Random Thoughts Thursday 147

By , September 14, 2017 6:26 am
  • One of the things I got my snister off of her birthday wishlist this year was a custom portrait of her cat, Dexter, from an etsy shop. I love how it turned out! I’ll have to get one of my kitties someday! This is not an ad, I paid for it myself.

(frame not included in my etsy order – I picked that up)

  • Our street was paved while we were out of town last weekend. Yay! I hope it doesn’t get torn apart this winter.

  • It might be time to calm down a bit on the Philippa Gregory books. When I was sick a few weeks ago, I was having Tudor-related dreams (really, nightmares). Ha. Like I mentioned last week though, it’s been fun reading fiction.

  • Sound the alarms! My parents and maternal grandma may be visiting next weekend which means I need to get the house Grandma Level Clean!!! Grandma Level Clean is the cleanest my house ever gets. We’ll see how much I can get done before she arrives!

  • I was trying to find posts where I’ve mentioned Grandma Level Clean before, and didn’t find what I expected – something detailing what that level of clean entails. But I did find this post, where the second bullet mentions it, and interestingly (to me only, ha) the first bullet mentions a major work disappointment, which is why I haven’t even mentioned (on here) some work news I may have.

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 146

A surprise! And Star Wars Day at the K!

By , September 11, 2017 8:30 am

Part of my birthday gift (in July) from my father-in-law was plane tickets for me and Steven to go to Kansas City this past weekend to attend Star Wars Day at the K – a Star Wars themed Royals game (against the Twins). I’ve wanted to attend one of the Star Wars themed baseball games for awhile, and packed my Leia costume accordingly. Thank you, David!

We flew in Friday, and the game was on Sunday, so Saturday’s plan was to spend time with my snister and her family. I was surprised when I got there and saw my mom and dad were there too – I had NO idea they’d be there! My snister had been texting me and my mom that morning about a parade they were at and my mom was responding about how fun it looked, when she was actually there, with Christina. Those tricksters! What an awesome surprise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We spent the day chatting, eating, watching a movie in their home theater, and of course, baby snugging!!!

It’s so nice when we can all get together – I can’t wait to do it again!

My brother-in-law is missing from the pic because he had to leave for two different birthday parties. Popular guy!

It was hot on Sunday, so I opted to only wear the buns part of the Leia costume to the game. We had great seats on the third base line, but they were in the full sun with no shade until later innings and I didn’t want to make myself even more miserable in that hot costume! 

I was hoping to see more people in costume, but they probably were thinking the same thing as me – they didn’t want to be uncomfortable! We saw a few cool full costumes (on the field and by fans). A few droids were walking around, at times there were characters on the field, and there was a funny moment when the big screen showed Darth Vader clapping in one of the viewing boxes to honor a veteran. A few people had Star Wars shirts on. I got a lot of compliments on my “hair.” And one guy asks me “Is today Star Wars day or something? A lot of people have Star Wars stuff on.” Ha.

I was hoping they’d have Star Wars music and sound effects during the game, but there wasn’t much. But that’s all good, because it was a fun game to watch, with the Royals scoring 6 runs in the second inning, and 4 in the seventh! We only sat in our seats for the first, second, and seventh through ninth innings because we were too hot, so I was happy we got to see all the action from our seats (the final score was 11-3).

This will probably be my only Royals game of the year, and I’m glad it was festive, and a win, AND that I got to go with family! (Thanks for the tickets, Andrew!)

Training Week 412

By , September 10, 2017 9:34 pm

Highlight of the Week: Running with my brother-in-law Andrew, and starting to recover from last week’s cold!

