It happened!

By , January 15, 2018 9:22 pm


It happened! I completed my SMART goal for 2018 and ate one vegan donut!

I was an overachiever and drove much farther than from my house to Milwaukee to get one… I drove from my house all the way to Mud Pie, in Overland Park, Kansas. That’s 575 miles. One way. FOR ONE VEGAN DONUT.


Okay, in truth, I was in Overland Park for a late holiday celebration, and my nephew’s first birthday party. My snister, Christina, mentioned that Mud Pie Vegan Bakery recently opened near her home. We were going to fit in going there if we had time during our packed visit together!

Also in truth, I didn’t recall that they had donuts. Christina has been sending me drool-worthy photos of everything she gets, but I could only recall a scone and a bar.

So we get there, and I see they have donuts, and I tell my mom and snis, “Oh! I can complete my one goal for 2018 today!” and they are like “huh?” Ha.

So to be 100% HONEST and TRANSPARENT and REAL… it felt half-assed. Like I didn’t put the work in. I let my snister do it (she even had a Groupon!). And then it just happened that they had vegan donuts. It wasn’t even planned.

And I got a scone and a bar, too. And a chai! The donut wasn’t even the focus of the trip!

I had built this goal up to mean SO much in my head, but now that it’s over, and that it happened so randomly, I feel a little sad about it. Sad about how it all went down. Sad that it was the only thing I was going to accomplish this year, and it’s already over.

Ugh. What to do. Eat more donuts? Focus on something else?!

Training Week 430

By , January 14, 2018 9:01 pm

Highlight of the Week: Running with Dad!

Monday | January 8, 2018: 5 m run (incl. 8 hill repeats) + teaching strength class
Loc: hood, Temp: 34°/36°, Time: 49:08, Pace: 9:50 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: great, annoyed with traffic
Strength: kettlebells, Airex pads, and partner work, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good, hungry

Tuesday | January 9, 2018: 10 m run
Loc: 9th St/VP Woods Loop, Temp: 30°/28°, Time: 1:44:30, Pace: 10:27 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: awesome
Wednesday | January 10, 2018: rest
Thursday | January 11, 2018: 7 m run (incl. 4×800, 6×1:00) + 15 m ride
Loc: hood, Temp: 63°/64°, Time: 1:09:24, Pace: 9:55 avg, Difficulty: easy-ish, Felt: held back by the wind!
Indoor Ride Time: 56:15, Pace: 16.0 mph avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good

Friday | January 12, 2018: teaching strength class + 1,218 yd swim + 4 m run
Strength: Airex pads & kettlebell, + boxing, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good, hungry
Loc: FitNation, Time: 25:46, Pace: 2:07 min/100 yd, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Loc: hood, Temp: 19°/18°, Time: 39:22, Pace: 9:50, Difficulty: easy, Felt: great, anxious to pack

Saturday | January 13, 2018: 5 m run (w/Dad)
Loc: Line Creek Trail, Temp: 12°/12°, Time: 53:50, Pace: 10:41 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good, glad to run with Dad!
Sunday | January 14, 2018: 10.1 m run (w/Dad)
Loc: Line Creek Trail/Quivira Loop, Temp: 17°/18°, Time: 1:54:35, Pace: 11:21 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: great


  • I think there is some law of running that when you are doing hill repeats on a road, 50% of the time, there will be traffic when you need to turn. Gah. I was so happy to run outside Monday, but the traffic and wind made me a bit nuts!
  • I have lost some weight (about 14%) and my run paces are dropping as a result of that. Yay!
  • It was in the mid 60s when I did speedwork this week. Nutso! And it was quite windy, eek. My paces were all over, but it was nice to do speedwork outside in shorts!
  • I didn’t think I’d get to run with my dad in Kansas City, because it was so cold, but he brought his bike and rode with me in the cold Saturday and on the snow/while it was still snowing on Sunday. YAY! I love my one on one time with Dad when I am running.

Link to Training Week 429

Current mood…

By , January 13, 2018 8:35 pm

… can’t wait for William’s party tomorrow!

Books I’ve read (or tried to) so far this year

By , January 12, 2018 7:38 am

I received all of these books as gifts, except Life’s Too Short To Go So F*cking Slow, which I bought myself.

