Category: Running + Training

Random Thoughts Thursday 183

By , June 14, 2018 6:23 am
  • BIG NEWS! Today we are going to the veterinarian to fill out an adoption application and put down a deposit for KITTENZ!
  • UM, THIS IS A PROBLEM. I was trying out the new Gmail and IT DOESN’T HAVE LABS. WTF NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I switched back to the old version. I use the “Undo Send” lab A LOT. A LOT A LOT.
  • I tried to apply for a different position at work yesterday and it almost didn’t happen because the system is such a total pita/pos. But I finally got it in! I doubt I will get an interview, but, eh, worth a shot.
  • Until yesterday, all of my June runs were between 47-61°F. That seems cool for June (I am NOT complaining). Yesterday’s run was 76°F. That felt more like June!

  • And your weekly reading update: I finished Artemis and started California. It was nice to go from Endure, which was hard for me to read, to an easy-read like Artemis!

  • When Mom and I saw Book Club last Saturday, the theater only had a few people in it, and a person seeing the movie alone came and sat right next to me. You can pick an assigned seat at this theater, and maybe they picked that one and didn’t feel like they should move to another, but I have to admit, I was a bit annoyed. Especially since they talked to themselves through a lot of the movie.

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 182

Try not to freak out!

By , June 13, 2018 6:44 am

It’s race week! My race week prep includes:

My race week prep does NOT include:

  • obsessively checking the weather

A few people have kindly asked me what race weather will be like. I don’t know. I haven’t been checking. I will check when I pack tomorrow. There’s nothing useful the weather is going to tell me now, since the forecasts change ALL. THE. TIME. I don’t need to buy special items for certain kinds of weather (I have everything), so I don’t need to check in advance to prep. I just need to pack some options.

I’ve seen the weather really eff up people’s mental game lately – spending time fretting about it days before the race, and letting negative thoughts about it bring them down on race day. It’s smart to be safe, in bad weather. It’s smart to go easier at a race, if it’s not your ideal weather. And it’s smart to be prepared!

But dwelling on it, and obsessively checking it is a total mind f*ck. Don’t do that! Try not to freak out! Weather just IS. Everyone is racing in the same conditions. It stinks that we sometimes put LOTS of time and work in for an event that ends up having crap weather, but that’s the risk you take (unfortunately)!

I allow myself one “this sucks!” thought on race day, then adjust, and fill my thoughts with positive weather mantras. And I adjust my goals if need be. I’ve even asked people I am with to stop venting about the weather (to me). That’s all really cheesy, but it keeps me in a positive mindset as possible, which I need when I am racing.

I listened to a podcast interview recently where Deena Kastor was giving some tips and talking about her new book (I want to read it so badly!) and she said “the mind steers the ship.” So if you’re in a negative mindset about the weather (or whatever, really) at a race, it’s going to affect your body! It just is!

So rah rah rah! Don’t worry, be happy!

Seriously though. Don’t stalk the weather forecast. It’s usually not even accurate the morning of!

Oh! And I have to ask, does anyone else make the same mistake as me when you DO check the weather – where you assume the low is the morning temperature and the high is midday or afternoon? I do that EVERY time I look for some reason, even though that is NOT what the predicted lows and highs mean! The low can be that night and the high can be in the morning. Duh, Kim.

And also: yes, please b*tch away about the weather after your race!

Carb loading = done!*

By , June 12, 2018 9:16 pm

My parents visited this weekend through this morning! The purpose of the trip was for Mom to go with me to NeoCon, but we also celebrated Mom’s birthday, and Steven and Dad got a lot of projects done (I’ll cover all those in another post!).

Oh yes. And I did all the carb loading. I am ready for Saturday’s race. And a few more marathons. Oops.

*unfortunately, you should carb load three to two days in advance… not a week to five days, ha! And yeah, I know it’s “carbo” loading. I don’t like adding the “o”!


I taught Fitness Boxing on Friday night for the first time. I usually teach it Saturday or Sunday but I don’t have any free weekends this month, so Friday night it is! I’m glad we had a decent turn out for the different class date.

Mom and Dad got in to town shortly after my class ended and they drove with Steven to meet me at El Famous Burrito. I ordered everyone’s food since I got there first and had some funny stares with the table all set up, waiting a few minutes for them to arrive. No, this is NOT all for me!!!


