New rule: go to the garden before buying groceries.

When we visited the garden on Sunday (after buying groceries on Saturday) we had quite a few things to pick: (from left to right above) cucumbers, green beans (!!!), zucchini, onions and lettuce (and basil, not shown). We had already bought lettuce and zucchini at the store. Oops.
We did a bit of weeding and watering on Sunday, along with the veggie picking. You can tell from the photo above that the ground is super dry. It is cracking in big clumps, making pulling weeds a bit of a pain. I wore the new gloves my mom gave me to pick weeds,

but soon discovered that sweat + gloves + weeding tool = ouchy blister in my hand. Duh.

(And unfortunately, I have to post things like this so I remember not to do them again. Okay okay, and I like to share the pain! Side note – notice the blood on my hand – yeah – I killed about 39139874 mosquitoes while I was there, and have 3980808 bites from them.)
Some things are doing better than others in the garden:
Doing well:
- Cucumbers
- Zucchini
- Lettuce
- Basil
Looking like crap:
- Green Beans (this may be the only time we get to eat them, sad face)
- Broccoli
- Peppers
Questionable/too early to tell:
- Sweet Potatoes
- Carrots
- Tomatoes
- Onions
Only time will tell what happens!
For now, I am excited that we were able to eat something from our garden! We took our produce home and made a yummy salad with the lettuce and cucumbers, and steamed the green beans.

The cucumbers and green beans were especially good! The lettuce took forever to wash and was a bit bitter, but was good with all of the toppings on it.
I feel so happy that we are actually able to eat the stuff we are growing. Not sure why I was worried about it… guess I was just doubting myself!
Do you have any fun basil or zucchini recipes to share with me? We love zucchini on pizza, and sauteed with pasta… but I like to try new recipes too!
I’ve included some more photos of our garden in an extended post below.
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