Category: Recipes + Food

Who gets the last bite?

By , October 31, 2012 6:28 am

Steven and I really love leftovers. So much that we usually make 6-8 servings* at each meal, so that we have leftovers for the next few days. Then we can use them for lunch, dinner, or a quick bite…

There is a small problem though. As the leftovers diminish, and one person is at home, alone with them, who gets the last bite? What happens if one person has been craving them all day the gets home and they are GONE?

Yes, this has happened.

So we came up with the Leftovers Rule – if you’re gonna finish off something, you have to text the other person and let them know. Ideally, the other person would acknowledge and respond to the text… but right now, it seems to be more of a warning – “this item may or may not exist when you get home.”

Somehow, the rule has been transferred over to store bought items too – I got a text during my Monday night run with Anne that Steven was eating the last of a bag of chips.

There has been some debate about whether the rule need apply to store bought items. I am of the opinion it need not, as we can simply buy and replenish those items, whereas leftovers are not as easily replaced. Steven said to this, “So if I ate the last of a chocolate bar of yours, you wouldn’t want any warning, and wouldn’t be upset?” Of course, this started a discussion about how a man should never touch a woman’s chocolate, and how that question didn’t even make sense, so we didn’t get very far in our discussion.

Either way, I think I have the good end of the deal since Steven does the majority of the cooking anyway!

Does anyone else care about leftovers as much as we do? Or are you in the “Eww! Leftovers are gross!” camp?

*I realize this does not help me lose weight.


By , October 6, 2012 8:31 am

Teese had a booth at Chicago VeganMania last weekend, right near the entrance. Vegan cheeses aren’t really my thing, so I passed the booth quite a few times before I stopped to check it out. But they lured me in… with vegan nachos…

AND THEY WERE SO DAMN GOOD. I was sold. We bought some of their creamy cheddar sauce and mozzarella to try at home (the nachos used their nacho sauce which is a bit spicy).


Lunch was not hard to figure out the next day! Vegan mac and cheese! Something I sometimes still always crave, but can only get at Native Foods and S’Mac in NYC… and neither are this good. 

The bowl got filled up a few times. It was hard to stop. We may or may not have eaten the leftovers, cold, standing up in the kitchen, the next morning…

We were anxious to try the mozzarella, since the cheddar was so good. I decided to be adventurous and shred it (Steven had just squeezed the cheddar sauce out of the container for the mac and cheese).



It wasn’t as earth-shatteringly good as the cheddar, but it was definitely the best vegan cheese I have tried on the pizza, and beats having the pizza without cheese (as I always do).

So… now I am sad. We are all out of our Teese vegan cheese and I could really go for some mac and cheese. Or nachos. Or quesadillas. 

I suggested to Steven that he add Teese products to! Only because I want to share it’s awesomeness with others. It’s not for my personal purposes, AT ALL. Ha ha. 

Have you tried any “new to you” food products lately? Has anyone tried Teese?

(you can see the Teese ingredients here – contains soy, gluten-free)

Too early for chili?

By , August 27, 2012 6:13 am

Yesterday was partially rainy and partially cool (low 70s). It was enough to make me feel a little bit chilly when I got home from my rainy run. And it was enough to make me want to wrap up in a blanket on the couch. And drink something warm.

I am so ready for fall.

It’s funny. Last August, I was saying I was sad summer was ending. Not this year. It was in the 90s on Saturday. We were outside for four hours at a farm sanctuary. I felt hot and uncomfortable. I got a sunburn. On the way home from our day of driving all over northern Illinois, I shared a cold weather fantasy with Steven* that included hot drinks, wearing socks, and taking hot baths (all at once or individually).

I am so ready for fall.

Okay. “Fall” weather.**

I convinced Steven that we should make chili for dinner last night, even though it’s not that cold out (and will be in the high 80s today).

That is another thing I am looking forward to about fall/winter – hearty dishes like chili!

Are you anxiously awaiting fall/fall weather? Or do you like the heat?

*I think my love for cold weather worries Steven.
**Let’s hope we get some this year.

No more smoothie fail?

By , August 2, 2012 4:49 pm

In June I attempted to make a smoothie with our food processor.

I never tried a second time. Cleaning smoothie off of the counters and walls is only fun once. The second time it’s just annoying.

It’s funny – we have quite a few kitchen appliances, but not a blender. We had the “we can always just try to do it in the food processor attitude.”

Yeah. No. 

I casually mentioned wanting a blender 1,000 times and Steven’s dad got me one for my birthday! Apparently, it is also a food processor and juicer. Two things I already have! What an overachiever!

Don’t worry, this boring post will end soon. Really, I just wanted to ask:

What are your favorite smoothie combos?

I can just throw in whatever sounds good, and it will turn out amazing, right?

Midweek Links

By , July 11, 2012 6:13 am

This ended up being long, but I promise there is some good stuff in here!

