Random Thoughts Thursday 134

By , May 18, 2017 6:23 am
  • It would be inappropriate (and boring) to talk about the stuff at work that makes me nuts, but a lot of times, I make a list of it and imagine posting about it here. Ha. Doing that, along with venting with coworkers, helps!

Awesome picture, right?!

  • More vagueposting – it feels ironic, that as someone who shares personal information on the internet, there are people out there I don’t want knowing mundane information about my life. It’s not because of knowledge reasons, but what they do with the information – hold it against me, overreact, or gossip about it. It’s hard for me to NOT share things, but I know it’s better off in the long run, with certain people. Ugh. (Most of it’s harmless, just annoying. Example – somehow other people have information I only told YOU, that I would have liked to share with them myself.)
  • On to the mundane! Steven and I are always looking for a show to watch during our lunch breaks. We watched Parks and Recreation, then tried to watch Extant, then watched Big Little Lies. Now we’ve decided to rewatch Game of Thrones. We’re catching a lot more watching it the second time, which is fun! Sometimes Khaleesi watches the TV when her namesake is on, which always makes me laugh. I haven’t grabbed a photo of that, but here she is watching The Secret Life of Pets:

  • My parents are visiting in June and this will be their FIRST trip to our “new” home without an entire weekend of labor involved (they’ve been here twice but once was for the move and the other time was to help with the second floor attic work). I am looking forward to them being here with the house put together and having more “free” time… along with a few projects, of course. Ha ha.

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 133

Training Week 395

By , May 14, 2017 3:36 pm

Highlight of the Week: Being able to swim twice!

Monday | May 8, 2017: 3 m run + teaching strength class
Loc: hood, Temp: 46°/46°, Time: 30:44, Pace: 10:14 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Strength: body bars and soft balls, Difficulty: seemed too easy, Felt: good

Tuesday | May 9, 2017: rest
Wednesday | May 10, 2017: 1,344 yd swim + 15 m ride + 5 m run
Loc: FitNation, Time: 30:35, Pace: 2:11 min/100 yd avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good, just had goggles on too tight!
Indoor Ride Time: 49:45, Pace: 18.1 mph avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: butt so sore
Loc: VP Woods, Temp: 57°/55°, Time: 53:12, Pace: 10:38 avg, Difficulty:  easy, Felt: good, the rain was refreshing!

Thursday | May 11, 2017: 5.5 m run (incl. 5×800)
Loc: Lake Andrea, Temp: 48°/48°, Time: 54:51, Pace: 9:58 avg, Difficulty: medium, Felt: decent, too warm!
Friday | May 12, 2017: teaching strength class + 2 m run (w/Anne) + 1,029 yd swim + 3 m run
Strength: body bars, Difficulty: easy (half observing partner work), Felt: good
Loc: Grayslake, Temp: 42°/45°, Time: 23:45, Pace: 11:51, Difficulty: easy, Felt: great, so nice out!
Loc: FitNation, Time: 21:23, Pace: 1:57 min/100 yd, Difficulty: easy/medium, Felt: sore shoulders at first but went away
Loc: VP Woods, Temp: 62°/58°, Time: 29:21, Pace: 9:46, Difficulty: medium, Felt: tired, as expected

Saturday | May 13, 2017: 4 m run
Loc: hood, Temp: 53°/57, Time: 43:02, Pace: 10:45 avg, Difficulty: medium, Felt: legs still a bit tired
Sunday | May 14, 2017: 12 m run + 10 m ride
Loc: DPRT/Kilbourne Loop, Temp: 48°/52°, Time: 2:16:07, Pace: 11:20 avg, Difficulty: easy-ish, Felt: good!
Indoor Ride Time: 33:40, Pace: 17.8 mph avg, Difficulty: easy enough!, Felt: fine (just hungry, sweaty, and a sore butt!)


  • Awhile ago Anne recommended using baby shampoo to keep my goggles from fogging. I finally found a travel size bottle (not sure why I was so opposed to the big one) and was able to try it this Wednesday, and it worked! Yay! Thanks, Anne. However, I think I put my goggles on WAY too tight because I didn’t want to risk any water getting in and mixing with any shampoo I left on the goggles. Ouch. I used a different pair Friday and was fine.
  • I love doing partner work in my strength classes – I think it’s a lot of fun and makes class go faster (and people tend to push harder with a partner). But when we have even numbers, I don’t get to do anything! Ha!
  • Gah, during class Friday, a skunk outside sprayed really close to the studio and stunk the place up. Yuck!
  • I tend to swim faster when someone in the lane next to me at the pool is doing a similar speed to me. This happened Friday and was one of my speedier swims of the year.

