Posts tagged: chicago

At last

By , December 16, 2007 6:05 am

It’s happened.

I’ve become so accustomed to traveling to Chicago each day that I have lost appreciation for the beauty of the city.

I noticed this last week when I left my office during the day to deliver a proposal to a client. I wandered through the Federal Plaza (you know, the one with this big orange thing?) on my way. Federal Plaza is a large open space in the Loop, next to a small (one-story) post office and the large 45-story Mies van der Rohe Federal Building. This spatial relationship creates an incredibly powerful void in the cityscape there – when you are walking in the plaza and look up, you have this wonderful feeling of being surrounded by tall, beautiful buildings.

It’s sad that I work one block away from the plaza and rarely see it, and experience that excitement of being in such a “big” city! I rarely leave a two-block radius around my office, except to walk to the train station.

But why I am talking about this on a Sunday? Because Steven and I are going to the city today to do something fun. We will leisurely ride the train down to the city; I will have time to meander without worrying about getting to work on time. We will enjoy of the beauty of being downtown.

And… we are finally finally seeing Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination at the Museum of Science and Industry. I am so excited about seeing the Star Wars models, I couldn’t slept through the night. It was such a hassle to buy these tickets, I hope it turns out to be as much fun as I imagine it will (regardless of the annoying crowds that are always in museums, dawdling at each exhibit).

In case you live under a rock

By , November 21, 2007 5:30 am

Surprise surprise… I am getting tired of hearing/reading about Drew Peterson, his missing wife, his deceased wife, his other two wives, and whether or not he has killed any of them.

In case you are unfamiliar with the story, Drew Peterson is a police sergeant living in a Chicago suburb. His fourth wife – Stacy, younger than him by 30 years – disappeared October 30th and still hasn’t been found. His third wife was found dead in a dry bathtub in 2004. His second wife says he was abusive and told her he could “kill her and make it look like an accident,” but his first wife says “he wasn’t controlling.” He cheated on wives 1-3.

While we were in Aruba I thought about this story and hoped it would be “solved” before we returned, but I only found out that it has gone global. It seems like the media coverage is spinning out of control. It kind of makes me feel sick to read about it everyday.

Everyone seems to have an opinion about it. What’s yours?

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