Saturday was Mom’s birthday!

I started the day off with a short run with Dad while he rode his bike. Then I took Mom to see Book Club.

Not the best movie I’ve seen, by a long shot, but we had fun!

While we were at the movie, the boys started the projects. Here is a preview pic!

We rented that boom lift – we don’t have one!

We brought home subs for lunch, and ate with the boys, then had trifles for Mom’s birthday.

These were supposed to be a cake, but it got hella effed up, so we salvaged it in to trifles. And it was amazingly delicious.

The boys got back to work after lunch and Mom and I screwed around for an hour laughing about a race where you run with a “hobby horse,” then eventually we signed me up because it’s so ridiculous (more details on that later!).

We ran errands and shopped that afternoon (while the boys kept working), then came home and made lasagna (and cornbread and broccoli!) for Mom’s birthday dinner! Seriously. ALL THE CARBS.

Vegan lasagna base, one side with vegan cheese, one side with regular cheese

And yes, we ate more cake after that!


On Sunday Dad and I went on an even shorter run/bike (sigh, taper) than the day before. We wanted to both ride, but it was raining on and off all morning and not safe for me to ride my road bike in that, nor for either of us to be out in the fog and potential thunderstorms! Wah.

So we had a chill morning of chatting, which was nice! Mom and I made a return and got some groceries, then made sandwiches for lunch and hung out a bit before visiting the lake.

Mom and I hung out at the house after the lake visit, and when the boys were done working, we went out for dinner at The Shanty. We called it a night shortly thereafter since we were off early to NeoCon on Monday!


Mom and I spent most of Monday in the city at NeoCon. I unfortunately started the day feeling beat and was completely exhausted by the end of it and not very much fun after we finished at NeoCon. Sigh. I’m not good at being social and around people for all of my waking hours, even when it’s people whose company I love and enjoy. I’m drained.

We made tacos for dinner, and had fun sharing stories from our days. Then Mom and I made vegan chocolate and caramel cups, which my snister surprised me with the materials and caramel to make! Yum!


Dad rode with me one last time Tuesday morning. I’ll miss his company – for the conversation and for making me feel like I can run faster (my legs felt so heavy today despite a “rest” day yesterday).

Steven picked up donuts and vegan muffins so we ate those then Mom and Dad hit the road late in the morning.

As always we had a fun visit and really appreciate their help with things when they’re here! Now, why do I feel exhausted even though I wasn’t the one working on projects all weekend? (Seriously though, I’ve been so tired the past few days I feel like I could fall asleep, or snap, at any moment – not good!)

Training Week 451

By , June 10, 2018 4:34 pm

Highlight of the Week: Two workouts with Dad!

Monday | June 4, 2018: 5.3 m run + teaching strength class
Loc: Chicago Lakefront Trail, Temp: 58°/60°, Time: 46:48, Pace: 8:50 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good, ready for rest day!
Strength: resistance bands & cards, Felt: great

Tuesday | June 5, 2018: rest
Wednesday | June 6, 2018: 8 m run (incl. 6 tempo MP)
Loc: Water tower loop, Temp: 47°/48°, Time: 1:09:58, Pace: 8:45 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Thursday | June 7, 2018: 12 m run
Loc: long VP Woods loop, Temp: 54°/57°, Time: 1:56:51, Pace: 9:44 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: decent!
Friday | June 8, 2018: teaching strength class + 1,218 yd swim + 3 m run + teaching fitness boxing
Strength: resistance bands & cards, Felt: good
Loc: FitNation, Time: 26:01, Pace: 2:08 min/100 yd, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Loc: hood, Temp: 65°/65°, Time: 27:23, Pace: 9:07, Difficulty: easy, Felt: great, enjoyed the rain
Strength: whole body moves & boxing, Felt: great!

Saturday | June 9, 2018: 7.4 m run (w/Dad on bike)
Loc: Kilbourne/VP Woods Loop, Temp: 58°/60°, Time: 1:09:13, Pace: 9:21 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Sunday | June 10, 2018: 4.3 m run (w/Dad on bike)
Loc: hood, Temp: 59°/60°, Time: 39:33, Pace: 9:12 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good


  • On Monday night one of my students who’s been out for a while with her leg in a cast came in for a workout (even though she’s still in the cast!). I was glad she came in because she has such a fun personality, and I enjoyed modifying the workout for her.
  • This was my first taper week – last week I ran sixty-seven miles, this week, I ran forty. It feels weird, but being busy getting the house ready for my parents to visit, then visiting with them helped. A bit. Six more days until the marathon! I am so excited!
  • I planned to ride with my Dad this weekend but the weather wasn’t cooperating (rain) when we had the time to do it. Ugh. I wonder if we’ll have time Tuesday morning before they leave.

