OMG, ballpark dogs, yassssssssssssssssssssssssss
I enjoy baseball, but let’s not lie, a huge joy of going to the game is the overpriced junky ballpark food. What a fun treat!
I’d been looking forward to yesterday’s interleague Royals/Brewers game for a while! Miller Park (Milwaukee) is much easier to get to to see the Royals play, than “Guaranteed Rate Field” (ha, aka, The Cell, in Chicago), where they regularly play the White Sox each season. North we go!
Steven is from KC, so, we’re Royals fans
Thankfully, Miller Park has a roof – Tuesday’s forecast called for heavy thunderstorms all day and that’s what we got – we drove to Milwaukee in pouring rain, walked to the ballpark in the rain, then got to sit in dry seats. Ahh. I kept saying how nice it was to be at a game and not have it be a million degrees, or have a rain delay.
Miller Park is such a nice stadium – I’d like to go back for another random game this summer! And the Brewers fans are so nice too! When we were walking on the concourse, wearing our Royals gear, a Brewers fan randomly said to us (non-sarcastically) “Welcome to Milwaukee!” and during the game, the Brewers fan sitting next to Steven was telling him how much he likes Kauffman Stadium in Kansas City, where the Royals play.
Now, it probably helps that the Royals were playing like sh*t! And I did hear the usual smack talking, but baseball wouldn’t be fun without that.
We went with Bobbi and John and had a good time catching up and joking around. Hopefully we can go to another game together this summer! (After we practice whatever group dance move is going to get us on the Jumbotron.)
But I’m not sure how much more I want to venture in to this area of Wisconsin this summer*, at least by highway. The highway to get there from our house is under construction, and probably twenty-five miles of it is down from three to two lanes for an indefinite amount of time (probably years, based on past experience). It’s not a big deal in the long run, but we’ve been driving through it a lot lately, and the congestion paired with idiotic driving is making us bonkers. B-O-N-K-E-R-S. We’ll be staying home this weekend!
Oh, and all that rain? We ended up getting over three inches of rain last night in our area, which made getting home after dropping off Bobbi and John interesting – one of the routes home was under water! Eek! Thankfully, that road was dry today. We’ve had 9.46 inches of rain at our house in the last month, and most of that was in the last week. Upcoming house project – new draining system for water off our driveway. So exciting. Stay tuned!
*Ha, I’d have to go this way if I do the October marathon there
And gawd, I’m exhausted from getting so little sleep last night. I planned to sleep on the train this morning but a coworker from my detail position happened to be riding my train and talked at me for most of the ride. Sigh. I feel raw. I need some down time. I need naps back in my weekends. I need to find a way to be a supportive person without feeling the stress of that person’s issues myself. I need Data to quit pooping on the floor in the foyer. I need my legs to quit feeling so dead so I can run my stress off.