Our weekend was AWESOME and I hope yours was too!

Although, Friday started out on a serious note. We took Data to the veterinarian because he’d had diarrhea for three weeks (we thought it was getting better, hence not taking him sooner). The vet ran tests to see if he has a malabsorption issue, or irritated dietary tract. Data has lost over two and a half pounds since his March vet visit. Our poor old man cat.
I should hear back from the vet midweek. It’s likely we’ll have to give Data meds, or change his diet (which he will NOT make easy – he’s a PICKY eater). He still has diarrhea.
While we were there, I remembered to ask to visit the kittens!

There’s six kittens, three males and three females. I definitely need to adopt two, right?!
Friday night was quiet after that. I was exhausted from not getting enough sleep (broken record). I was productive in picking out an outfit for the the outdoor barnyard wedding we’re going to next weekend, though. I’m planning to wear the dress in the top right corner.

Collage I made to send my mom and snis
Of course, we watched a movie Friday night. We finished All I See Is You. Blah.
On Saturday I woke up with the sun to do hill repeats before teaching fitness boxing.

I taught, then took my car to the dealer to get the piece replaced they forgot to swap out before.

We had lunch with Mad Men, then I got groceries and picked up these!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Craving satisifed!

sooooooooooooooo gooooooooooooooooooodt
I thought I would pull weeds when I got back, but it was in the high 80s (or low 90s?!) and hella stuffy out. I tried to spend time on the balcony and it was even too hot for that. Ugh. So we stayed inside for the evening, reading a bit, then making dinner and watching Patti Cake$ (entertaining, seemed like a newer, Jersey version of 8 Mile to us).

I didn’t need to set an alarm Sunday, but the kitties woke me up nice and early! Thanks, guys!

Actually, it was nice to have a relaxing morning eating breakfast and reading on the balcony before we left at 8:00 for the race.

We ran the Chocholic 5K in Burlington, then headed to Milwaukee for the Brewers game. Rachel got us tickets as an early birthday gift for me! I’ve done a Spartan Race at Miller Park, but this was my first time being there for a game.
Guys, I LOVE ballpark food. Yes, it’s expensive, but it’s such a fun part of the experience! And all the ballparks seems so savvy with vegan options now! I could eat three hot dogs. I stuck to one. Hee.

We had a fun time watching the Brewers play (and beat!) the Mets. I was glad Rachel got seats that were in the shade because it was freaking HOT – as Steven and I like to say “too hot for touching.” Ha. We were careful not to bump arms or legs as we sat next to each other at the game. And to take a few breaks to walk around the concourse (and get more food and drinks) and cool off a bit.

It was fun to chat during the game and catch up. We love spending time with Rachel and Kevin! And yay for our first game of the year! Next month, we’ll be back at Miller Park to see the Royals play the Brewers! Woot!
When we drove home I started to get a headache and feel a little heat sick. I wasn’t surprised – I surely got a bit dehydrated (despite drinking a lot of water), and had a frozen daiquiri, and was sitting in a cold car after being out in the sun! A cold shower felt good when I got home, but I felt a bit off the rest of the night! We watched Baywatch and went to bed early.
I was nervous about doing my tempo run (twelve miles at marathon pace!) Monday morning with it being in the high 60s/low 70s, and after eating and drinking a bit differently than normal, but I nailed it and felt great!

I was back at the house a little after 7:00, changed clothes, and got to work pulling weeds. Finally! I wanted to do that last weekend but it was too rainy and cold.
Several hours later, I was done, and took a cool bath to relax. We had lunch and watched another episode of Mad Men, then put the hammock outside on the balcony and hung out out there!

Pretty soon it was time to prep ALL THE FOOD to grill! Steven brought our grill home from storage this week. We’ve lived in this house for two years and almost four months and it’s our first time grilling here! We just didn’t think of it. We weren’t big grillers before because it was so unpleasant (spend time outside) to grill in the neighborhood we used to live in.

But now?! We can put it on our patio and it’s relaxing and peaceful! And delicious! Yay! The only annoying part was the mosquitoes (I got SO MANY bites this weekend), and that it was a bit hot!

We also grilled fruit that we had for dessert!
Um, so we ate dinner at 5:30. Ha! We usually eat past 8:00 on Mondays because that is when I get home from teaching! It was nice to eat early, watch a bit of Star Trek Beyond, then do a few chores/tidying up, and get in bed early with a book. Ahh, what a relaxing day!!!