It happened!
It happened! I completed my SMART goal for 2018 and ate one vegan donut!
I was an overachiever and drove much farther than from my house to Milwaukee to get one… I drove from my house all the way to Mud Pie, in Overland Park, Kansas. That’s 575 miles. One way. FOR ONE VEGAN DONUT.
Okay, in truth, I was in Overland Park for a late holiday celebration, and my nephew’s first birthday party. My snister, Christina, mentioned that Mud Pie Vegan Bakery recently opened near her home. We were going to fit in going there if we had time during our packed visit together!
Also in truth, I didn’t recall that they had donuts. Christina has been sending me drool-worthy photos of everything she gets, but I could only recall a scone and a bar.
So we get there, and I see they have donuts, and I tell my mom and snis, “Oh! I can complete my one goal for 2018 today!” and they are like “huh?” Ha.
So to be 100% HONEST and TRANSPARENT and REAL… it felt half-assed. Like I didn’t put the work in. I let my snister do it (she even had a Groupon!). And then it just happened that they had vegan donuts. It wasn’t even planned.
And I got a scone and a bar, too. And a chai! The donut wasn’t even the focus of the trip!
I had built this goal up to mean SO much in my head, but now that it’s over, and that it happened so randomly, I feel a little sad about it. Sad about how it all went down. Sad that it was the only thing I was going to accomplish this year, and it’s already over.
Ugh. What to do. Eat more donuts? Focus on something else?!