What Made Maddy Run is about Madison Holleran, a college freshman and track athlete at University of Pennsylvania, whose death by suicide was a horrible shock to her loved ones and the college community. This story began as a column written by Kate Fagan for espnW, then Fagan developed it in to a book.

The book discusses Holleran’s story, Fagan’s story (she also struggled as a freshman college athlete), the pressure on young people, and suicide. I was mostly interested in Holleran’s story, not so much the author’s (ha, sorry), and found the insight on social media’s effect on young people (and everyone!) to be very interesting.

I struggled with keeping interest in some of the pages when it was copies of texts or chats, but other than that, the book held my interest. I recommend it! It leaves you with a lot to think about.

Life’s Too Short To Go So F*cking Slow is the story of Susan Lacke and her friend Carlos. In the beginning of the book, Lacke has just moved to Arizona as a newlywed, works at a university, and does not have her sh*t together. She is greatly intimidated by her boss, Carlos, who’s an orderly, hardass Ironman athlete.

One day Carlos tells her she is going to join him swimming the next day, and she goes. And keeps going. And becomes interested in swimming, cycling, then running. Eventually she starts doing triathlons. Carlos keeps pushing her, and doesn’t put up with her whiny bullsh*t. They develop a unique relationship that she cherishes. This book documents stories from their years of friendship.

Yeah, that’s a horrible description, ha, but this read was super quick and enjoyable! I finished it in just a few hours. If you like relationship stories, you’ll like this.

I saw an interview with Louise Green in Bicycling Magazine, and I enjoyed it, and it mentioned her book, Big Fit Girl, so I put it on my wishlist without looking it to it too much. Oops. I was hoping it would be more story-based, but it seems more like a “rah rah, love your body”/inspirational kind of book, with some reference information in it, and it’s not for me. I didn’t get very far.

Something similar happened with Race Everything by Bart Yasso. I tried to read it, but it was too reference-y, with lots of training plans, and tips, and not very much story telling (although there is some!). I think I should be reading Yasso’s book My Life on the Run, instead. Again, my bad!

Random Thoughts Thursday 163

By , January 11, 2018 6:51 am
  • EXCITING NEWS! After all my whining (mostly on here), I found out at the end of the day yesterday that my detail is being extended by thirty days! Yay! That gives me enough time to finish some of the projects I started with my team. And my bosses said they will discuss it again at the end of those thirty days. Thanks for reading/listening, and your input and support! I apologize for being mopey AF, but I did NOT know what was going on with it, and I was starting to feel frantic.
  • Besides the Chewie and the porgs poster, Andrew also got me this framed comic from Poorly Drawn Lines I had asked for. Gah, it makes me laugh every time I look at it!

  • I hung said Chewie and the porgs poster up! I wonder how long until Steven asks me to take it down. Ha!

  • We still have all our holiday cards up in the kitchen. I think I’ll take them down when we start getting Valentine’s Day cards…

  • And speaking of Valentine’s Day! I found my favorite candy in the grocery store (it’s kind of hard to find). Yay! I bought six bags, and the cashier says to me “where’s all this going?” I rubbed my belly and said “right here.” Muah ha ha ha.

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 162

I don’t want to “fake it till I make it”!

By , January 10, 2018 6:23 am

That saying – fake it till you make it – needs some caveats:

  • Stop faking it if it eats away at your soul!
  • Stop faking it if it makes you FAKE/disingenuous!
  • Don’t confuse building your character by faking it with building tolerance toward something you hate


There’s a reason I asked Santa for the “Live What You Love” mantraband!

I’m a broken record, but to reiterate, I am not looking forward to going back to my old work position, because I don’t care for the work anymore (it’s changed a lot since I started), and for other reasons. I greatly enjoyed the work in my detail position. And it’s not because it’s new and different. It’s because it suits me.

I didn’t have to fake it at work while I was in the detail.

Ahh, and it was so refreshing.

The dread of going back to my old position is seeping in now, and really getting me down. And I hate that I am letting that happen! But I hate to think I have to go back to faking it, every day at work, trying to like something that doesn’t suit me. Being nice to people who are arseholes to me. Always being friendly, even though I’m fed up. It’s draiiiiiiiiiiiiining.

So, I am saying no to “faking it.”

