Category: Rants

Was that a “weekend”?

By , February 8, 2009 10:24 pm

I am sick of these bullshit weekends. Is anyone else?

You’re crazy busy, running errands both days – you feel more exhausted at the end of each night than you do on a weeknight.

Yay, weekends.

We’re like hostages on this train!

By , December 30, 2008 7:09 pm

My wish didn’t come true.

My Metra wish, that is.

All I could think about at the end of the day was getting home. I had a wonderful Christmas, but I am exhausted. I feel dead tired – more tired than I’ve felt in a long time. This month is just wearing me out, and our travels aren’t over yet – we’re flying to Kansas City on Thursday. It’s fun to spend this time of year with family (or any time), but the back to back traveling just kills me.

The holidays just aren’t the same as they used to be.

Anyway. The train I was taking out of Chicago tonight went about 500 feet then stopped for an hour. We saw cop cars pull up and a stretcher go by. No announcements were ever made. People on the train started to complain to one another. One man said “We’re like hostages on this train!”

Why tonight, on a night when I just want to get home? I tried to relax and make the most of my time sitting there… but really, I’m stuck on a train. There’s not much “making the most of my time.”

Bleh. When will I feel energized again?

Soon, please, soon!

(Even though this is written in the past tense, I am still on this gd train as I post this!)

People who cut in line… for the train!

By , October 27, 2008 12:29 pm

Within the group of people commuting to Chicago on Metra each day, there’s an entire subculture of people acting a certain way. A little ritualistic. A little obsessive. A little… crazy. They’ve been riding the train for a long time and they’ve developed a few… habits.

For example, a lot of people HAVE to sit in the same seat every morning AND every evening! I know this isn’t unique to riding a train, people do it in classrooms as well. But the Metra people get pissed off if they don’t get “their” seat. I’ve see it happen – “Why are you sitting in my seat?!” Your seat? You don’t own the train, buddy! We all paid (nearly) the same to get on.

As much as I try to fight developing those behaviors/habits, I notice that I am.

I do like to sit in the same seat in the morning, because it is the most comfortable one for me to sleep in without bringing a pillow. And… I do get a little frustrated when someone is sitting there! There, I admitted it! But, I tell myself to get over it, because it IS ridiculous. And I don’t care where I sit on the way home (as long as the person next to me isn’t on the phone).

There’s a monthly Metra newsletter you can grab a copy of on the train. It contains news, but also a section called “Sound Off,” for people to write in and complain about whatever they want. I appreciate the letters complaining about people yapping on their phone and hogging seats with all of their bags. That annoys me too.

Some of the letters are just funny though. You have to read this one (taken from pg. 3 “Take the high road?”):

I love reading about the complaints people have, sometimes about the strangest things. Well, I’m going to try to contribute to that:

I personally have a problem with how people are too courteous to others while getting off the trains. You see, the upper level passengers, though there are fewer of them compared to the ground level, always get to merge while exiting at a one-to one ratio with all the passengers on the main floor (sometimes even two-to-one since one person from each side of the upper level gets to go!). That then leads to the whole upper level clearing out before even the first three to four rows of passengers on the ground level getting off – it’s pretty unfair if you ask me! I mean, so if you’re in the last two to three rows of that cabin – forget it, you might as well sit down, have breakfast, read War and Peace if you’re trying to get off quick – all the while you see the smirking faces of the upper level passengers as they get off without delay. I propose a four-to-one ratio be unofficially implemented, where the upper level passengers should wait before coming down and merging with all the other traffic. This would only be fair. Otherwise, I’m going to start practicing my climbing skills to get myself up there so I can get off the train sooner!

I write all this with a smirk on my face –– but honestly, it is my pet peeve!

Of course this made me laugh. I sit on the top so I CAN get off first! Ha ha ha! Really though, at least this guy had a sense of humor about the whole thing.

So what would I write if I was going to contribute a crazy letter to “Sound Off”? Let me tell you what bothers me (so you can laugh at me!).

In the morning, before the train arrives, people line up on the platform in groups, where the doors will likely open. People do the same thing in the evening, but the difference is that the train is sometimes already there (just not opened yet).

