Category: Rants

There’s this fun game I like to play, called “Let’s shoot fireworks at each other!!!”

By , April 12, 2008 12:24 am

I usually don’t do two posts in one day, but I have to share this story with you, before my normal post for today.

We had to call the cops. Again.

But this time it wasn’t about our next door neighbors! (Progress!)

Around 11:30 pm we heard bangs and muffled noises outside, so we looked out the window to see 4-5 people, wearing helmets, and having a “fireworks” fight in the guest parking area between the houses across the street from us. They were shooting off roman candles at each other, and running around, screaming.

At first we just watched them, with “wtf” expressions on our faces, but they started hitting cars and houses, so I just went for it, and called the cops again.

I know you are thinking I am a party pooper who doesn’t like to have fun, but this is effin’ ridiculous. They were out in the late night, being dangerous, littering, possibly ruining other people’s property, and being LOUD. I don’t care if this makes me a bitch.

Funny enough, when I was on the phone with the dispatch, they got a call from another person in my neighborhood complaining about the same thing.

So the people sneak inside and shut all their shutters. Four cops cars come, and out pour cops, flashing their lights and seeing all the waste from the fireworks.

A cop drives up to my house, because I told the dispatch person I knew what house the people were in. I tell the cop what happened, and what house they are in.

They make the people come out and clean up all the litter. I hope they also told them never to do it again, because this is just effin’ stupid.

Pedestrian vs. Car, Round I

By , April 8, 2008 8:50 am

It perplexes me that any pedestrian in the Chicago Loop would run through the crosswalk when the “do not walk” sign is present – rather than wait 20 seconds for the “walk sign” to appear again.

Is the pedestrian in such a hurry to get to work that they would rather risk their life running in front of traffic than be late?

There are a lot of cars in the Loop during rush hour. I have a suspicion the car is most likely to win the race.


Today’s Idiom: to pour oil on troubled waters – to make peace, to calm someone down

I tried to pour oil on troubled waters, but Steven was so infuriated he wouldn’t listen to me, and continued to yell back at our neighbors.

It never ends

By , March 29, 2008 12:15 pm

I refuse to be a pushover.

If someone is doing something that bothers me, I am going to talk to them/do something about it. I’ve always been this way in my personal and professional life, but more so recently, as my roles and responsibilities have changed, and unfortunately, as I’ve become more impatient and intolerant.

If that means I’m a bitch from time to time to time, I’m sorry.

I really am. But I’d be more upset if I didn’t say something.

We are still frustrated with our neighbors. They still play their music too loud. They still park their cars all over the place (in front of my driveway!). A few weeks ago, I was standing outside with my mother when my neighbor started screaming at her kid and shoving him around (in their garage). I feel bad for their kids.

Last night I went over to talk to them because their music was too loud. I just don’t want to hear it through our living room wall! They were nice, and turned it down for awhile. But a few hours later (10:00), they started screaming bloody murder at each other. We thought they were trying to kill each other. I didn’t really want to go knock on their door and say “Could you two not be so loud while you are trying to kill each other?” so we called the police.

They had quieted down by the time the police came, but as soon as they left, they took their little screaming match outside, and continued it until about 1:00 a.m. They were yelling “F**k those f**king faggots” over and over and “I can do whatever I want outside!!!”… so we opened our window to tell them to STFU and… that didn’t really help.

So really. What are we supposed to do? I don’t give a crap what they do in their house until it disturbs the general peace of our neighborhood, WHICH IT IS. Why aren’t our other neighbors disturbed by their screaming matches?

What would you do? I am not just going to ignore this. It wakes me up. And honestly, it frightens me.

The pity post

By , March 22, 2008 8:20 am

An impulse buy I made in February actually came in handy yesterday – a shovel for the trunk of my car.

“Wait!” you’re thinking. “Wasn’t Thursday the first day of Spring?”

Why yes, yes it was.

But that didn’t stop 2 and a half feet from miraculously collecting behind my car at the train station.

I just want to whine. And maybe someone who didn’t have to deal with our freak snow storm will feel sorry for me?

I don’t know anyone who lives in Round Lake and all I can smell is mexican food

By , February 28, 2008 7:40 pm

Sometimes you need someone to blame for all of life’s shittiness. You just need to have a screaming match, get all of the nasty words and thoughts out, then go sob in your pillow for an hour or so. You wake up, eat a cookie, and feel better.

But sometimes there really is no one to blame. It’s not your fault, it’s not their fault, it’s just shitty luck! Who do you blame then?

No one. You just get pissed off, and all the anger and frustration builds up inside of you. Eventually, you explode.

Today it was an ordeal with a taxi. How hard is it to get an effin’ taxi in Round Lake? Jeez! I reserved one to pick me up from the train well in advance and it was a no show. Then the other one didn’t show. Then another taxi place said they didn’t have any taxis for an hour. Then I had to call my last resort shitty Round Lake taxi service that I avoid at all costs because they are so effin’ worthless. They took another 30 minutes.

Jeez. At the end of the week, shit like this really makes me crazy. I have been in an airport all day, and the last thing I want to do is spend another hour or so waiting for an effin’ taxi.

If you live in Round Lake, please be my friend, so I can call you for a ride next time.