I’m just not quite sure what that means yet…

Goalz are hard

By , January 9, 2018 6:17 am

I have an update on my ONE SMART goal for 2018 and it’s not a good one. Eek!

In my mind, driving to Madison on Sunday was an opportunity to maybe go the “long” way and stop in Milwaukee for a vegan donut, when Holey Moley opens at 6:30 am.

Alas, I did not want to wake up even earlier and do the longer trip. I failed before I even tried. Sigh.

I especially failed, because I made a special stop at Hurts Donuts in Madison to get donuts for Steven!

Ugh. If only they had vegan donuts! If only I wasn’t so lazy! If only I had researched other places in Madison that might have vegan donuts. Achieving this goal is harder than I thought it would be!!!

Luckily, I have a month to complete it!!! And I can keep trying, all year, if I don’t achieve it in January!

I am surprised I haven’t mentioned Hurts Donuts on here before. We went there in May when we were in Dallas, and Steven thought their glazed donut was the best he’s ever had (they also do tons of crazy cool specialty donuts, which isn’t his thing). When we got back home from that trip he looked up other Hurts Donuts locations and was excited to see they have this one in Wisconsin, and some in Iowa. So I had to stop and get him some since the race I did was only a few miles away.

And don’t worry, I did get a vegan brownie at Monty’s Blue Plate Diner. And it was delicious.

Snowshoe Scurry, Race #2 Race Report

By , January 8, 2018 5:33 am

I cannot remember the last time I used my snowshoes for hiking or for racing. But that didn’t hold me back when Rachel asked if I wanted to do the Snowshoe Scurry (Race #2) yesterday – count me in! Rachel signed me up as a holiday gift!!!! <— best gift ever!

The Snowshoe Scurry is a five race series in Wisconsin, near the Madison area. Each race is at a different location, and has a 5K or 10K snowshoe option, and sometimes other options like fat tire bike or duathlon. Each race finishes with chili and hot drinks! And includes a buff and free race photos! Woo hoo!

I couldn’t remember which distance Rachel signed us up for (and was too lazy to read my email, apparently) so I texted her Saturday to ask and she responded “5k! I’m not sure I’d survive a 10k in snowshoes haha.”

Good point! Snowshoe races are hard. Running on snow is difficult enough, right? But when you wear snowshoes, you have to widen your stance to run, so you don’t trip on yourself. It taxes your body much differently than regular running! And if there is a terrain change, you have to change how you pick up your feet. Your heart rate gets jacked up! And it’s totally fun! But to Rachel’s point, just 5K fun!!!

The race was held at Pleasant View Golf Course in Middleton and the 5K race started shortly after the 10Kers around 9:10. I was worried I’d be cold since it was 18° and windy, but we ran quite a bit in the woods and had wind protection there, and the open areas didn’t feel bad at all. Phew! I even pulled my buff down off my mouth a few times (can’t remember the last time I did that)!

Some of the people doing this race were F-A-S-T. As in, the 10Kers started about 10 minutes before us, but they lapped us when we were in our final mile. Whoa! (The 10K winner finished in 46:24, and the 5K winner finished in 24:23, 15 people did the 10K, and 37 did the 5K).

Our goal was to have fun and not fall! And we accomplished both, yay!

We kept up a steady pace, and walked a few of the hills – because we were near Madison, so of course, it’s hilly! I had no idea what our pace was while we were running. I just checked my watch a few times to see what miles we were in (the course was marked great, but no mile markers), but didn’t notice pace. Our official finish time was 45:52. I compared that to the other two snowshoe 5Ks I’ve done – 44:21 and 44:09 – consistent!

We had a lot of fun out there, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t happy to change in to dry clothes and have a hot cup of cider! We hung around the post race party for a bit then headed out to brunch at Monty’s Blue Plate Diner in Madison! I had the delicious vegan hash and took home a vegan brownie. Drool.

What a fun day! I am glad it worked out that I could do this race with Rachel. I contacted her at the end of December to ask when we could meet in January to exchange holiday gifts, and she mentioned she might be doing this race and asked if I’d like to join her. Yay for impromptu racing, and for doing a race together! I hope this is the first of many races we do together this year?! Next time, it will have to be MY treat!!!

Training Week 429

By , January 7, 2018 6:16 pm

Highlight of the Week: Doing my first race of 2018 with Rachel!

