Fresh out of f*cks

By , March 24, 2018 3:35 am

Gawd, I’ve been training for this 5K f-o-r-e-v-e-r (and you’ve been hearing about it F-O-R-E-V-E-R). “Focused”* training started in the middle of December.

The race is two weeks from today, and I’m at the point where I just want to be running the damn thing. I usually don’t focus on a race for this long, and don’t have the mental energy for it anymore. I’m fresh out of f*cks to give about training.

In this “focused” training cycle (since December 18th) I have:

  • Run 581.7 miles, including:
    • 13 speed workouts
    • 13 hill workouts
    • 6 tempo workouts (including one race)
  • Done strength: 36 times
  • Cycled: 28 times
  • Swam: 14 times
  • Gotten a massage: 4 times

And how close I am to my previous 5K PR weight? A few pounds over! Do I think I will get there before my race in two weeks? Not really. Ha. But I have lost 20% of my weight since November, so that’s cool. I need to keep going in that direction, and stay there (I am a chronic yo-yoer).

I know some people are anti-scale, but daily weigh-ins keep me on track!

I’m not going to get any faster in these next two weeks. I’m tempted to stop with the focused work now, and run junk miles until the race. I probably won’t. Winky face.

What I do need to make sure I do though, is focus on my eating, and getting enough sleep!

Two more weeks, I can do this!!!

*Focused as in, specific 5K speedwork. I had been doing speedwork once a week for a few years, and hills once a week for about a month+. And I do strength, cycling, and swimming every week anyway.

A bad thing that happened this week. I have this janky 6-port USB charging tower on my desktop, and on Thursday afternoon, I had three things plugged in to it (phone, watch, headphones), and I said to Steven, “I have three things plugged in, let’s see what happens!”

Um, foreshadowing…

Not five minutes later, I look over and my headphones are SMOKING. Smoke is coming out of where the charging cord connects to the headphones.


The connection in the headphones and the end of the charging cord both fried.

The good news is, the headphones were over two years old, and they were on their way out anyway. And they were on sale on Amazon Thursday, so I ordered a new pair. And put that charging tower in the garbage.

But gah – that could have been BAD!!!

What I’m currently listening to on repeat 2 (& an IMPORTANT question!!!)

By , March 23, 2018 3:44 am

I found MC Fioti’s “Bum Bum Tam Tam” watching a dance video on Instagram. I find quite a bit of my music that way – I like the music (hip hop) dancers use!

And “Bum Bum Tam Tam” was one I was instantly listening to on repeat, day after day..

Let me know what you think, and what you’re listening to right now!

VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION – I am getting a manicure on Sunday, and whatever color I get will be the one I have on when I do my 5K on April 7th.

So… should I stick with this blue, since it matches my singlet so well?!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this blue.

Or… should I get something else from the gorgeous OPI Lisbon Collection?! I like all of these colors (and have worn #4 before!):

Vote on what color I should get (if you want)! I will let you know what I end up with on Monday!

Which nail polish should I get?

  • #1 (65%, 13 Votes)
  • #3 (25%, 5 Votes)
  • #4 (10%, 2 Votes)
  • #2 (0%, 0 Votes)
  • None of these! (0%, 0 Votes)
  • IDGAF (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 20

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Random Thoughts Thursday 172

By , March 22, 2018 6:28 am
  • I hate talking about material things (ick), but I have to mention, I got a new phone this week and it’s made a world of difference. Mine was three years old, slooooooooooooow AF, and not reliable as a phone anymore. So, yay for the upgrade, and no longer wondering if my phone is going to work (at all), or randomly die.

  • This is the tenth year of the Wisconsin Marathon and Half Marathon, and will be my tenth year running the half! The race is commemorating ten year runners by giving them “a special, Wisconsin Marathon blanket” (in quotes because I pulled that from an email they sent last week, ha). Neat!
  • I don’t know what my goal (if any) will be for the Wisconsin Half Marathon. It’s four weeks after my 5K, so I’ll see how I feel post 5K and decide.
  • Did anyone read the Outside Magazine article Why Caffeine Might Not Make You Faster (pdf here)? Apparently what version (AA, AC, or CC) you have of the gene CYP1A2 affects how your body metabolizes caffeine. Generally, if you metabolize it faster (AA), you go faster. If you metabolize it slower (CC), you go slower. Interesting stuff! I get my caffeine from tea and chocolate, and wonder what a cup of coffee would do for me!
  • Also from Outside Magazine, did anyone read the article about elite marathoner Jordan Hasay (pdf here)? I love getting a glimpse of how elites train, and I have to say, her typical day (circled in red below, with yellow highlights of the things that sound extra fantastic) sounds awesome to me!

  • This post needs more cat pictures!