All about ilaxSTUDIO

  • Don’t forget to enter the Crazy Tan Lines Contest/Giveaway for a chance to win a prize of your choice! Entries are due Friday the 13th by 5:00 pm cst. It’s okay if your tan is not “exercise” related – I love a crazy tan no matter how you got it!
  • On Monday someone from Runner’s World contacted me about potentially using photos of mine and Steven’s from the Corn Maze 5K (2011, 2010) for the Races+Places section of the October issue. Fun! I hope they use one.
  • If you do not already “like” ilaxSTUDIO on Facebook, you can here! I post a bit more there… ha ha. Maybe that is a reason not to like the page.

All about ZOOMA

All about

  • Like on Facebook if you don’t already! I am a Facebook admin for Fake Meats, which means I post lots of fun pictures, like this one…

Fake Meat “Chicken” Shish Kabobs

  • And we are starting a fun new contest on Facebook – Fake Meats in Famous Places. We are posting photos of Fake Meats in Famous places (obvious) and asking a trivia question. A winner will randomly be selected from someone with the correct (or a correct) answer and win the Fake Meats in the photo! Today’s photo is below. Look at Fake Meats on Facebook later for the question!

  • If you want to help take some Fake Meats in Famous places photos, let me know and I will send you some Fake Meats! We’ll credit your name on Facebook when we post your picture!

Phew. I need a breather from all these links. Here is a picture of the grill master. Just kidding! I just hold the utensils and food.

All about smartphones

  • I’ve been playing Zynga’s Swipeout sometimes on my phone. It’s like fruit ninja, but you are killing zombies instead of fruit. I don’t quit understand how the coins add up, or what the object of the game is… but it’s fun.
  • Another interesting game that Steven plays is Temple Run. You are being chased by monkeys and have to run, jump, slide under things, and collect coins.
  • I really love the PicFrame app for making fun collages. And it has a ton of settings to change things up. Check it out!

  • Erin told me about Foap, an app where you can try to sell your smartphone images as stock photos. I doubt any of mine will ever sell, but I have uploaded a few! After you upload them, they review them and may or may not accept them. I was surprised they did not accept my sunrise/sunset photos. I wonder if they will accept this one I took last night (below). Note: if you use this app, turn off email notifications for ratings and new followers – I woke up to 130 emails Tuesday morning from Foap.

Random Random Random

  • Check out and like my trainer’s Facebook page – Essential Fitness LLC. He posts good articles and videos and pictures from class. I bet you wanted to see me jumping on to a step with a kettlebell? No?
  • The Girl Scouts asked me to tell you about their Cookie Classic 5K on September 8th in Grant Park (in Chicago). Every participant gets a t-shirt and a box of cookies! NOM.
  • And lastly, a good infographic on how to foam roll like a pro.

Yay! You made it to the end!

Random Thoughts Thursday XVIII

By , June 21, 2012 6:23 am
  • I sure am glad to be a runner… when I get to the train station and the train is already there, like yesterday morning!
  • Steven and I have been doing so many fun summer-y things and summer just officially started yesterday! We’ve done a few picnics, gone on a bike ride, went to the first Independence Grove concert this Tuesday and are going camping this weekend! Our first ever camping trip!
  • I get to see my parents today for a short bit. They are driving out here to get a new Datsun chassis for Steven and bring it to our house. Red Robin may be in order for dinner. Do I like Red Robin? Hmmm…
  • I have noticed lately that I have gotten much better at filtering myself. Not in person unfortunately, but in emails and comments. I think before I hit send/reply.
  • I was looking at an two -year-old post to reference the name of a drug I used to take and I took a glance at the comments… and wow. A lot of those people no longer blog or we no longer comment on each other’s blogs anymore. Craziness. Have you ever looked back at an old post and thought “What happened to so-and-so”? (or, “Who was so-and-so, that name sounds familiar?” ha ha)?
  • There is no such thing as a “mute point.” SIGH. Do you know anyone who says mute point instead of moot point?
  • I miss my long thumbnails. I cut them short because one was peeling at a really low spot and now I think they look stupid. As a side note, I liked the Cherry Berry Chiller from McDonald’s. Sigh, where was it last year when that was all I wanted after my long runs with Erin? WHERE WAS IT THEN!?!?!?
  • I am going to NYC in July to see Gina! We found a 5K to run in her neighborhood for über cheap. We decided I needed to run it in a red tank top. WHY ARE RED RUNNING TANK TOPS SO HARD TO FIND? I looked for one the entire month of April (I wanted to match Andrew at our half) and was unsuccessful. I ordered one yesterday off of Amazon. Duh. 

Other Random Thoughts Thursday Posts: XVIIXVIXV, XIV, XIII, XII, XI, X, IX, VIII, VII, VI, V, IV, III, II, I.

When the bread’s moldy…

By , May 16, 2012 6:58 am

Blueberry bagels are tricky. They’re all “I’m not moldy, that’s just a little fleck of blueberry!”

I am on to you, you little bluberry terd. Kim does not eat mold. In to the trash you go. Besides, I walk by a bagel place on my way to the office.

Eww. This bagel was gross. Maybe blueberry bagels are just a bad idea?

When I told Steven the blueberry bagel tried to trick me this morning, he asked why I didn’t just cut the mold off. Uhh… because the thought of eating something that had mold in it makes me want to vomit.* Would you cut the mold off and eat it?!

