Alternatively titled “The Garden Project: I am a lazy smack.”
I am sure you have all been dying to know if Steven and I will give the garden another go this year (see last year’s garden posts here). Well, unfortunately, Steven remembers that we gardened and wants to do it again, despite me remembering what a pain in the a$$ it was Hells yes we are! This year, we are going to be smart about it though. Starting with having my dad till it for us:

Muah ha ha. Actually, I heard Steven tilled at least half of the garden, and then my dad finished it. Where was I? Pretending to exercise At the Petathlon with my mom and sister of course!
Okay, so seriously, the plan this year is a bit different. Last year was our first go and we planted a lot of different things. Some were successful, some weren’t. This year, we are going to plant the things we really liked, and one experimental crop. The cucumbers grew like rapid fire, and we liked them, so they are getting planted again. The green beans were a huge disappointment (so few grew) but dammit! I will not give up! We are planting a sh*t ton more and I hope I have more green beans than I know what to do with. Because I love me some fresh green beans. Tomatoes are an obvious – homegrown ones taste approximately 345893128 times better than the ones in the store, so they are getting planted (well, bought in plant form then planted). And the experimental crop will be sugar snap peas (is that right Steven?).
Doing the garden was so rewarding last year, but damn, I feel so so so so lazy right now. Like, really lazy. I don’t want to do anything. I am barely exercising. I am tired, and all I think about is sleep. All day long. Even when I get enough sleep on the weekends, I take naps (ahh). I sleep on the train to work; I sleep on the train ride home. Sleep sleep sleep is all that’s on my mind.
Time to SNAP out of that! Let’s get these little seeds planted* and see what happens this year!
Who else is planting crops this year?
What are you too lazy to do right now?
Here is my list:
- Work in the garden
- Clean our house
- Care about my diet
- Figure out that dental bill thing from a few months ago…
- Work on the model airplane with Steven
- Be any sort of interesting wife at all
- Put up with other people’s sh*t
- Finish a book within a month
- Write posts for my blog
- Go shopping for groceries
Apparently, I am not too lazy to:
- Write long emails to my friends
- Skype with friends Gina and Steve (they’re in NYC)
- Sign up for races I shouldn’t be running
- Buy a Soy Chai Latte at Starbucks
- Get an EKG
- Watch lots of movies
- Nag Steven about all sorts of things (travel to KC and NYC, taking Data to the vet, do this, do that, blah blah blah)
- Buy stuff on
Items that are questionable (sometimes lazy, sometimes not):
- Strength training
- Working on the running club’s 5K website
- Reading blogs
- Exercising in general
- Running
*Maybe Friday or Monday?