Ha, I brought my laptop in to the kitchen to work standing for a while and Khali wasn’t sure about me disturbing her slumber! Such RBF. So cute. Very sleep.

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 171

70 miles, nbd

By , March 21, 2018 6:03 am

The specific routes for each day of RAGBRAI 2018 (XLVI) were announced last week!

Image from here (and here)

My team (Dad, Gina, Steve, and Andrew) is on board for the last day of RAGBRAI, Day 7. The elevation profile looks much less intimidating than last year’s, but seventy miles (I bet we’ll be at that, if not more) on a bike is no joke! Dad (and Will and Julie) and I did a seventy+ mile route in 2015 and we were BEAT. But that was after we rode sixty miles the day before, which won’t be the case this year.

Anyway, no matter WHAT we are all doing the day before, EVERYONE needs to train to ride seventy miles. Which probably means a few half century rides prior to RAGBRAI. It’s always interesting to see how well trained everyone shows up to ride, muah ha ha.

And most importantly, I will make sure I can satisfy my Mexican food craving in Davenport before we leave town, so no one has to listen to me talk about beans and rice on the long car ride home. (This has happened more than once!)

Shop talk

By , March 20, 2018 6:12 am

When Data was at the vet last week, a veterinarian walked by and asked me “Is that the 910?”

It took me a second, but I realized he was talking about my Garmin watch, which I wear all the time. “It’s the 920!” I said.

Then we talked shop for a bit, which was enjoyable. He does triathlons and trains with a well-known club in town.

Later, when I was talking to Steven about it, he said he was super confused at first. “He asked you if it was 9:10, and you said 9:20, but I looked at the clock and it was 9:23!” Ha! Ha ha ha.

Data was at the vet for his annual appointment. It’s usually in April but we moved it up a month because he’s been losing weight. He’s older (15) so the weight loss is typical, but we wanted to have his blood work done and make sure he’s okay. He’s also been a bit needy over the last month, which he tends to be when he’s not feeling well, so we wanted to check on that, too. (Otherwise his behavior has been completely normal.)

That’s one way to hide from the vet

His bloodwork came back fine! He is still in the “gray zone” for thyroid issues, and the vet recommended we check his blood again in six months. But yay, my old man cat is healthy.

According to the app I use at the vet, yesterday, March 19th, was Data’s birthday (no idea how they came up with this date, ha – I had never seen it until I got the app a year ago). Happy Birthday, Data!

The vet sent Data an animated card with all of these cats showing up at the door then having a party for Data. Awwwwwww. It was so cute and cheesy, I teared up a bit, watching it. 

The third weekend in March

By , March 19, 2018 6:23 am

Creative title, right? Gosh, March sure is long!

I had a short, but blissful, weekend!

Steven got a hankering for a homemade cookie on Saturday, so he made some Sunday evening!

On Friday afternoon I got a sports massage, then went to Aldi (my first trip of two there this weekend, grrr). That night, I saw Bobbi’s daughter’s play. I was impressed! To be honest, I wasn’t expecting much from a middle school play, but I am pretty sure their acting, costumes, lighting, and stage surpassed anything I did in high school theater.

The play was Cobweb Dreams, which was a take on a portion of A Midsummer’s Night Dream (which I wasn’t familiar with but read about after the show). The story was about the faeries that live in the enchanted forest; particularly, about the fairy Cobweb, who felt like she didn’t belong in her group of faeries (lady-in-waiting faeries, I think), and wondered if she belonged in any of the other fairy groups in her tribe (woodland faeries, water faeries, flower faeries, etc.). She was thinking about leaving them all to join a different tribe all together.

The story had great themes: self acceptance, sense of belonging, group dynamics (how to get along with everyone even if they aren’t your best friend), and appropriate and NOT appropriate pranks/teasing. I thought those were great lessons for this age group (and let’s be real, every age). I’m glad I went! Like I said, I was impressed and entertained. Now I want to see A Midsummer’s Night Dream!

I ran Saturday morning, then Jen, Troy, and Declan came over so we could go to HuHot! Oh, HuHot, how I love thee. I had been thinking about what I was going to put in my stir fry all week and it did not disappoint!

Not sure why I took a photo of my food hanging OFF the table, wtf, Kim

I wore green to make sure I didn’t get pinched, but that was the extent of my St. Patrick’s Day celebrating!

Looks like the “hanging things off a ledge” photo trend lasted all day, wtf…

We hung out with Jen, Troy, and Declan a bit at our house after lunch, then I finished The Wild Truth and took a short nap.

Saturday night was chill. We considered watching The Shape of Water to continue our Oscar-nominated movie watching spree (we’ve recently watched Darkest Hour, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri, and I, TonyaGet Out and Icarus were the only we had seen pre-Oscars!), but ended up watching Battlestar Galatica. 

