Do you ever catch signs that you are slowly falling into a funk?
Sometimes I catch signs such as:
- losing interest in things
- being extremely irritable
- feeling anti-social
- not wanting to take care of my body
- wanting to sleep all the time
- feeling defensive and cranky
The question is, once we’ve noticed the signs, how do we avoid falling into a full fledged funk? This is something I’ve been trying to figure out for eight years.
I’ve noticed that if I develop a plan of reaction to each sign of falling into a funk, it helps. It gives me tools to use when I realize I am not feeling like myself. Now, I completely prefer preventitive actions to reactive actions, but for now, this is the best I can do.
When I first notice the signs of falling into a funk, I tell myself to pause and look at the bigger picture. Is the reason for my funk right in front of me? Is there an issue I have been avoiding? If it’s situational, and I can nip my unease in the butt by addressing the issue, I try to. Otherwise, I address each sign one by one until I work my way out of the funk. Click “more” if you’d like to read examples of my plans of reaction.
What are your tips on how to avoid falling into a funk? Do you ever catch signs that you are? What are your signs?
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Health + Fitness, Life
angry, anti-social, anxiety, anxious, bored, control, cranky, defensive, Depression, emotional, family, fitness, food, friends, funk, happiness, happy, Health, issue, Mental Health, preventative, reactive, sad, sadness, sleep, sleeplessness, sleepness, tired, upset
For me anyway! It’s never Point A to Point Z. It’s Point A to Point K, then oops, I started out too strong, back to Point C, trudging along to Point Z again, and I never get there…
Hmm, what the hell am I talking about?
With 2010 approaching I have been thinking about how I want the “new” year to be. I am not the type to make resolutions, or really even goals, but I am the type to dream ahead of what my future might have in store. And to do that, you kind of have to evaluate the past.
So I’ve been thinking about all of the journeys I’ve tried to take in my life. Journeys to improve my health. Journeys to improve relationships. Journeys to improve skills. Journeys to improve my personal characteristics. Usually, during these journeys, especially in the beginning, I am speeding along, making great progress… until I hit a snag and I fizzle out a bit. What causes that? Is it boredom? Is it exhaustion? Is it lack of progress?
Or is it just me, jumping into things too fast, too enthusiastically, too anxiously?
Whatever it is, it has resulted in a lot of non-linear journeys. My journeys are riddled with setbacks, re-dos and start-overs, and it’s hard to get back on track. I know that is part of life’s overall journey. You aren’t ever really allowed to go from Point A to Point Z. You don’t continually increase your running mileage forever. You don’t lose 2 pounds per week in an even manner. You don’t become more understanding without one or two blow-outs. You don’t always say the right thing.
But, I want to work on this. I want to work on my consistency. And generally, being less anxious about things. I would love to be calm. I would love to have an image of what I want 2010 to be like, but not be in a rush to make it all happen. And not be disappointed when it turns out differently – you know it will! And I know there will be bumps in the road, I just hope they will be smaller bumps.
Do you feel like there are linear and non-linear journeys in life? How do you deal with setbacks?
2010, anxierty, anxiety, anxious, Consistency, future, Goals, image, journey, journeys, linear, linear journeys, linear paths, new year, New Year's Eve, non-linear, past, personality, point a to point z, present, resolutions, runner, rush, setbacks, speed, understanding, weight, Years
I can’t figure out why I am so angry/frustrated/anxious this weekend. I tell myself that recognizing something is wrong is the first step in solving the problem, but I am not going to get very far if I can’t figure out what is bothering me so much.
We’ve had gorgeous spring weather here all weekend, which means I got to do both of my runs outside. Yesterday was a quick 3-miler. Today, I did Level 1 of the 30 Day Shred*, then, after my legs quit shaking (approximately 20 minutes later), I did my 8 mile run. I used a hydration belt for the first time, and even brought along some sport beans to take for energy. The park in our neighborhood has a .48 mile (thanks to Steven’s Garmin for the calculation) oval sidewalk, so I just ran that 16+ times. It was a great run, and I felt like I could keep going. I felt great when I was done. I love running outdoors. I love that the breeze keeps me cool. I love watching people in the park, to keep myself entertained. I love the warm sun on my skin.
So why, after my glorious run, did that rotten mood come immediately RIGHT BACK?
I’d like to blame it on hormones, but I think it is more than that. My energy levels have been having some weird swings** lately, and I wonder if I have some sort of imbalance that might be affecting me. Yeah. That’s be great – if I could blame it all on biology!
*I’ll try to write a review of the 30 Day Shred later on, after I’ve been using it awhile. For now, just let me say – push ups and crunches kick my butt!
**More on that later too.
Health + Fitness, Life, Running + Training
30 Day Shred, angry, anxious, fitness, frustrated, Health, Jillian Michaels, jog, mile, mood, run
It’s back.
That “I don’t care about me” feeling. That “I’m just going to eat whatever I want, who cares?” feeling.
I was afraid this would happen. I mentioned before that I had no idea what changed in me to make me WANT to be healthy. And not knowing what was allowing me to finally live a healthy life scared me that it wouldn’t last.
But I do know what is making me feel this way now. No, it is not Thanksgiving, or the stress of the holidays. It is guilt.
I feel guilty for making a few decisions* lately that benefit me and not others. I feel guilty for putting myself first.
I realized this the other day. I am punishing myself for feeling guilty. Punishing myself by EATING. How do you punish yourself with food? You eat and eat until you feel so stuffed that you are uncomfortable. A lot of you may have never done that, but I bet there are a few of you out there who know what I am talking about.
I’ve only had a few incidences when I’ve felt that super uncomfortable feeling, but it’s scary.
Guilt is not the only emotion that has driven me to overeat this past week. I’ve also been bored, frustrated and uncomfortable… and eating to cover those emotions. Guilt just happens to be the big one – the overriding emotion that is making me feel super stressed out. The feeling that is always in the back of my mind.
And yeah, yeah, yeah… I am happy to have “figured out” what is causing me to feel so out of control, but that is not stopping me from feeling out of control. Or stressed out. Or anxious, all the time.
I’m just worried. Worried about giving up. Worried that I am not meant to be healthy. Even writing that now, it isn’t logical, but that is how I feel. Like I don’t deserve to be healthy, and happy and guilt-free.
*I apologize for being so vague. I want to give more details, but not right now. I already feel uncomfortable enough, writing all this!