But I would understand if you don’t want to be my friend after reading this nasty rant post.

I feel like an old woman

By , February 16, 2008 11:02 pm


I feel like I am in college again, living in an apartment next to inconsiderate assholes.

Except, hey, we live in a townhome. Which we own, and have lived in for over 3 years.

Unfortunately, the other two units next to ours are rentals. People have moved in and out of the homes over the years. We never got to know anyone well, because hey, I don’t effin’ care. We’ve never had too many problems though.

Anyway. Our newest neighbors moved in a few weeks ago, and are driving us nuts. They apparently have no idea there are Townhome Association rules where we live. They leave their dog’s shit all over the snow. They park where they aren’t supposed to park. They’re loud. Etc. Etc.

Basically, they are disrupting our peace and quiet, which we have enjoyed for over 3 years.

Today they are having a party. It started early in the day. Guests arrived with cases of beer around 2:00. Their guests parked on the wrong side of the street. Okay… But one parked in front of a fire hydrant, on the wrong side of the street. Duh. I called the cops and said “It’s illegal to park in front of a fire hydrant, right?” Of course it is. Ironically, the guests came out to get into their car as the cops arrived. I hope they learned a lesson from that.

So I thought it was over. I felt guilty for being so spiteful.

But Steven and I get back from dinner and cars are parked illegally all over the space between our townhome and the ones behind us. And they’re still having their loud party. We sit downstairs to watch a movie and we can hear their crappy bass through our walls. At 10:30. I head over to tell them to STFU. Steven comes with me. We walk carefully as to not step into the dog shit all over their sidewalk.

They’re drunk. Their house is full of suspicious characters. Whatever. They are polite and apologize. It better not happen again. You’re in the suburbs so STFU. We will call your landlord and we will call the Townhome Association and we will call the police.

Do you want to be my neighbor?

Give us a break

By , December 26, 2007 8:14 am

I think I saw heart-shaped Valentine’s Day balloons in a Walgreens this morning.


And did anyone else notice the “Didn’t get what you want for Christmas? Come to our After-Christmas sale!” and “Time to take off that holiday weight!” ads on the television yesterday?

Hi. While I am opening my presents, I don’t want to see an ad about “not getting what I want.” And I definitely don’t want to see an ad about “losing weight” while I am working on my third piece of pumpkin pie.

It just seems like every year, advertising gets pushed forward. Soon enough, we will be seeing Christmas decorations in the stores in July!

When will we get a break?

All good things come to an end

By , December 3, 2007 5:49 am

Tonight is our “Progress Check” at the dance studio where we take classes. That means that Steven and I will demonstrate three of the dances we have been learning to the owner of the dance studio, then she will pull us into her little office and try to sell us 50 more dance lessons at over $75 a lesson.

We will sit there, and tell her we have decided to end dance lessons to save money, and she will sit there and try to convince us that it is “worth it” and we can afford it.

Steven and I started dance lessons in August to prepare for our wedding dance. We had fun with the lessons so we signed on for more. But once we signed on for more they started pushing us to buy all of their dance studio paraphernalia.

For about three months they have been telling us that we both need to buy $100 dancing shoes. We still haven’t bought them. And we won’t buy them. We tell them “no,” then they act like we can’t dance without them, and that we will never advance to “bronze level” (the 50 lesson level) if we don’t have them. We still say no.

They get upset when we can only schedule one lesson a week. And we have to rearrange our schedules and leave work early just to make it to that one lesson! We never look forward to it anymore because we don’t want to waste what little free time we have with being pressured to buy new dance shoes.

I have a feeling that trying to terminate dance lessons is going to be like breaking up with that persistent boyfriend who keeps calling and saying “are we still broken up?” (Yeah, that happened to me. Did it happen to you?)

It’s a mad mad world

By , December 1, 2007 11:22 am

After leaving the house to run a few errands this morning, I’ve come to the conclusion that I don’t want to leave the house for the rest of the weekend. Or perhaps ever again.

Too many crazies driving on the streets, too many crazies in the stores… too many crazies driving me crazy!

I can’t believe I am saying this, but thank god it is supposed to snow/rain all day. It forces me to stay inside. I can set up the Star Wars Christmas tree then cuddle with Steven and Data for the rest of the day!


By , November 14, 2007 11:25 pm

Is it normal to not want to associate yourself with the people you went to high school with after graduation? Not all of them of course, I have many good friends that I still talk to on a regular basis. But there’s the ones that you kind of knew. The ones you kind of talked to, but not really. They were just always there? Well I chose to go to a college extremely close to my hometown, figuring it would be close enough to be near my family, but far enough to get away… and all those people, the ones I thought I was getting away from, they’re still here! Sometimes I feel like I’m on my own and in a new world, and then they bring me down. This post may seem bitter, but its just something I’ve been realizing lately!

I’m not sure what else to say, my mind is blank! An update on Kim, she is having lots of fun in Aruba! Doing lots of exciting things that I’m sure she will blog about when she gets back. She is also sneaking online a LOT. KIMBERLY, ENJOY YOUR HONEYMOON AND GET OFF THE INTERNET! 🙂

Thanks for reading. 🙂 I promise more interesting posts are on their way!

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