Link to Training Week 450

Random Thoughts Thursday 182

By , June 7, 2018 4:35 am
  • I downloaded Bad Wolves’ cover of “Zombie” yesterday and ended up down a rabbit hole of googling about the Cranberries. I like the homage of their music video to the original.
  • Does anyone else who uses iTunes to make playlists want to vent with me about how annoying it is, and how it doesn’t sync half the time (and overwrites your computer with old playlists from your phone)? Or am I the only one still using iTunes?!
  • This article (pdf here) about the movie The Truman Show is interesting. It’s the twenty year anniversary of the show, and they’re reflecting on how when they made the show it blew their mind that people would be interested in watching what a total stranger is up to all day… fast forward twenty years, and that is a lot of the entertainment business, with reality shows and social media!
  • There’s not enough pictures to break up all this text, so here’s one Steven sent me when he was picking up meds for Data at the vet’s office yesterday.

  • I finished reading Endure: Mind, Body, and the Curiously Elastic Limits of Human Performance, and didn’t care for it. It’s well written/researched, and has a plethora of studies referenced, but didn’t do it for me. There was one MAJOR happy outcome of reading it though! The book mentions the swirl and spit sports drink study that Runner’s World has been touting for years, usually as advice to lose weight (grrrr, so messed up). The study was done to find out why we get benefits immediately from a carbohydrate sports drinks, before they enter the bloodstream – not to come up with silly ways to cut on calories. It’s because as soon as you have the drink in your mouth, parts of your brain react to it, and immediately act as if you’d taken in the carbohydrates, whether you ingest it or not. This is the data Runner’s World was using to give their stupid advice, but I hadn’t seen it in this unadulterated form.  I’m glad the study was done for legitimate scientific reasons, and it’s just Runner’s World spinning it strangely.
  • I started reading Bart Yasso’s Run Forever… but when I got it from the library I could tell I wouldn’t care for it. It’s an advice book, on how to, you guessed it, RUN FOREVER! There was nothing new in there for me. I mostly skimmed it, and returned it. I’m not really in to advice books right now.
  • So now I am reading the hard copy of Artemis (I had the digital version on my phone but prefer hard copy). Steven finished the audio copy yesterday. I am behind in Book Club for Two!
  • The last time I shared this chart, it had a slight incline at the end. Ideally, it would still be gently sloping down, but if I can maintain my weight during this very busy month, I will be glad!

  • We had our yard and house sprayed for bugs last Saturday, and the spray left the windows SUPER streaky. Ick! Luckily, I have tons of anxious taper energy and could spend a few hours cleaning them yesterday after work. Ha! I’m actually glad I’m so busy this weekend and the weekdays leading to the marathon so I don’t think as much about how little I am running.

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 181

Training Week 450

By , June 3, 2018 8:11 pm

Highlight of the Week: Having a good tempo workout / cool running weather Friday – Sunday / getting to run in Iowa and Minnesota!

Monday | May 28, 2018: 16 m run (incl. 12 tempo MP)
Loc: Lake Andrea/Outlet Mall Loop, Temp: 67°/74°, Time: 2:22:39, Pace: 8:55 avg, Difficulty: mostly easy, Felt: fantastic
Tuesday | May 29, 2018: 12 m run + 20 mins strength + 10 m ride
Loc: Kilbourne/DPRT Loop, Temp: 66°/63°, Time: 1:58:34, Pace: 9:53 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good, legs tired to start!
Indoor Ride Time: 38:27, Pace: 15.6 mph avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good, arms shaky from strength workout!