Link to Training Week 394

All about the cat house!

By , May 12, 2017 7:24 am

A question I understandably get asked a lot is “what house projects are you guys working on now?”

All winter, my answer was “the cat house!”

Our fall ended harshly with below zero temperatures and lots of snow. The outdoor cats were doing okay – we had store-bought heated kitty houses (which Jen and Troy generously helped us purchase!) that we further insulated with moving blankets and insulation, then built a little platform over to block the wind, and covered with a tarp. It looked lovely.

What the set up looked like from inside the house…

But we wanted something more permanent that:

  • we could control the temperature in
  • was visually pleasing
  • we could see in to from our house
  • wouldn’t blow away (ha)

So, in December, Steven got to work building the cat house! We knew it would be costly, so we decided to have it be our Christmas gift to one another.

Steven used the cat house as an opportunity to learn about current house construction best practices. He already knew a lot, but this was his chance to try things out on a small scale! He spent a lot of time researching the best methods to build it, then sketched out the design.

And here is what he did! Get ready for LOTS of pictures!!! This is a loooooooooooooong post. But I want to document it all. I understand if you skim!

Continue reading 'All about the cat house!'»

Random Thoughts Thursday 133

By , May 11, 2017 7:45 am
  • I forgot to mention in my race report that I like the design on the Wisconsin Marathon/Half/5K shirt this year!

  • We’re having a generator installed in a few weeks! We’re mostly getting it for backup for the sump pumps, but I’m excited about the other things we’ll be able to continue using if the power goes out. Steven did a lot of work a few weeks ago moving the air conditioners (and putting down pea gravel underneath) to get the area ready for the generator!

  • I am loving the sun being up so early (today sunrise was 5:35 am)! Since we’ve been going to bed at a decent hour, some days, I can just let the sun wake me up. Okay, and these two:

  • I think this opinion article – “How I Learned to Shut Up About Running” (pdf here) – is not very well written or easy to follow (so how I read the whole thing I’m not sure) but I really like this statement: “But I’ve also made a realization: a lot of my pushing of others comes from the assumption that what’s good for me will also be good for everyone else, and also from my need to try to regulate or dictate other people’s lives.” YES. THIS. PEOPLE. Quit thinking you are the authority on how other people should live their lives. Gawd, if people would stop doing this, it would solve SO MANY problems. SO MANY.
  • The blogosphere has been dull lately, here included. It’s interesting how a lot of us have stepped back a bit, at the same time. I wonder if the bubble has burst and we’ll all get back to more story telling and connecting (as opposed to product shilling and “how to” lists). One can hope!

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 132

Wisconsin Half Marathon Race Report 2017

By , May 8, 2017 6:23 am

This was my ninth consecutive year running the Wisconsin Half Marathon, but the first year in several that I wasn’t trying to run it fast. That took a burden off my shoulders and made it stress free. I didn’t even check the weather until race morning (although several people told me it was supposed to be windy).

I ran this race in its inaugural year in 2009, as my first half marathon, and haven’t been able to quit the streak.

I did have a time goal in mind, though. I figured 10:00 minute miles would be an easy pace and wanted to finish around 2:10 overall.

We caravanned to the race (Rachel, Alicia, and Kim spent the night) and I was surprised that our normal parking spot had a “no parking” sign this year! Weird! We quickly found other parking and made our way to the race start.

BRRRR. There was a wind (from the north at 10 mph with 16 mph gusts, it was 14 mph with 20 mph gusts at the finish). And per usual, it was much cooler by the lake front (44° and feels like 37°, 49° and feels like 46° at the finish). We huddled in a tent until race start, and I even started the race with arm warmers on!

Me, Rachel, and Alicia

But with the wind at our back for the start, I quickly warmed up. I took the arm warmers off around mile 1 and tucked them in my belt, in case I wanted them again when we headed back north. I realized why we couldn’t park in our normal spot a few minutes in – that road is now part of the course. The race course changed quite a bit this year. The first half of the course was still in residential and downtown areas, just somewhat different ones (more on my opinions on the new course after the break – I had written way too much about it in the first draft of this, zzzzzzzzzzzz), and the second half still went out and back along the lake.

