Posts tagged: Annoying Coworkers

How to use the dishwasher

By , June 25, 2008 5:42 am

It makes me laugh… and a little bit sad… that our administrative person has to put a note in our kitchen saying “Unless the dishwasher is running or contains clean pieces – please – rinse and place your used items into the dishwasher, thanks.”

Everyday, there are lone dishes (usually coffee mugs) that somehow escape their destiny with the dishwasher. They sit on the counter, dirty, all day long, until our administrative person (or someone else if they are feeling nice) rinses them and puts them into the dishwasher.

This makes me wonder, who puts these people’s dishes into the dishwasher at home?

When I lived in Rome with three other girls, the garbage bin was ALWAYS overflowing. I felt like I took it out ALL the time. So one time, I just let it pile up… but it got so high that I was sick of seeing it and took it out anyway.

I wasn’t the only one who took out the trash, but there were definitely people who weren’t bothered by it being full. Hey, I guess we’re all different.

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