Yes, I just wrote a post about blueberry bagels. If a moldy bagel is my only “problem” today I will be really happy!

A photo of Data from this morning just because:

*Similar to how banana peels touch anything other than a napkin make me want to vomit. Steven discovered this fear of mine yesterday and thinks I am bizarre.

Random Thoughts Thursday XIV

By , April 12, 2012 4:17 am
  • I am getting in to the waist belt craze, you know, a couple years late, like normal. I keep picking up size large belts and thinking “Wow! This belt is too big! I must be getting smaller!” Uhh… no, Kim. It is because you are wearing it at your waist and not your hips. Ha ha ha!
  • Speaking of belts, I need some ideas for how to store mine. Where do you put yours?

  • This is my awesome leg tan as of last Sunday. Oh yeah… As Steven said to me “Calling them ‘sexy tan lines’ does not make them sexy.” Ha!

  • I decided I must have these shoes. They are in style, right?
  • I have an unhealthy obsession with banana chips. When we were in Iowa for my dad’s retirement party, I bought a huge bag of them in bulk. The bag lasted 6 days. Then I saw banana chips at ALDI on Monday and bought four bags. I wish I would have bought more.


  • Also on Monday, I happened upon the clearance Easter candy section at Target and found these bad boys (Brach’s Jelly Chicks & Rabbits). I bought two bags in case they turned out to be awesome. They did. I wish I would have bought more.

  • What is the point of these hanger strap things in t-shirts? You are not tricking me in to thinking your clothes are high quality, H&M!

  • I wasted 30 minutes last night (when I should have been sleeping) ironing a (impossible to iron) shirt (that I don’t even like) so I could wear it today and use it in my April fashion challenge. Here is the kicker – I am working from home today. Only Steven and my therapist will see me. Steven saw me ironing and said “Ooo, are you dressing up for me tomorrow?” I am not sure if fashion is worth the frustration of ironing a cotton top that is made of a zillion pieces. 

Other Random Thoughts Thursday Posts: XIII, XII, XI, X, IX, VIII, VII, VI, V, IV, III, II, I.

Homemade Cheese

By , April 10, 2012 4:34 am

Steven acted quickly on turning our fresh milk in to homemade cheese! He spent time Saturday researching how to do it then jumped right in on Sunday. 

The way we did it is actually pretty simple!

Boil a gallon of milk and stir it occasionally. 

Right before it boils, add 1/4th cup vineager. 

Boil for a minute then turn off heat. Stir until it curdles. 

Pour over a cheesecloth in to a bowl.

Squeeze out excess water to desired moisture level. 

Season with salt. 

Make in to the shape you want.

Refrigerate it!

And enjoy!

It took about thirty minutes and Steven really liked the way it turned out (except it didn’t melt when he used it on the pizza, so he is going to work on that next)!

Have you ever made your own cheese?

Milk & Eggs / You Bar Trail Mix Giveaway WINNER

By , April 7, 2012 2:32 pm

Buying farm fresh eggs is something Steven and I have talked about many times before, but never acted on until recently. We wanted to find a farm where the chickens had an actual free range lifestyle, but also, where they were not taken to be slaughtered after their egg-laying lives were over. We found one place that met the first criteria but not the second. Then Steven remembered the chickens we met when we were searching for a Christmas Tree at Pioneer Farms. He called the farm and sure enough, they sell eggs (and met both criteria)! We went out there today to see the chickens again, and buy our first dozen (Steven also brought them a homemade loaf of bread as a thank you, because they did some other research for us too…). 

Steven also asked the lady from Pioneer Farms if she knew of anyone who sold dairy products. She recommended us to a farm right up the street. We visited them as well, and ended up with a gallon of fresh milk. Now Steven is trying to figure out how to make homemade cheese (without animal-based rennet). 

The farm where we bought the milk was fun because they had so many animals – cows, peacocks, horses, chickens, roosters, cats, dogs, donkeys… I feel like I am forgetting someone!

I think the lady there was trying to figure out what we were all about. I look like I totally belong on a farm, right? Ha ha. 

We talked some more and found out she had the same mindset as us about how animals should be treated, so that was cool. 

People think it’s lame to live in the suburbs, but I think it’s really neat that we can find these farms so close to our home! And truthfully, as we were driving out there, I was thinking, “wow, it would be nice to live far away like this and have a nice big yard…”

So… there were a ton of cats at the barn. They were all hanging out around the cow that was about to be milked… waiting for a taste of it! It was too funny. I thought maybe Data would like some fresh whole milk. Nope. Data’s a snob.

Do you have any interest in buying fresh eggs or milk from a farm (or elsewhere)? Do you do that now?

Note: the eggs and milk are for Steven. I don’t eat eggs or milk/milk products. I’ve said in the past that I would consider it if I could do it all on my own farm, or from someone we know. So. We’ll see. 

The winner of the You Bar Trail Mix Giveaway is #19, Chez Julie. Chez Julie, please email me at so we can discuss your custom trail mix!

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