When I started the race, I had my watch screen showing me overall time, distance, and current pace. In the first few minutes I had already looked at it several times to make sure I wasn’t starting too fast, then thought to myself “What the heck Kim – you’re running this for FUN. You never run with your watch screen showing your pace – just time of day and overall time. Switch over to that.” So I did, and just looked at my pace when my watch beeped at each mile, and looked at my overall time when I got to the mile markers. That works out much better for me than watching current pace all the time.

Unfortunately, I felt bored during the race. I started without music, and wasn’t running with anyone. There weren’t many spectators in the first half of the course, especially in the new parts. I felt physically fine, but mentally bored. I was happy when I saw a friends on a new out and back around mile 4, and when I caught up with a group of friends pushing someone in a racing stroller a little after that. I guess I needed to talk to someone! I saw Bobbi and John around mile 6 and mentioned my boredom and John ran with me and told me some awesome dad jokes. Ha!

Things picked up after I saw Steven around mile 6.5. I talked to another runner for several minutes and that gave me energy. I also decided to put my headphones in around mile 8 to block out the wind. We had been running in to the northern wind on and off since we made the turnaround around mile 3.5, and we were about to go in to the more open (and even windier) lake area. That made a world of difference (even if I got a bit goofy and felt the need to tell Rachel “I just wanted to tell you I am bringing sexy back” when I saw her at the turnaround – any guess what I was listening to?).

I kept the pace going for the last two miles in to the wind, then at the turn around at 10, I had enough energy to finish with my fastest splits! Oh, and that push from the northern wind helped too, ha!

I was happy the part of the course along the lake is now re-paved – it had been full of pot holes the previous eight years. And I was also happy that changing the first half of the course to run more in that area meant we no longer had to pass the finish line then run a mile out and back to get to it – now we just ran right in to the finish!

I didn’t tangent well (13.21) but I finished close to my goal time of 2:10 – 2:10:45! I’m proud of my even-ish splits and faster last three miles!

I was relieved to finish. Even though the race was successful, I took me being bored as a sign I shouldn’t run long distance “for fun” unless it’s with a friend.

Rachel finished five minutes before me and Alicia finished right after me (Kim ran the 5K and placed third overall!). We hung out for a few minutes, and hung out with some Efit people too, then headed home.

Ha, on our way to the car, a guy stopped me and said “You’re a great racer – I was trying to catch you the whole time and couldn’t! Maybe next year!” I thought that was a nice thing to say.

Steven spectated and was our official photographer. I really appreciate him being there.

Ha, funny story – he said while he was spectating, four ducks managed to cross the street between runners!

This race used to be a lot bigger deal for me than it was this year. We used to have family come to town to spectate, and hang out for hours after the race watching people we know finish the marathon portion. I’m happy it’s become much more low key. Get there 45 minutes before, run, chat a bit, go home. Ha!

We’ll see if I am back next year… I have to go for ten years in a row, right?
Continue reading 'Wisconsin Half Marathon Race Report 2017'»

Training Week 394

By , May 7, 2017 7:02 pm

Highlight of the Week: Running a solid half marathon!

Monday | May 1, 2017: 17 m ride + 3 m run + teaching strength class
Indoor Ride Time: 54:20, Pace: 18.8 mph avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good, just icky
sweaty from my cold
Loc: VP Woods, Temp: 56°/56°, Time: 30:53, Pace: 10:17 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good to be outside in the breeze
Strength: medicine balls, Difficulty: easy (mostly observing partner work), Felt: good

Tuesday | May 2, 2017: 4.5 m run
Loc: Lake Andrea, Temp: 48°/48°, Time: 42:45, Pace: 9:30 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Wednesday | May 3, 2017: rest
Thursday | May 4, 2017: 4 m run (incl. 8×1:00) + massage!
Loc: hood, Temp: 44°/45°, Time: 39:42, Pace: 9:55 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Friday | May 5, 2017: teaching strength class + 32.45 m ride (w/Kim, Rich, Steve, & Jeffery)
Strength: medicine balls, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good, taking it easy before the half marathon!
Loc: IL to WI and back, Temp: 41°/47°, Time: 2:12:18, Pace: 14.7 mph avg, Difficulty: medium, Felt: as I expected – need to ride outside more!