Wednesday | May 30, 2018: 40 min walk
Thursday | May 31, 2018: 22 m run
Loc: DPRT/Delaney&Kilbourne, Temp: 69°/74°, Time: 3:39:12, Pace: 9:58 avg, Difficulty: medium/hard, Felt: good, but a bit out of it
Friday | June 1, 2018: teaching strength class + 1,008 yd swim + 3 m run
Strength: resistance bands & cards, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Loc: FitNation, Time: 20:51, Pace: 2:04 min/100 yd, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Loc: hood, Temp: 59°/59°, Time: 26:50, Pace: 8:55, Difficulty: easy, Felt: so good!

Saturday | June 2, 2018: 10 m run
Loc: Guttenberg, Temp: 57°/55°, Time: 1:31:59, Pace: 9:12 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: great, a bit tired (legs) at times
Sunday | June 3, 2018: 4 m run
Loc: Bear Creek Trail, Temp: 58°/58°, Time: 35:47, Pace: 8:56 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: great


  • I was anxious about doing Monday’s tempo run with our hot weather, but I was able to hold all the miles (and get it done WELL before we hit the day’s high of 90°!). Woot!
  • Thursday’s long run was also in warmer (than I’d like, ha!) weather, but I survived! I ran out of water and was so glad I had brought cash and could stop at a gas station and buy more fluids. Good to know if I ever do that route again (miles 14-17 were new route to me).
  • And let’s continue on this weather discussion roll – the temps dropped to the glorious 50s on Friday and I very much enjoyed how easy my Friday, Saturday, and Sunday runs felt with those cool temps! On Sunday I got to run on a new-to-me trail in Rochester, Minnesota. Yay!
  • Monthly recap time. In May I ran 243.2 miles (25 runs), cycled 87 miles (5 indoor rides, 1 outdoor rides) and swam 4,284 yards (4 swims). My coldest run was 42°F and my warmest was 85°F. I did 2 hill workouts, and 4 tempo workouts. I taught 7 strength classes and 2 fitness boxing classes. I did 1 strength workout at home. I ran two races, the Wisconsin Half Marathon, and the Chocoholic 5K.

Link to Training Week 449

Five months in

By , June 2, 2018 7:00 am

I passed 1,000 miles run for the year (with 1,008.2) during my Thursday, May 31st long run! Yay!

That’s the earliest I’ve ever hit that arbitrary number, by about fourteen days. I wasn’t planning on passing it in May, but I signed up to run Grandma’s Marathon in two weeks, so I’ve been running a freaking lot. My 6 weeks to a Marathon plan* has looked like:

Inception: Gina suggests I run Grandma’s Marathon when I see her in April. Hmm, that could be fun.
Week 0: Run Half Marathon, and PR. Get excited about maybe running full.
Week 1: Test out legs on 18 miler. Feeling good, should I do it?
Week 2: Eh, better try a marathon pace tempo. That felt great! So did a 20-miler! I’m signing up!
Week 3: 10 mile marathon pace tempo, yasssssssss. And a 19 mile long run too!
Week 4: 12 mile marathon pace tempo and I didn’t want to die, winning! 22-miler in the books!
Week 5: Week one of taper, wah. 12 mile long run, separate short marathon pace tempo.
Week 6: Race week! Just have to get through taper boredom!

I don’t foresee maintaining this running load. I am registered for a 70-mile bike ride at the end of July that I need to train for! Expect to see a huge increase in cycling, at least in the end of June and in July.

But I will miss running all these miles… until the horribly hot humid days are here to stay. Ha!

*Note, I was trained up to 16 mile long runs and had been running 50 mile weeks already.

Too hot for touching!

By , May 29, 2018 4:49 am

Our weekend was AWESOME and I hope yours was too!


Although, Friday started out on a serious note. We took Data to the veterinarian because he’d had diarrhea for three weeks (we thought it was getting better, hence not taking him sooner). The vet ran tests to see if he has a malabsorption issue, or irritated dietary tract. Data has lost over two and a half pounds since his March vet visit. Our poor old man cat.


I should hear back from the vet midweek. It’s likely we’ll have to give Data meds, or change his diet (which he will NOT make easy – he’s a PICKY eater). He still has diarrhea.

While we were there, I remembered to ask to visit the kittens!

There’s six kittens, three males and three females. I definitely need to adopt two, right?!

Friday night was quiet after that. I was exhausted from not getting enough sleep (broken record). I was productive in picking out an outfit for the the outdoor barnyard wedding we’re going to next weekend, though. I’m planning to wear the dress in the top right corner.