Monday | September 4, 2017: 3 m run
Loc: Van Patten Woods, Temp: 74°/71, Time: 32:47, Pace: 10:55 avg, Difficulty: medium, Felt: hot but okay
Tuesday | September 5, 2017: 15 mins strength + 15 m ride
Indoor Ride Time: 57:50, Pace: 15.6 mph avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: sweaty (always so sweaty when I work out when I’m sick)
Wednesday | September 6, 2017: 4.2 m run
Loc: Chicago Lakefront Trail, Temp: 61°/59°, Time: 43:12, Pace: 10:18 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: great – the breeze felt SO good
Thursday | September 7, 2017: 3 m run
Loc: Lake Andrea, Temp: 65°/65°, Time: 31:12, Pace: 10:23 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: okay, was planning on speedwork but lungs still congested
Friday | September 8, 2017: teaching strength class + 5 m run
Strength: medicine balls and circuit, Difficulty: easy, Felt: okay, coughing a bit
Loc: hood, Temp: 61°/61°, Time: 51:54, Pace: 10:23, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good

Saturday | September 9, 2017: 4 m run (w/Andrew)
Loc: Line Creek Trail, Temp: 73°/73°, Time: 48:38, Pace: 12:09 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Sunday | September 10, 2017: 3 m run (incl. 5×1:00)
Loc: Line Creek Trail, Temp: 69°/69°, Time: 32:32, Pace: 10:49 avg, Difficulty: medium, Felt: okay – still pretty congested


  • Last Sunday night I slipped down the stairs and did a split squat landing, and tweaked my right knee. Monday’s run was to test it and my lungs out. It went okay! It was definitely a good thing it was Labor Day and my regular Monday night strength class was canceled for the night thought – I would have felt like garbage teaching.
  • I used our smith machine Tuesday night for my first at home strength workout in a looooong time. I liked being able to use heavier weights, especially using the bar for deadlifts!
  • I didn’t swim this week because I was congested (and would be blowing snot in to the water – gross town). I am looking forward to doing it next week!
  • We left behind beautifully cool Chicagoland weather to go to hot Kansas City this weekend. Ha! It was worth it – I got to run with my brother-in-law, and have fun with our families!

Link to Training Week 411

Random Thoughts Thursday 146

By , September 7, 2017 12:47 pm
  • Last weekend, Steven worked on clearing out more brush by the pond (not sure if I ever finished posting about the area we cleared last year, but we planted grass over it and it looks really nice now). I can’t believe how fast Steven cleared all that – he got it all done in about two and a half hours while I was out running errands. We have lots of ideas for what we’d like to do with the entire pond area, over the years!

  • We attempted to take Snow to the vet last week for a checkup. It didn’t happen. Sigh. He freaked the hell out each time we tried to put him in the carrier. Blood was drawn (Steven’s). It made me feel foolish – like I don’t know what the hell I’m doing. I may look for a vet that makes house calls. I want to make sure Snow’s healthy. And get him neutered (that obviously would not happen at home, ha!).

Bonus – he ran to the fireplace to hide and was so scared he peed all over

  • We celebrated our anniversary with dinner out in Milwaukee on Friday, and a boat ride on the Red Witch, followed by ice cream, in Kenosha on Saturday. We had fun, and I’d like to ride the Red Witch again when I don’t have a cold (and it’s not stormy, ha!).

  • I am so pumped about my favorite coworker returning to work from maternity leave next week. So. So. Pumped. (Which is probably the opposite of how she feels.) We already reserved seats next to each other for our office day next week! Yay!
  • Ha, speaking of our new office space, my boss is making little “name tags” for our lockers and asked (it wasn’t mandatory) for photos of ourselves. I sent her this one:

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 145

Training Week 411

By , September 3, 2017 10:21 pm

Highlight of the Week: Running in a new-to-me location on Tuesday.

Monday | August 28, 2017: brick (5 m bike + 2 m run) + teaching strength class
Indoor Ride Time: 19:33, Pace: 15.4 mph avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Loc: hood, Temp: 72°/70°, Time: 20:28, Pace: 10:14 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good, enjoyed the rain
Strength: step and dumbbells, Difficulty: easy, Felt: meh

Tuesday | August 29, 2017: 3 m run
Loc: Pet, Temp: 71°/71°, Time: 33:18, Pace: 11:05 avg, Difficulty: medium, Felt: good, challenged on the hill!
Wednesday | August 30, 2017: rest
Thursday | August 31, 2017: 7 m run
Loc: VP Woods loop, Temp: 67°/65°, Time: 1:18:12, Pace: 11:10 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: great, sick of running on the rocky shoulders
Friday | September 1, 2017: teaching strength class + 3 m run
Strength: step and dumbbells, Difficulty: easy, Felt: fine, happy to be done with that workout
Loc: hood, Temp: 64°/64°, Time: 33:17, Pace: 11:05, Difficulty: ???, Felt: don’t remember by the time I wrote this!

