Posts tagged: Chocolate

Vegan Chocolate Cake

By , September 7, 2009 7:54 am

Yesterday while I was cutting up our vegetables and fruit (and cleaning the fridge and running to the grocery store),

Fruits and Veggies

Veggies and some fruit for the week.

Steven made a vegan chocolate cake! The same one my grandma made me for my birthday in July.

Kim's 25th Birthday Cake

Nom nom nom nom nom.

My mom got me a mixer for my birthday (can you believe I have been mixing everything by hand until now?!), so we’ve been using that for all of our baking lately.

Vegan Chocolate Cake Batter

The batter.

Batter in a bundt cake pan

Does anyone else ALWAYS think of My Big Fat Greek Wedding whenever they see a bundt cake now?

Baked Vegan Chocolate

I want to eat it now!

Vegan Chocolate Frosting

The frosting… we had a bit extra…

Vegan Chocolate Frosting on a Strawberry

So we had to be creative on how to use it! (There are still two cups in the fridge!)

Finished Vegan Chocolate Cake

The finished product!

This cake is so decadent, dense, moist, rich and PERFECT. When my grandma made it for me for my birthday, I think I ate a fourth of it in one day. I couldn’t get enough. I have never had chocolate cake this good (I don’t even really LIKE chocolate cake that much!!!). Try it if you get the craving for something AWESOME and CHOCOLATE. You can find the recipe here.

A slice of Vegan Chocolate Cake


Happy Labor Day Everyone! We stayed in town this weekend and have been taking it easy. It’s been nice!

(What would this post be without a pic of Data? He was very chill while we were working in the kitchen. He has been enjoying many long walks this weekend, followed by long naps.)

Data is so chill

What to do with super ripe bananas

By , April 20, 2009 5:03 am

How ripe do you prefer your bananas?

image:Banana Ripeness Level

I am a #7 – I like my banana a bit brown and lightly bruised. I think Steven is more of a #4 or #5. So at the beginning of each week, we buy about 15 bananas in different stages of ripeness. Every once in awhile, we end up with some “leftovers” at the end of the week that are even too ripe for me to eat (although, I probably would have eaten one of them in the photo below).

image:Our ripe bananas

I usually make banana bread or banana donuts when we have leftovers, but we were already using the bread pans to make granola bars and it was too late in the day for donuts, so I decided to try Jen’s Banana Chocolate Chip Cookies.

I’m pretty new to the idea of mixing bananas and chocolate, and I’ll admit, it’s taking me awhile to get used to it. BUT, I thought this recipe was cool because it’s fairly healthy (no added sugar!).

image:Unbaked banana chocolate chip cookies

Waiting to go in the oven…

image:Baked banana chocolate chip cookies

Finished! They didn’t change shape at all while they cooked!

image:Baked banana chocolate chip cookies

I tried one right away when it came out of the oven, but the chocolate had too strong of a taste and was too hot. Even though I put less chocolate in it, I still think I put in too much. Next time I make them, I will probably add a bit more cinnamon, less chocolate, and try some without chocolate completely.

Jeez. I can’t believe I am complaining about too much chocolate. What has happened to me? Ugh. After not eating sweets for so long, sweets taste too sweet.

The cookies did have a nice chewy texture, and a yummy banana flavor! If you are into the chocolate/banana combination, they are worth a try! They are pretty good for a “healthy” cookie.

See the recipe in the extended post below.

More Rainbow Cake Photos: I thought I would share the photos of the inside of Christina’s Rainbow Cake with you! It’s so colorful and fun!

image: Cut Rainbow cake image: Cut Rainbow cake

Continue reading 'What to do with super ripe bananas'»

Already fighting temptation

By , February 26, 2009 6:25 pm

I was at the office print center this morning, and they had a glass candy bowl filled with yummy treats.

I looked down at it, and my eyes fixated on the one piece of chocolate in it – a Milky Way Midnight Mini.

image:Tempting Mini Milky Way Midnight

I picked it up and held it in my hand. I thought, “I will go put this in my desk drawer – then I can have it as a small treat this afternoon!”

Then I remembered. Was it not just yesterday that I said I would try to cut back on sugar?

Jeez. This may be harder than I thought.

Luckily, I remembered my new goal, and put it back in the bowl. Then I felt something strange – a sense of relief. Relief that I can now walk around the office and ignore ALL of the candy bowls, because I am going to try not to eat any sugary treats.

The relief feels pretty good.

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