Collage I made to send my mom and snis

Of course, we watched a movie Friday night. We finished All I See Is You. Blah.


On Saturday I woke up with the sun to do hill repeats before teaching fitness boxing.

I taught, then took my car to the dealer to get the piece replaced they forgot to swap out before.

We had lunch with Mad Men, then I got groceries and picked up these!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Craving satisifed!

sooooooooooooooo gooooooooooooooooooodt

I thought I would pull weeds when I got back, but it was in the high 80s (or low 90s?!) and hella stuffy out. I tried to spend time on the balcony and it was even too hot for that. Ugh. So we stayed inside for the evening, reading a bit, then making dinner and watching Patti Cake$ (entertaining, seemed like a newer, Jersey version of 8 Mile to us).


I didn’t need to set an alarm Sunday, but the kitties woke me up nice and early! Thanks, guys!

Actually, it was nice to have a relaxing morning eating breakfast and reading on the balcony before we left at 8:00 for the race.

We ran the Chocholic 5K in Burlington, then headed to Milwaukee for the Brewers game. Rachel got us tickets as an early birthday gift for me! I’ve done a Spartan Race at Miller Park, but this was my first time being there for a game.

Guys, I LOVE ballpark food. Yes, it’s expensive, but it’s such a fun part of the experience! And all the ballparks seems so savvy with vegan options now! I could eat three hot dogs. I stuck to one. Hee.

We had a fun time watching the Brewers play (and beat!) the Mets. I was glad Rachel got seats that were in the shade because it was freaking HOT – as Steven and I like to say “too hot for touching.” Ha. We were careful not to bump arms or legs as we sat next to each other at the game. And to take a few breaks to walk around the concourse (and get more food and drinks) and cool off a bit.

It was fun to chat during the game and catch up. We love spending time with Rachel and Kevin! And yay for our first game of the year! Next month, we’ll be back at Miller Park to see the Royals play the Brewers! Woot!

When we drove home I started to get a headache and feel a little heat sick. I wasn’t surprised – I surely got a bit dehydrated (despite drinking a lot of water), and had a frozen daiquiri, and was sitting in a cold car after being out in the sun! A cold shower felt good when I got home, but I felt a bit off the rest of the night! We watched Baywatch and went to bed early.


I was nervous about doing my tempo run (twelve miles at marathon pace!) Monday morning with it being in the high 60s/low 70s, and after eating and drinking a bit differently than normal, but I nailed it and felt great!

I was back at the house a little after 7:00, changed clothes, and got to work pulling weeds. Finally! I wanted to do that last weekend but it was too rainy and cold.

Several hours later, I was done, and took a cool bath to relax. We had lunch and watched another episode of Mad Men, then put the hammock outside on the balcony and hung out out there!

Pretty soon it was time to prep ALL THE FOOD to grill! Steven brought our grill home from storage this week. We’ve lived in this house for two years and almost four months and it’s our first time grilling here! We just didn’t think of it. We weren’t big grillers before because it was so unpleasant (spend time outside) to grill in the neighborhood we used to live in.

But now?! We can put it on our patio and it’s relaxing and peaceful! And delicious! Yay! The only annoying part was the mosquitoes (I got SO MANY bites this weekend), and that it was a bit hot!

We also grilled fruit that we had for dessert!

Um, so we ate dinner at 5:30. Ha! We usually eat past 8:00 on Mondays because that is when I get home from teaching! It was nice to eat early, watch a bit of Star Trek Beyond, then do a few chores/tidying up, and get in bed early with a book. Ahh, what a relaxing day!!!

Chocoholic 5K Superhero Run/Walk Race Report 2018

By , May 28, 2018 12:19 pm

Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate! We’ll run for chocolate! Even in hot HOT weather!

This was my second year doing this race in Burlington, Wisconsin, aka “Chocolate City USA,” and home of a Nestlé factory.

Our challenge last year was rain and a flooded trail. This year it was steamy temps (82°, “feels like 92°”) and full sun.

Rachel asked if I wanted to do this race then go to a baseball game after (YES, PLEASE!!!), so I planned to run with her. I also invited people at Essential Fitness to come as well, and we had a small group this year.

I was glad on race morning when Rachel said she wanted to take the race easy. Again, YES, PLEASE!! I’d rather take it easy and feel good for the ball game then go all out and feel like crap. No point in that!