Saturday | September 2, 2017: rest (sick)
Sunday | September 3, 2017: rest (sick)


  • I wasn’t planning to do a brick workout on Monday, but when I got off work it was supposed to start thunderstorming, so I decided to ride inside instead of run outside. But while I was riding my bike I could see that it wasn’t raining at all, so I said eff it and went for a run. But only had time for two miles at that point! Ha.
  • On Tuesday I was running errands and decided to run at a park Steven and I picnicked at in June. It has a paved loop just under 2.5 miles with one really steep hill! I need to go back for repeats!
  • No swim this week because the pool was closed for cleaning.
  • I’ve been feeling really irritated about running in the shoulders on loose rocks again. Ugh. I just want to run on something flat and smooth. Even crushed rock would be fine! Wah wah wah.
  • I was pumped to have the long weekend to workout but got a sore throat/cold starting Friday night that ruined all those plans. Wah. Maybe I can workout tomorrow!
  • How is it already time for the monthly recap?! In August I ran 114.5 miles (22 runs), cycled 43.6 miles (2 outdoor rides, 2 indoor rides) and swam 5,166 yards (5 swims). My coldest run was 51°F and my warmest was 83°F. I taught 8 strength classes, and participated in the Efit Games. No Fitness Boxing classes taught in August, but I am teaching one in September.

Link to Training Week 410

Ten years married!!!

By , September 1, 2017 6:51 am

Today is our ten year wedding anniversary!


Steven and I met at Iowa State University (at a frat party – all the LOLz) in August 2002, starting dating in September 2002, and have been together since! Steven moved to Chicagoland in May 2003 and I moved in with him in May 2007. We got married that September, at the Cuneo Mansion (famous from My Best Friend’s Wedding). And ten years later, here we are!

We’ll celebrate with a night out this weekend, and a trip this winter.

I’m very proud to call Steven my partner. He inspires me daily with how hardworking and visionary he is, at home and with his business.

He also makes me laugh daily, which is very important to me (I only pretend to be serious on occasion, mostly at work).

And most importantly – he does all the cooking! Ha ha!

Here’s to more years of adventure together!

Random Thoughts Thursday 145

By , August 31, 2017 6:23 am
  • Steven is still working on setting up the workout area in our basement. This weekend, he hung the punching bag and speed bag. Those will be fun to use!!!

  • You know you’re an adult when you get excited about road work on your street (or you’re a little kid, ha ha)! A “Road Construction Ahead” sign popped up on our street Monday. Steven and I crossed our fingers that it meant the county is resurfacing our pothole ridden street, and, yay, they are! Parts of our street were bad enough that people always drove on the wrong side to avoid it (unless traffic was coming, of course).

What it looked like after they stripped off the top layer on Tuesday

  • A few weeks ago on Facebook, a Chicago news station reposted a five month old architecture article that had INCORRECT information in it about federal building property in Chicago. I knew this information was incorrect because of where I work. The article contained other information too (that I don’t know the validity of) but everyone was commenting with outrage about the information I knew was false. I got so freaking worked up about it, and that people believed it was true, and that that reputable news station was spreading false news. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Don’t believe everything you read (or hear)!
  • I’m really enjoying reading a fiction book! So much that I ordered another one. And… writing that makes me think I REALLY need to get a library card already.
  • SPOILER ALERT. I am very late to the game and just finished 13 Reasons Why on Netflix. Was anyone else disappointed with the lack of resolution in the ending? Maybe there will be more answers if they do a second season.

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 144

Training Week 410

By , August 27, 2017 5:53 pm

Highlight of the Week: The cool running temps!

Monday | August 21, 2017: 4 m run + teaching strength class
Loc: hood, Temp: 78°/81°, Time: 44:17, Pace: 11:04 avg, Difficulty: easy-ish, Felt: fine, then too hot
Strength: step and dumbbells, Difficulty: medium, Felt: good but SUPER sweaty!

