We had a productive and social weekend!
On Friday I did the exciting task of cleaning the house. Ahh, I really enjoy those five minutes after cleaning the floors that I can walk around with bare feet and not have any litter get stuck to them. I’m sure that will only be worse when we have two more cats!
I was excited to wake up early on Saturday and enjoy our mid 50s weather! I went on a long run, did a short ride, then taught Fitness Boxing.

Anne came home with me after, but first, we made a pit stop so she could meet the kittens!

We are adopting the one sleeping on the other one
Then we cleaned up at our house, and went to HuHot with the boys (Terry had dropped Anne off then driven to our house to hang with Steven).
And then we went to the Bristol Renaissance Faire! It was my first time going to a renaissance faire! And this one is so close to our house – I run by it regularly on one of my long run routes.
I didn’t know what to expect, except fun people watching. At first it seemed like it was all shops and food for sale, but as we got in farther, we saw more entertainment type stuff. We played games, and seemed to catch the middle or end of a lot of performances. I laughed so hard my face hurt at the “Vegetable Stand” – it was a guy with his head and arms sticking out of holes in a huge platform, and you could pay to throw tomatoes at him, but he insults you (and the audience) the whole time. It got pretty raunchy/inappropriate, which I loved.

We all tried their “high striker” and Steven rang the bell so he got to go back at later and compete with all the other people who had as well! It was impressive to see him and the competitors hit it so many times in a row.

It was fun to check the faire out. We were all glad it was affordable – a few bucks here and there for games and drinks. It would add up, but it’s nothing like amusement park prices. And we had lovely weather for it – in the 70s and not humid. I was glad it wasn’t like the weekend before – in the 90s and miserable! Blah, no thank you.

It was great to spend the day with Anne and Terry. They were only in town for a short while, and we appreciate them fitting us in to their family visits. We miss our monthly dates with them!
I slept in until 6:00 on Sunday! Then I did the reverse of Saturday’s workouts – a short run and a long ride.
After that, I “helped” Steven with the sump pump project. And really, that means I stayed in the basement with him and grabbed him things he needed, acted as a second set of arms, helped clean up some messes, went to Menards once, etc. He gets all the credit for the actual work! I’m just the assistant!
Ha, funny Menards story. I was trying to be quick, so I grabbed the first employee I could find when I got in and brought up a picture on my phone of what I needed and asked “where can I find this?” Then I looked at my phone and it was a picture of my toe. Oops. Wrong picture! Ha!!!
We finished up* in the basement around 5:30 and met Bobbi and John for dinner at The Shanty at 7:00. The restaurant has been expanding since late last year and part of it opened and we were all anxious to dine in the new space! It’s gorgeous!
I didn’t take any (good) pictures, but here is their picture of the amazing mojito I had!

Catching up with Bobbi and John was fun. They’d worked on a project for the past four days, which of course, we always love hearing about. And I tried not to talk too much about how our kittens (and their cat!) are coming home this week! BUT IT’S HARD NOT TO!!!!
And that was our weekend! I’m exhausted. I need to find a way to fit in working out, productive time, social time, AND DOWNTIME. I think doing that involves dropping one of those things though. Productive time? Ha.
*Finished enough to safely stop – not finished with the project!