Saturday | May 6, 2017: Wisconsin Half Marathon
Loc: Kenosha, Temp: 44°/49°, Time: 2:10:45, Pace: 9:59 avg, Difficulty: mostly easy, Felt: good, a bit bored
Sunday | May 7, 2017: 10 m ride + teaching fitness boxing + 3 m run (w/Anne & Tracy) + walk with Anne
Indoor Ride Time: 37:01, Pace: 16.2 mph avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Strength: plyo box, pad, and gloves, Difficulty: easy (all observing), Felt: good
Loc: Grayslake, Temp: 51°/50°, Time: 36:17, Pace: 12:05 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good


  • Ha. I rode more miles this week than I did in the entire month of April. Oops? I was able to ride outside with a group on Friday, which was a treat, and also a reminder that I need to get outside more! And lose weight so I can ride faster. Ha. But really.
  • I am mostly over my cold! Yay! There is a lingering cough, but I am off medicine and only had to take one sick day this week. Progress.
  • The Wisconsin Half Marathon went really well. I even ran a faster second half! (The wind may have helped a bit.) Race report coming soon.
  • We’re starting to hit the time of year where I will be teaching weekend classes less and less because everyone’s calendars get so full and no one can make class. It’s a bummer, but my calendar also gets full as well. That yard work isn’t going to do itself, unfortunately!
  • I accidentally got a sunburn during my run and walk on Sunday. I’ve been keeping my sunscreen out on the bathroom counter at home so I remember to put it on. Now it seems like it’s time to put some in an obvious spot in my purse for when I am out and about.

Link to Training Week 393

Things I’m excited about in May!

By , May 2, 2017 6:22 am
  • Getting my car back from the shop
  • A pre-race massage!
  • Friends staying over before the Wisconsin Half
  • Two races
  • Actually riding my bike outside
  • Finishing Titan. Maybe I will post a list of all the words I had to look up. Most of them are words I’ve never heard before. Some of them are words being used in ways I am not familiar (example: “betray” to mean “reveal unconsciously”). And some of them are words I should know but don’t remember.
  • Writing about the outdoor cat house
  • Seeing baby goslings! First sighting yesterday:
  • The leaves filling out on the trees. They all started to fill out when I was in Dallas two weekends ago:
  • Another trip to Dallas!
  • Figuring out when we’ll see William next!
  • A graduation party for a friend’s kid
  • CPR class (it’s time to renew my certification)
  • Getting over this cold – I am feeling better today, yay!

What’s on your list?

Training Week 393

By , April 30, 2017 4:23 pm

Highlight of the Week: Making it through! I hope I feel better next week!

Monday | April 24, 2017: 4 m run (w/Gina) + teaching strength class
Loc: McKinney, Temp: 44°/48°, Time: 37:36, Pace: 9:23 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Strength: medicine balls, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good

Tuesday | April 25, 2017: 5 m run
Loc: VP Woods, Temp: 70°/67°, Time: 49:28, Pace: 9:53 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good, thirsty
Wednesday | April 26, 2017: rest
Thursday | April 27, 2017: rest (sick)
Friday | April 28, 2017: teaching strength class + 1,008 yd swim + 5 m run (incl. 6×400)
Strength: medicine balls, Difficulty: easy, Felt: fine, but “sick” hot
Loc: FitNation, Time: 22:01, Pace: 2:05 min/100 yd, Difficulty: good, Felt: smooth
Loc: hood, Temp: 52°/48°, Time: 50:21, Pace: 10:04 avg, Difficulty: hard, Felt: fine, just sick-ish

Saturday | April 29, 2017: bike/run brick (10 m bike & 2 m run)
Loc: indoor, Time: 31:18/20:07, Pace: 19.2 mph/10:03 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good, sweaty

Sunday | April 30, 2017: teaching fitness boxing
Strength: kettlebells + core/cardio moves & boxing, Difficulty: easy, Felt: okay, too hot


  • I think Monday night was the first time in months that all of my students have been able to make it to class! Woo hoo! With summer just around the corner, that will happen less and less. Ha.
  • I took an unplanned rest day on Thursday because of a sore throat. Then I did my speedwork the next day. I had planned 6×400 with some hill repeats on tired legs but my legs and lungs said “NOPE! We need more rest!” so I called it short. On Saturday and Sunday the cold went to my head and chest, so I mostly rested over the weekend.
  • I am happy the cold hit this weekend and not next weekend – I am running a half marathon on Saturday! I’d like to run in under 2:10.
  • Monthly recap time! In April I ran 130.5 miles (25 runs), cycled 45 miles (4 indoor rides) and swam 4,263 yards (4 swims). My coldest run was 34°F and my warmest was 76°F. I taught 9 strength classes, and 3 fitness boxing classes.