At my stop in the morning, there is a woman who sits in the station, staying warm while people stand outside in the cold, waiting for the train. As soon as she hears the train coming, she runs out and gets right in front of everyone to be the first on the train.

Yes, this drives me nuts. It’s not Italy* lady! We DO follow lines here in the U.S.!

In the evening, people do the same thing. There is a large group waiting to get on, and someone comes traipsing along and stands right in front of everyone, because THEY want to get on first.

Of course, this bothers me, because I am one to follow unwritten rules, courtesies and ethics. But it does say – yes, I am turning into one of these crazy train people.

*When I lived in Italy, I realized no one there follows the concept of “standing in line.” It’s kind of just a big huddle of people trying to funnel and push their way into wherever they are all trying to go. I got used to it and began to embrace it. I liked pushing other people around. Ha!

No longer upset

By , October 16, 2008 10:27 pm

Thank you for all of your wonderful comments/emails yesterday. They made me smile, tear up a bit, laugh and feel so much stronger. It was exactly what I needed. I am going to take the time to respond to each of them in email form, so please give me a bit of time to write up the thoughtful responses they deserve.

Your comments/emails made me feel so much better, that I am now able to laugh at most of the things that have been upsetting me off all week. What’s the point in being upset anymore, now that it’s Thursday night, and I don’t even have to work tomorrow?

Here’s my week’s rant list anyway. Would any of these things have bothered you?

  • The Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Fiasco
  • Steven was at work on Sunday and I was really excited to spend the day baking treats for us, our neighbors and our coworkers. The first thing I made was oatmeal raisin cookies, trying the recipe on the inside of the Quaker Oats container. What a crapshoot they turned out to be. Completely flat, soft and crumbly and falling apart. It made me so upset, it ruined my day. The chocolate chip cookies and pumpkin bread were flat too. I didn’t put two and two together. Steven pointed out to me that it was probably the baking soda/baking powder’s fault, not mine. He fixed them by putting them in a muffin tin and making “cookie pucks.” They were a huge hit at his office.

  • Zit Face
  • I usually only break out on my chin, once a month. I started getting zits all over my face on Saturday, and they haven’t gone away. They are so red. I don’t know how to get rid of them. It’s embarrassing.

  • Size 12
  • Yeah, my size 12 clothes fit. But they’re ALL out of style. And the nice pants I bought at Banana Republic in the middle of September? Already too big.

  • The Leather Rep
  • Someone representing leather (for furniture) happened to visit our office Tuesday morning. And happened to talk all about the cows, and how they have to be raised to produce the best leather. And happened to pass around samples of leather. This REALLY bothered me. I was surprised how much it bothered me. When I talked to my mom that evening, she happened to mention how they were cutting down a tree, and she hated feeling like “she killed something.” I almost started to yell a vegetarian rant at her, but luckily, I stopped myself.

  • Slow Walkers
  • All those people walking too slow on the streets of Chicago… get the hell out of my way!

  • Cold Train
  • The AC has been blasting on the train every morning. Why why why? When it is 45 degrees outside, we don’t need the air on! It’s so cold, I sit there shivering.

  • Overwhelmed at Work
  • A lot of people in my office don’t have much to do right now, but my projects seem to have a lot going on. I felt a bit overwhelmed and frustrated about it all this week. More than I can say.

  • Lunch Meetings
  • Having a meeting during lunch once in awhile is okay. But spur of the moment? Or all the time? That is not a break. I need a break. Even if I am just sitting at my desk.

  • The Presidential Debate Last Night
  • Complete bs. Need I say more?

What a dumb, dumb list. Why was I letting all of these things upset me?

Why I’m pissed off today, part ii

By , October 13, 2008 9:18 pm

Unfortunately, I have updates to yesterday’s post. (I promise a more cheery post tomorrow. I just have to let off some steam. I am too pissed off to talk about this. Even thinking about it makes me mad.)

I emailed the person early Saturday morning to tell them I felt there was a miscommunication and they were asking me to do more than I felt I was qualified for/or had the time/or care for. They emailed me back today, saying they didn’t mean to pressure me. They understand everyone has limitations. They don’t want to take up too much of my time. They just want my input and help.

They asked if we could meet, which I said was fine, because I prepared something back in March (as previously mentioned).

