A lot can happen in a short ride
Most of my favorite memories of high school are of times spent with my younger brother, and don’t necessarily have anything to do with school-sanctioned activities – we just happened to be together, because of school!
I don’t have a good picture of us in high school (Fall 2000-Spring 2002) so here’s a picture of us in 1990! BARBIE TRUCK!
I was reminded of this this morning when I was talking to a friend about her son’s request to be excused from today’s pep rally. Ha! My brother(s) and I skipped ALL the pep rallies. This started with my older brother (he and I were in school for my first two years of high school, then my younger brother and I were together for my last two years).
When I started high school, and my older brother was a junior, we’d ride together to school. For a bit, anyway. I didn’t understand, for the life of me, why he didn’t want to get there early, to hang out with his friends! We’d get there with a minute or two to spare. Eventually, the upper classmen friends I made would pick me up and drive me to school so we could hang out before. Awww.
However, I figured it out by the time I was a junior and my younger brother was riding with me to school. We had departure and arrival time down to a science, getting there with just enough time to grab our stuff before class started. Why get there early when it’s such a drag to be there all day, anyway? What was I thinking, my freshman and sophomore years?!
So a lot of my fun memories with my younger brother are us riding to school, or home, together. Like the time I decided to let him drive home. Even though he’d never driven a car before. Yeah… that lasted a few blocks.
Or how we’d stop, almost every warm day, after school, for ice cream! And not just any ice cream – Flavor Stop ice cream – where the vanilla cone has swirls of flavor injected in it (like this!). SO GOOD.
Or the days we’d go home and have to change in to our McDonald’s uniforms go work our shifts, together. It’s weird being your brother’s manager. Ha.
Writing this makes me sad I didn’t get to share any high school time with my snister (she’s five years younger). But we do have a kind of horrible story of me picking her up from middle school, on my first day of junior year. I had such a craptastic day, I got a migraine, and had to pull over to throw up, out the car door, when the car was stopped. Of course, a friend of my mom’s saw us.
Fun times, fun times.
Did any of you ride with a sibling to and from school?