On Sunday I ran (surprise surprise), then did errands after lunch. I missed a few things at Aldi, hence trip #2. Eyeroll – I hate being inefficient. I also went to another store, and to the library to return a few things. I completely forgot the library isn’t open on Sundays, and was disappointed I didn’t get to look for something new to read! Wah!

After errands, I took the cats out on the balcony,

took a short nap, went on a walk with Steven, then he made cookies and dinner (I sous chefed),

and… we watched more Battlestar Gallactica!

It’s obvious I need other hobbies beyond exercising, reading, and watching movies/shows. But the fact that I am feeling more social is good! Long-time readers will recall I get the “spring blues” – I struggle when it gets warmer and the days get longer. It makes me moody. I can feel that seeping in, especially on Sunday, when it was so warm out. I know it’s odd, and I fight it every year. Fingers crossed this is one of the better years (last year surprisingly was because we had no winter – so I didn’t have a winter to mourn ending).

Training Week 439

By , March 18, 2018 6:10 pm

Highlight of the Week: An awesome Monday strength workout I felt for a few days!

Monday | March 12, 2018: 30 mins strength + 12 m run
Loc: Kilbourne/DPRT loop, Temp: 43°/38°, Time: 1:55:11, Pace: 9:35 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: great!
Tuesday | March 13, 2018: 5 m run (incl. 8 hill repeats)
Loc: hood, Temp: 28°/28°, Time: 45:35, Pace: 9:06 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: fantastico
Wednesday | March 14, 2018: rest
Thursday | March 15, 2018: 15 m ride + 7 m run (incl. 12×400)
Indoor Ride Time: 1:00:36, Pace: 14.9 mph avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Loc: Lake Andrea, Temp: 39°/36°, Time: 1:04:11, Pace: 9:09 avg, Difficulty: medium, Felt: good, challenged by the wind

Friday | March 16, 2018: teaching strength class + 798 yd swim + 4 m run + massage!
Strength: body bars and resistance bands, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Loc: FitNation, Time: 15:44, Pace: 1:58 min/100 yd, Difficulty: easy, Felt: great
Loc: hood, Temp: 32°/31°, Time: 37:30, Pace: 9:22 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: great

Saturday | March 17, 2018: 10.5 m run (incl. 3 m tempo)
Loc: VP Woods Loop, Temp: 34°/37°, Time: 1:41:30, Pace: 9:40 avg, Difficulty: medium, Felt: legs tired, tempo in to the wind
Sunday | March 18, 2018: 16 m run (part i and ii (accidentally reset watch)) + 25 min walk (w/Steven)
Loc: Pine Dunes/Outlet Mall/Lake Andrea Loop, Temp: 33°/51°, Time: 2:41:23, Pace: 10:05 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: pretty good


  • I had Monday off from teaching (I take it off from time to time) and did a strength workout on my own. We do muscular endurance based workouts in class (high amount of reps, lighter weights), but I do muscular strength based at home (low amount of reps, heavy weights), and my body FELT IT the next two days and I LOVED that!!!
  • It’s always so windy where I go for speedwork, which I think will be good for me come race day, but man, some weeks are more annoying than others. Like this week. My intervals in to the wind were quite a bit slower than those with the wind at my back. Eh.
  • When I first started swimming with music, I noticed my pace got faster. Now I notice I swim faster without it!
  • I wanted to get my tempo run done on Saturday, so I could do whatever I wanted on Sunday (JUNK MILES!!!). But I woke up feeling beat up, maybe from my massage? I still did my tempo, and it went fine (with annoying winds, of course), but wonder if I should have waited until Sunday. Eh. Ha.

Link to Training Week 438

Steven asked if I wanted to adopt a kitten!

By , March 17, 2018 7:45 am

He actually asked me two weeks ago, so you’re probably surprised this post isn’t me introducing the newest member of our family to you!

I’m surprised too. And I was surprised when Steven asked. He’s never had a kitten, and thought it would be fun. I bet it would be fun too. AND CRAZY.

Everyone I tell this to immediately says “YES OMG GET A KITTEN RIGHT MEOW OMG YASSSSSSSS!!!!”

Except when I told Rachel. Who recently adopted a young cat. She said “how much do you like your furniture?” Hmm, or did she ask me “How much do you like your things not being destroyed?” Ha. Same difference!

So we’re thinking about it. We’d adopt (from the vet/shelter/a rescue, etc.). I told the vet to let us know when they get their annual spring kittens brought in from the farms.

This is horrible (but true), but since Snow passed, it’s been much easier to take care of two indoor cats, compared to two indoor and one outdoor. Obviously, this new kitten would live inside, but I do wonder about the extra “work.” And of course, what Data and Khali would think!

