Has anyone else seen Knowing?
Steven and I saw a preview for this when we went to see Taken. I turned over to him and said “That looks really good, but… Nicolas Cage is in it…” I had kind of written off Nicolas Cage movies as “immediately in the Netflix Queue” movies. As in, “not worth seeing in theater!”
But Ebert gave it 4 stars (like that means anything, I know), we love “the world’s coming to an end” movies, and had a free movie ticket*, so we decided to go.
Wow. I was completely shocked by this movie. We all know from the previews that the movie is about a sheet of paper with a bunch of numbers all over it. Nicolas Cage gets a hold of the paper and figures out the numbers correspond to dates of horrific events and the number of deaths. Pretty freaky already, right?
Well, I don’t want to give it away, but the movie is a little bit more complicated than that. It took on a much more different angle than I expected it to based on the preview. And it seriously creeped me out. As in, I was grabbing Steven’s arm in the theater, and will probably have nightmares.
I wish I could say more, but I don’t want to spoil it. If you were thinking about seeing it in the theater, I think it is worth it.
*We are signed up for the free rewards program at our theater, and they keep giving us free drinks, and popcorn and tickets! They gave us another ticket tonight! Sweet!!!
Would you rather see a movie in the theater on opening weekend when there are big crowds, or wait and go after it’s been out awhile and the theater is more empty? Or, would you rather wait for it to release on DVD and watch it in your home?
I get really excited about some movies, and feel like I have to see them the weekend they come out – The Dark Knight, Iron Man, the Star Wars movies, and last weekend, Watchmen. It’s kind of fun to sit in the crowded theater, with a bunch of people, watching a movie. There is a different vibe then when the theater is empty.
Steven and I saw Taken a few weeks after it came out. We saw it on a Friday night. BIG MISTAKE. I think every mom in our neighborhood was dropping off 4 or 5 teenagers at the theater. Ugh, they were everywhere. The actual theater we sat in was fairly empty, but two teenage girls texted and gossiped throughout the entire duration of the previews. I don’t know who was more pissed off, me or the guy in front of me, who looked like he was going to get up a few times to go smack them. I warned Steven I might do the same.
Oops. That story was kind of unrelated. Anyway, I really enjoy the “full house” theater for some movies, but not all. And if I go opening weekend, I have to get there early to get the seat I want*. When we went to see The Dark Knight we had to sit in front… HUGE bummer.
*And I have to see the trailers! That is one of my favorite parts of seeing a movie – adding new movies to my “to see” list.
Whenever I write a seemingly personal post, like yesterday’s, I feel like I should follow up with something more generic. Something true, but something that doesn’t make me feel so exposed.
And I think I am trying to do that with today’s topic, but I really think it makes me sounds like a… jerk. Oh well. Maybe you can relate to the topic.
So, here’s a truth about me: I don’t trust other people’s judgment in movies AT ALL (except Steven – because he knows what I like and don’t like). If someone tells me a movie is good, I really won’t believe them. I’ll ask them questions about WHAT they liked about it, but I won’t believe it is good until I see it for myself.
We all have different tastes. And when someone recommends a movie to you, they are just trying to be nice. I understand that, because I DO IT TOO. I am such a hypocrite. I often find myself telling people, “I watched whatever movie this weekend and I really think you would like it.” I am even guilty of sending people DVDs in the mail because I think they will like them (so dad, what did you think of Idiocracy?).
And I really hate feeling disappointed when I see a movie, and don’t like it. Especially when it is something A LOT of people have told me they liked (and even critics liked), and I was actually starting to look forward to seeing it – like Wanted. I felt bored in the theater, and that a lot of it was predictable. I didn’t find the action that exciting, or the story even that interesting. I did love seeing the scenes in Chicago… but I wouldn’t see it again. Or recommend it to anyone else.
But who cares, right? I’m sure some people would never want to see the movies I am looking forward to this summer. Again, it’s all personal taste. But it’s also something we feel compelled to share with each other for some reason.
What is your favorite holiday movie?
I know, I know – not a very original question! But since I love holiday movies (with the exception of two which will remain nameless) I had to ask… because maybe there is a really good one I don’t know about!
My favorite is White Christmas. I don’t remember the first time I saw it, but I remember seeing it on television many times with my mother. I loved the part when the girls sang “Sisters, sisters”… and I always loved all the dancing scenes! Then of course, I got older and finally understood the cute little plot. Now I make sure to watch it a few times each holiday season. I usually don’t get to watch it with my mother anymore, but we still sing the songs from the movie and annoy the people around us!
P.S. Are you participating in Blog Crush Day next Friday? I sure am!
I am a very dedicated Natalie Portman fan. I will see any film she is in, no matter how awful (or wonderful) it might look, and poor Steven gets drug along to the theater with me. Sometimes he lucks out and ends up loving the movie – as was the case with V for Vendetta – and sometimes we leave the theater with him asking, “why did you want to see that?” (as was the case with Closer). I always tell him the same thing – that I will see anything she is in… and he always says that doesn’t make any sense. But I bet some of you are the same way, right? RIGHT?
Anyway, the newest film of hers that caught my interest is The Other Boleyn Girl, which comes to theaters in February. I knew the film was based on a book by Philippa Gregory, but I wasn’t planning on reading it. That is, until I saw this preview, and was so intrigued by the preview that I went and bought the book that day because I knew I couldn’t wait until February to know what the story is about.

Surprisingly, I ended up really liking the book. I usually don’t read novels so I was worried that I would struggle through it. But it has quite a bit of history in it, and a lot of scandal. Even though it was well over 600 pages, I finished it in a week and never grew tired of it.
And since I am clueless about world history, and had no idea who Henry VIII or Anne Boleyn were, I was actually surprised by a lot of the twists and turns in the plot.
The amazon site for the book has a pretty good review from Publishers Weekly if you are interested. I definitely recommend the book! I hope the movie doesn’t disappoint!