Link to Training Week 392

Luca’s 6th Birthday!

By , April 28, 2017 6:44 pm

I was in Dallas last weekend for Luca’s 6th birthday!

Steven and I have celebrated Luca’s 2nd, 3rd, and 5th birthdays in person with him! Steven wasn’t able to make this trip because of work though. Sad face. Luckily, I found affordable tickets for both of us to go for a weekend trip in May that won’t interfere with work. Yay! Better late than never!

Family pic minus Steven

We had a chill weekend <— my favorite kind! On Saturday am, Steve and I ran, then we volunteered at a 5K put on by the PTA at Luca’s school. Then we got lunch, did some shopping downtown, TOOK NAPS!, watched Luca open his presents (while we Facetimed Steven), and went out for dinner.

I found a cute Iowa decoration while we were out shopping!

On Sunday Gina and I ran, then we all chilled before going to Luca’s birthday party. He had a bowling, pizza, and arcade games party, and the kids were so well behaved! We went home for a bit after, then went out to dinner. On Monday Gina and I ran then I had to head home. Short but great trip!

The title of this picture is “Tan=delicious.” Clockwise from top left: custom vegan pizza at Mellow Mushroom, nachos from Frankies, Pad See-ew from Silk Road Thai (not pictured: super strong Mai Thai), and our traditional homemade pancakes (we try to make them each time we’re together!)

Even though we see our otra familia several times a year, I’ll always wish we had MORE time together, so I am happy for the chill times when we can hang out, catch up, and be ridiculous together. And I am happy Steven will get to be a part of that in May!

Training Week 392

By , April 23, 2017 11:28 am

Highlight of the Week: Running with Steve and Gina in TX!

Monday | April 17, 2017: 1,008 yd swim + 5 m run + teaching strength class
Loc: FitNation, Time: 20:54, Pace: 2:04 min/100 yd avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Loc: VP Woods, Temp: 51°/53°, Time: 49:16, Pace: 9:51 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: great
Strength: kettlebell & cardio/core circuits, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good

Tuesday | April 18, 2017: 25 min walk (w/Steven)
Wednesday | April 19, 2017: 4 m run
Loc: Chicago Lakefront Trail, Temp: 67°/61°, Time: 37:47, Pace: 9:26 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: great
Thursday | April 20, 2017: 4.5 m run (incl. 3×800, 4×1:00) + 10 m ride + teaching strength class x2
Loc: Lake Andrea, Temp: 42°/45°, Time: 43:57, Pace: 9:46 avg, Difficulty: hard, Felt: lungs great, legs dead
Indoor Ride Time: 31:59, Pace: 18.8 mph, Difficulty: easy, Felt: decent, but sore butt and hot!
Strength: medicine balls, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good for the first class, wiped by the second (forgot to fuel in between!)

Friday | April 21, 2017: 10 m run
Loc: VP Wood Loop, Temp: 44°/48°, Time: 1:51:29, Pace: 11:09, Difficulty: easy, Felt: decent, but sore
Saturday | April 22, 2017: 4 m run (w/Steve)
Loc: McKinney, Temp: 53°/53°, Time: 38:28, Pace: 9:36 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good, once my legs warmed up!
Sunday | April 23, 2017: 3 m run & 35 min walk (w/Gina)
Loc: McKinney, Temp: 47°/49°, Time: 28:38, Pace: 9:31 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good


  • I heard through the grapevine that the Frosty Footrace will be going back to its original (5K) format next year, and a shorter race will be added at a different time of year. Hopefully it’s back at the same location and I can go for another course PR?!?!
  • Gosh, usually it’s my lungs that struggle with my speedwork, but this week it was my legs. They felt so tired during my 800s! It’s probably because I did the run first thing in the morning, and not after work, like I typically do.
  • I continued to destroy my legs Thursday night, when I taught back to back strength classes. They bugged me until I woke up Sunday. Blah!
  • I am in Texas this weekend for Luca’s birthday and cool weather followed me here! I had great, “barely breaking a sweat,” runs with Steve and Gina!

Link to Training Week 391

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