Visualization vs daydreaming

By , March 16, 2018 7:13 am

I’m not happy to only be blogging my “check-in” posts – weekend recaps, Random Thoughts Thursday, and my training recap. I actually have a long list of things I want to talk about, but they’re mostly negative and I’d rather discuss those with my snis or friends, so I keep that stuff off of here. Hopefully that list will turn positive soon, and I will be blogging more, because I MISS IT!!!

My goal 5K is three weeks from tomorrow! Woo hoo!

Beyond the physical training, I’ve begun the visualization portion of the mental training. I imagine myself at the start of the race, feeling calm (HA!!!!). I run through the course in my mind, and see myself with good form, feeling strong while running the tangents and not weaving around too many people. Then I visualize not being completely out of it at the finish!

This course is one I’ve run several times, in a park in my hometown, so I can visualize it quite well! I’ve been working on this each night as a fall asleep, and then whenever I wake up in the night, too.

Visualization is a useful tool, for me. It’s practice of my mental game plan, before race day. I practice my mental pain management during speedwork (intervals and tempos), but this is more about my overall mental state for the entire race. How can I be calm as I start? What will my mantra be? Where will I check in on pace and form? And so on.

Visualization is NOT daydreaming about an awesome finish (which, hey, is fun to do, too!). Visualization and daydreaming are different. Daydreaming is defined as an “usually wishful creation of the imagination” and a “pleasant distraction from every day life.” Daydreaming definitely has its uses (during long meetings, amirite?). But visualization is useless without putting in the actual work, to achieve your goal! It’s not fantasy-land, it’s what you’re going to do because you trained for it!

One of my favorite quotes from last year’s calendar, that reminds me of this – don’t waste so much time dreaming that you don’t do the work!

Yes, please roll your eyes over how seriously I am taking this 5K. It’s quite ridiculous! Ha!

I don’t hate people!

By , March 12, 2018 6:06 am

Despite this post making it seem that way!

I’m just in tune with when I need more quiet time than social time, and that’s how this month has started, and I’m feeling good, because of it!

So, yeah – another (mostly) quiet weekend!

Friday got off to an awesome start when I checked the mail and the newest Runner’s World had my favorite runner – Shalane Flanagan!!! – on the cover!

I had to immediately text fellow Shalane-lover, xaarlin, about the cover

Updated April 3rd – link to article here

I’ve followed her career for a long time and love that she’s been in the news so much after winning the New York City Marathon. And I especially love her platform of encouraging and supporting her fellow women training partners to be their best and how that also makes her her best. <—Said poorly (what a surprise!), so read more about that here (pdf version here).

Side note: the state of the magazine industry makes me sad. Each issue of Runner’s World seems thinner than the previous one. This issue has a printed article of something I read online from them in August (the article is slightly different). It also has an  announcement that this is the editor-in-chief’s last issue (I think she was the editor-in-chief for a year or less?). Despite my complaints about Runner’s World I do still read it, and prefer to read magazines in print, but it doesn’t feel like I will be doing that much longer, with most of their content being online now. Who knows.

Back to Friday – I had dinner with Steven and Troy, then they went to a concert. I enjoyed visiting with them when they got back.

On Saturday I ran with Rachel! Then ran an errand and spent some much needed downtime with Steven – we hadn’t seen each other much all week. I took a nap (woot!) while Steven worked then we went out for dinner and picked up Murder on the Orient Express to watch.

This Mexican restaurant near us added a completely vegan menu a couple of months ago!

Steven had an early meeting on Sunday, and I am hoping us getting up early, and going to bed early Sunday night helps us fight the usual horrible feelings that come from switching to DST! (I still felt hella confused when it was so dark out when I got up this morning, hmm.)

Sunday was more working out, and errands. The exciting part of errands was when I randomly stopped at the Bath & Body Works outlet to see if they still had my second favorite winter candle scent on sale AND THEY HAPPENED TO HAVE MY FIRST FAVORITE SCENT OMFG (and my second one!)!!! I thought I wouldn’t get that scent again until November!!! <— very exciting moment for me (sad, I know).

I have a candle going most of the time I work from home, so I go through these kind of fast!  

And my Sunday was über exciting after that – chores and chilling with Steven. Ha. Yeah, I’m ready to reintegrate with society!

I’ve noticed me feeling the need for quiet coincided directly with going back to my old position at work. That’s because I’m frustrated almost every day by the work I do, and it makes me want to be alone after work. Conversely, It’s also because I am physically alone, working from home by myself a lot of the time. That makes me feel anti-social, which is odd, because I know what I need to help with that is meaningful connections.

So I need connections to feel better, but am so frustrated I feel like I shouldn’t be around people. Eek.

Luckily, I had and enjoyed meaningful conversations and connections with people this weekend! Now, to work on not feeling so angry during the work week that it seeps in to the rest of my life…

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48 ‘queries’.