Tuesday | August 22, 2017: rest
Wednesday | August 23, 2017: 3 m run
Loc: hood, Temp: 68°/67°, Time: 31:36, Pace: 10:32 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: great
Thursday | August 24, 2017: massage
Friday | August 25, 2017: teaching strength class + 1,008 yd swim + 4 m run (incl. 6×400)
Strength: step and dumbbells, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good, really sweaty again (even though it was cool out!)
Loc: FitNation, Time: 21:48, Pace: 2:10 min/100 yd, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Loc: Lake Andrea, Temp: 51°/57°, Time: 39:03, Pace: 9:46 avg, Difficulty: mostly easy, Felt: good, enjoyed the cool weather

Saturday | August 26, 2017: 3 m run
Loc: hood to Line Creek Trail, Temp: 62°/64°, Time: 33:34, Pace: 11:11 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: decent, but thirsty and swollen
Sunday | August 27, 2017: 13 m run + 10 m ride
Loc: Lake Andrea/Outlet Mall Loop, Temp: 65°/66°, Time: 2:33:57, Pace: 11:51 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: great
Indoor Ride Time: 39:48, Pace: 15.1 mph avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: sore butt


  • The strength classes I teach are whole body, but this cycle and the last cycle definitely taxed the lower body. I think I’ll move that focus to the upper/core for a class or two.
  • I got a massage this week, even though I didn’t have a race this weekend. I’m going to try to get one once a month, whether I am racing or not, to stay loose (for a few days anyway, ha)!
  • A really strange thing happened Saturday morning. I was putting on new running shoes (same model as previous ones) and I could NOT get them on my feet. The laces were tied like they normally are, and I checked and they were the right model and size. I was so confused. Then I realized my feet were hella swollen – probably from being dehydrated and wearing boots with heels. Gah. I loosened the laces and got them on and they felt fine for the run. But I noticed even my sunglasses felt too tight on my head. Whuuuuuut.
  • Sunday was the first time I rode my bike instead since May! I intended to ride outside but it was raining and windy. I’m hoping for a few more outdoor rides this year – I am not ready to go back to all indoor rides.

Link to Training Week 409

Why August is awesome this year iii

By , August 26, 2017 6:25 pm

Yesterday was my snister Christina’s birthday. She’s my best friend, I miss her like crazy, and haven’t seen her since MARCH, so I flew to Kansas City to surprise her!

Her husband, Will, coordinated everything with me, and picked me up at the airport (and dropped me off – thank you, Will!!!!!!), and we drove to her office for the surprise. I texted her on the way and asked if she got anything delivered from me. She said no (because I didn’t actually send anything, ha ha) and I acted all mad that “it” wasn’t there yet, and told her I checked and “it” was on its way. Then I showed up with balloons! Surprise!

Only taller cause I’m wearing boots with heels, ha

And she actually was surprised, yay!

And then we got to hang out all last night and all day today (I am flying back tonight), and I got to snuggle with this guy (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!):

What a great trip!

I wish I was able to see my snister and her family more often. Thank heavens for texting and google hangouts – we’re pretty much chatting all day most days.

And luckily, I already know when my next trip to Kansas City is, and it’s not months away!!! Yay!

I first wrote about August being awesome because I was grateful to have more free time in August 2017 than August 2016, then the second post and this post were about the things I am doing with that free time. I’m enjoying writing about random “awesome” things from the month – maybe I’ll continue it outside of August. 

It’s coming

By , August 25, 2017 11:31 am

Running’s been feeling stale lately, and I thought I needed a change of scenery. Or something different to listen to (or nothing to listen to at all). Or more focused workouts (less junk miles). Or, gasp! –  someone to run with.

Then it was in the 50s with a low dew point this morning and my run felt wonderful.

And I remembered, duh, it’s the end of August. I feel this way every year, at this time.

Then we have some rare cool August days and I get excited for fall, and it doesn’t arrive until mid October. Ha.

But the reminder it’s coming is nice.

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