I must be so naive.

They send out an email, inviting others to meet in a few weeks and discuss things. I am fine with this.

But at the bottom of the email, is a note (paraphrased below).

Kim, please look at the attachment and edit it. I would like to have it back by Tuesday, tomorrow. Please know this just came up and is a one time quick rush thing.

You’ve got to be kidding me.

Was I corresponding with the SAME person today? It doesn’t seem like someone would tell you they understand you are pressed for time, then give you something they want you to edit for the next day.

I really want to help. But it’s time to set some boundaries. Or not help at all.

Why I’m pissed off today

By , October 12, 2008 6:44 pm

A long time ago (back in MARCH), I told someone that I would help them with some write-ups for their organization’s website. I promptly wrote up a list of ideas and emailed them, eager to help.

I never heard back.

I ran into that person a few months later. “Let’s get together and talk!” they said. I gave them my phone number, and told them to just let me know when.

Never heard from them.

Now, someone is leaving their organization, and all of a sudden, they want my help. They are calling me and emailing me, telling me to do things, bossing me around, acting like I told them I would take on all these responsibilities.

Um, no.

They seem to be the type of person who doesn’t let anyone else get a word in, or give them a chance to say no. Or ever speak their mind. They act like they want your opinion, but really don’t.

I’ll deal with this in the working world, because I am getting paid. But definitely NOT on a volunteer basis.

I’m just going to have to try really hard not to be a bitch when I tell them that.

Yet another reason not to buy a new car

By , September 10, 2008 9:37 pm

How would you feel if you got to the train station parking lot, after a long day at work, and an annoying commute, to find someone had broken the driver’s window of your car, and possibly stolen items from inside?

I can’t imagine.

Someone broke into a Jeep Cherokee parked two spots away from me at the train today. I saw the glass all over the ground, then noticed the window was gone. I didn’t see anyone go to the car. I can’t even imagine walking to your car, tired and worn out, ready to go home for dinner… and finding a broken window. What a way to ruin someone’s day. Or week.

Last year, someone keyed the rear driver’s door on my car. It still makes me angry. People not respecting other people’s property is a big problem for me. Especially when it comes to cars. And nothing was even stolen from me.

What is wrong with people?

Grow up

By , July 10, 2008 5:39 am

Steven and I have been having fun with our bowling league. We don’t really have a chance of scoring first place in the league, because we missed the first three games, and all of those points were counted as losses. But we still have fun, meeting with different bowlers each week, cheering them on, making jokes, and watching their bowling styles. And we do win games – just not enough to make a “comeback.”

So far, everyone we’ve met has been really cool and fun. Until this week. The team we played was crabby and antisocial from the get-go. That’s fine with me, I am not there to screw around or be goofy, and if they don’t want to be friendly… whatever.

But I guess they made a few snide remarks to Steven about why we were winning. And they refused to sign the scoreboard at the end of the night (the captain signs from each team).

Bad sportsmanship is never cute, especially when you’re an adult.

Grow up.

How to use the dishwasher

By , June 25, 2008 5:42 am

It makes me laugh… and a little bit sad… that our administrative person has to put a note in our kitchen saying “Unless the dishwasher is running or contains clean pieces – please – rinse and place your used items into the dishwasher, thanks.”

Everyday, there are lone dishes (usually coffee mugs) that somehow escape their destiny with the dishwasher. They sit on the counter, dirty, all day long, until our administrative person (or someone else if they are feeling nice) rinses them and puts them into the dishwasher.

This makes me wonder, who puts these people’s dishes into the dishwasher at home?

When I lived in Rome with three other girls, the garbage bin was ALWAYS overflowing. I felt like I took it out ALL the time. So one time, I just let it pile up… but it got so high that I was sick of seeing it and took it out anyway.

I wasn’t the only one who took out the trash, but there were definitely people who weren’t bothered by it being full. Hey, I guess we’re all different.

Our reliable airline industry

By , June 1, 2008 4:55 pm

Are you more surprised when a flight is ON TIME or when a flight is DELAYED?

I never expect them to be on time anymore.

But I still get upset when they are super late.

Really upset.

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27 ‘queries’.