Monday | January 1, 2018: 25 mins strength + 16 m ride + 4 m run (incl. 4×1:30 4% hill repeats)
Indoor Ride Time: 1:01:31, Pace: 15.6 mph avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: great! sore butt at end
Treadmill Time: 43:56, Pace: 10:59 avg, Difficulty: mostly east, Felt: good

Tuesday | January 2, 2018: 8 m run
Loc: Waukegan Field House, Time: 1:24:50, Pace: 10:36 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good, a bit tired and bored
Wednesday | January 3, 2018: 1.5 m walk
Thursday | January 4, 2018: 5 m run (incl. 7×400) + 10 m ride
Treadmill Time: 53:43, Pace: 10:45 avg, Difficulty: medium, Felt: good, just a hard workout on the treadmill!
Indoor Ride Time: 37:22, Pace: 16.1 mph avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: frustrated with technology/the end of my work day

Friday | January 5, 2018: teaching strength class + 1,176 yd swim + 10 m run + massage
Strength: medicine balls, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Loc: FitNation, Time: 25:17, Pace: 2:09 min/100 yd, Difficulty: easy, Felt: great
Loc: Waukegan Field House, Time: 1:43:15, Pace: 10:20, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good, just frustrated w/people not following track rules

Saturday | January 6, 2018: 18 m ride + teaching fitness boxing + 4 m run
Indoor Ride Time: 1:11:04, Pace: 15.2 mph avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good, just sore butt (wearing tri shorts)
Strength: kettlebells, core, and boxing, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Loc: VP Woods, Temp: 13°/12°, Time: 40:30, Pace: 10:07 avg, Difficulty: easy/medium (running on snow), Felt: great!

Sunday | January 7, 2018: Snowshoe Scurry, Race #2 (w/Rachel!)
Loc: Pleasant View Gold Course, Middleton, Temp: 18°/18°, Time: 45:29, Pace: 15:06 avg, Difficulty: easy/medium, Felt: good, glad I didn’t fall!


  • Monday was the last day of the Holiday Mile Challenge! I did a mile of walking, biking, or running from Thanksgiving until New Year’s Day. The shirts and medals already arrived for me and my teammates, and I am looking forward to distributing them.
  • This was a week of me waking up much earlier than I needed to. 4:00 instead of 5:00 on Wednesday, 2:50 instead of 3:50 on Friday, and 5:30 instead of 7:30 on Saturday. Blah! On Wednesday and Saturday, I filled that time with unplanned exercise.
  • Speedwork was HARD on the treadmill! But it was too cold to do recoveries outside, so to the treadmill I go. It looks like I should be able to do speedwork outside next week, as long as I can run during the daylight!
  • I was so so so so happy to run outside Sat. All those inside runs were messing me up (mentally and physically, hence the massage on Friday).
  • On Sunday I did my first race of the year – the Snowshoe Scurry, #2 (it’s a series) with Rachel! Rachel and I decided to do the race last this week, and she bought me registration as part of my holiday gift. What a great gift and fun time together! I’ll write a race report later this week!

Link to Training Week 428

I just needed to RUN OUTSIDE

By , January 6, 2018 4:34 pm

Can I get a “Duh, Kim”?!

I’m super grumpy when I don’t run. And I prefer to run outside, but it’s been cold* and windy here, and bad conditions for certain workouts (speed, hills, long). So… I’ve been running inside, since last Sunday.

I thought that would combat the grumpy. At least I am still running, right?

No. By the end of the week, I could feel the grumpiness seeping in.

AHHH!!!! I just need to run outside!

And I finally did today. And feel so much better.

I’m sure the Vitamin D helped too

I’ve been doing other workouts as well – cycling, swimming, lifting, teaching classes… but nothing makes me feel as good as running outside does. Hopefully there is more of that next week!!!

*When the temp is single digits or negative, and the “feels like” is -10°F or lower, I just can’t do those “focused” or long workouts outside. Those nasty temps are for “junk” miles!

Tomorrow is this guy’s FIRST birthday, can you believe it?!

Photo from when I saw him in August! I haven’t seen him since September!!!! AHHHH!!!!

We’ll see William soon for a late Christmas celebration and for his first birthday party. I am so excited to see him and my family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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