good at making it happen. I think I’ve become too comfortable in “my” space. My side of the bed, my side of the couch, etc.
Yet another thing I’d like to work on!
Friday Questions
bed, Children, comfort, couch, cuddly, family, Home, hug, husband, sex, sexlife, snuggle, spouse, stuffed animal, wife
This article in the paper got me thinking – basically, it says retailers are more likely to listen to customer’s requests for clothing design now, because of the declining economy. Retailers are working hard NOT to turn off any potential customer. And apparently, those customers are requesting… more coverage?
People are asking for “…a decent supply of sleeved shirts or prom dresses that show more fabric than skin.”
“People want to be more comfortable and more covered.”
Hmm, I guess I’ll buy that. I don’t want to see my coworkers walking around in a Britney Spears-esque outfit flashing their reproductive organs, and I HAVE seen my fair share of slutty prom dresses! But I can appreciate some muscular legs, a nice neckline or bare arms (apparently, a lot of people are appreciating Michelle Obama’s!) when displayed appropriately.
What would you ask for if the retailers would listen?
I would ask for pants that are the right size at my hips, but not too tight in the butt. And button-down tops that don’t gap because of my (once, *sniff sniff*) mammoth sized breasts. Oh yeah, and how about some longer tops? Thankfully, they’ve picked up on that last one, but the others…?