Thanksgiving was lovely!

I mean, how could it not be, with all those rolls?! Fifty rolls for ten people… we got that ratio right!
I was anxious about getting the house set up for hosting, but I kept reminding myself that our friends coming over had seen our house at its messiest during our August 2016 construction project, so anything’s an improvement over that! Ha.
And, really, friends don’t care about stuff like that. Especially on Thanksgiving – when it’s all about togetherness and FOOOOOOOOOD. But I still get in my head sometimes.
Anyway! I was really happy with how the set-up turned out! We rearranged our living space to put the dining table in there (there’s no way ten people would fit in our dining room).

And we still had open circulation on the first floor so the kids could run circles! <— priorities! I got out my old toys out for the kids to play with, and it was fun to see the toys being used and enjoyed.
The food turned out great! On the menu was tofurky roasts and veggies, mashed potatoes, dressing, GBC (green bean casserole), sweet potato casserole, cranberries, and rolls. Our guests brought a turkey, wine, brownies, and pies. (We had the last two items, and ice cream and vegan cheesecake for dessert).

And apps, of course.

Steven did all the planning and cooking, and I did the sous-chefing
We ate lunch just before 2:00 pm. We like to have the big meal earlier in the day so that we can eat Thanksgiving leftovers for dinner! Yaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssss.
The only bad thing that happened was I got the nosebleed from hell and missed about twenty minutes of conversation. And the weird thing about the nosebleed is I got it immediately after talking about the character Eleven, from Stranger Things – who gets a nosebleed on the show whenever she uses her powers! (No, I didn’t move anything telepathically before I got the nosebleed, ha!). Annoying.
After the meal, the adults visited (while the kids played), then we all had dessert, then took family photos outside (I wish I would have gotten a photo of me and Steven!), then the kids ran around, then we came back in for a fire and more chatting. Data hung around the whole time (and particularly enjoyed swatting at the youngest kid while they ran around the first floor). Khali hid under the bed the whole time, but was super sweet after everyone left. Snow hung around the house and appreciated the turkey!

It was such an enjoyable day! I’m grateful we have these friends in our lives. I think it’s a special thing when one couple hits it off so well with another couple. And then especially when you introduce your friends to each other and they hit it off, too (the husbands had met before, during said August 2016 construction project, but not the wives).
At the end of the day, our guests helped us clean up and rearrange the living room back to its original state – gotta make room for our Christmas tree!!!