So take it easy we did! We ran 9:28, 9:15, 9:28, and 7:54 pace for the last .1. My watch time was 28:59 but my official time is 29:21, so I guess the race was not chipped timed*!

The course was reversed from last year to avoid congestion on bridges (good idea!). We ran through ChocolateFest, along the main strip of town, on the trail (not flooded, yay!) and over the bridges in the park. Most of the race was in the sun, and I was sweating like crazy from the sunscreen I put on before the race. I actually stopped to get water at the halfway point, something I rarely do in a 5K!

I enjoyed chatting with Rachel during the race – it was just like one of our meet-up runs in Burlington! But I was glad when we were done, and I could get in to the shade, and down a bottle of water.

They had rows of Kringle to eat after the race, and six-packs of Crunch bars to take home! I was impressed the chocolate wasn’t melting!

This race is well run, inexpensive, and has awesome swag (cute t-shirt, fun medal, ALL THE CHOCOLATE, free entry to the festival, etc.). I’d do it again! I think I will wait and register on-site next year though. The race started at 9:30 and that’s way too late to be running in those temps (but awesome for not having to stress about getting there early!).

*The race sent an email with our finish times asking if everything was correct and I asked about chip timing and they said “It was chip timed but we use ustaf rules and show gun time.” Ha ha. Okay.

Training Week 449

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By , May 27, 2018 6:16 pm

Highlight of the Week: Running a race with Rachel! / Feeling so great on my runs and not wanting to stop!

Monday | May 21, 2018: teaching strength class
Strength: sandbags and cones, Felt: good, tired from being in the city all day
Tuesday | May 22, 2018: 14 m run (incl. 10 tempo MP)
Loc: Lake Andrea/Outlet Mall Loop, Temp: 60°/59°, Time: 2:05:57, Pace: 9:00 avg, Difficulty: mostly easy, Felt: mostly great
Wednesday | May 23, 2018: 7 m run
Loc: VP Woods loop, Temp: 69°, Time: 1:06:51, Pace: 9:33 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good after a few miles, warm
Thursday | May 24, 2018: 19 m run + 13 m ride
Loc: DPRT/Kilbournee Loop, Temp: 51°/61°, Time: 3:06:43, Pace: 9:50 avg, Difficulty: easy/medium, Felt: mostly great, breathing a bit harder than normal
Loc: Lake Andrea/Outlet Mall Loop, Temp: 67°/75°, Time: 50:18, Pace: 15.5 mph avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good, annoyed with wind noise

Friday | May 25, 2018: teaching strength class + 924 yd swim + 4 m run
Strength: sandbags & cones, Felt: good, tired (didn’t get enough sleep)
Loc: FitNation, Time: 20:17, Pace: 2:12 min/100 yd, Difficulty: easy, Felt: not in to it
Loc: hood, Temp: 83°/85°, Time: 41:04, Pace: 10:15, Difficulty: medium, Felt: fine, just hot and taking it easy

Saturday | May 26, 2018: 14 m run (incl. 4 hill repeats) + teaching strength class
Loc: DPRT/Kilbourne Loop, Temp: 68°/70°, Time: 2:15:50, Pace: 9:42 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: great, didn’t want to stop!
Strength: whole body moves & boxing, Felt: great

Sunday | May 27, 2018: Chocoholic 5K (w/Rachel)
Loc: Burlington, Temp: 79°/82°, Time: 28:59, Pace: 9:27 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good, super sweaty


  • My marathon pace (8:46) feels really easy when it’s overcast… but I got a chance to run part of it in the sun on Tuesday’s tempo, and it helped to see how it feels with a hot face, sun sick stomach, and sweat dripping down my arms. (It feels not as easy, ha!)
  • I love doing my long runs Thursdays before work. I wonder if I will keep that up after the marathon.
  • I road my bike outside for the first time this year on Thursday! I had forgotten how annoying the slightest wind is. It’s mostly the noise in my ears that’s bugging me.
  • We got hit with nasty hot weather for the last three days of the week. It didn’t affect me on Saturday’s run (thankfully) but I could feel it during the 5K I ran with Rachel on Sunday. The race started at 9:30, which is a time I’d want to be done well before in that kind of weather. But we took it easy and had fun. And… there’s your recap. Ha! Maybe I will write an actual one, too.

Link to Training Week 448

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