Category: Life

The difference a week makes

By , November 5, 2015 12:11 pm

151026prettyfallleaves 151105leavesgone

Mother Nature is saying “I hope you’re ready for a change!”

What is it with stray grays?

By , November 4, 2015 12:56 pm

Nope, not a post about my hair. Ha!

We’re checking in on our neighbor’s cats while they’re out of town, and when we were locking up last night, a random gray cat showed up at the front door all “Meow, b*tches, let me in!”

“Um… you don’t live here, cat.”


What is it with stray grays? That’s how we found Data!

I asked the next door neighbor if she’d ever seen this cat. Nope. The cat was playful and friendly, so I hope he was just out for an evening stroll, and is back at home now. If we see him again in the next few days though, he’s coming home with us… so we can take him to the local no-kill shelter. Data is an only child (who lives like a king)!


Random Thoughts Thursday 79

By , October 29, 2015 6:27 am
  • I’m especially excited for my Friday 5:00 am strength class this week! I have a Halloween playlist and am encouraging students to wear costumes. I can’t wait to see what people come as! My costume last year (below) was pretty tame – I’ll do better this year (as in, I will actually be wearing something other than on my head).


  • I’ve been working on some other knitting projects besides Steven’s tie. I have a lot of cotton yarn leftover from making so many washcloths, so I started to use the leftover bits for some random color cloths. I also made a hat for my mom (same pattern as this). Sigh. I wish the hat yarn wasn’t so frizzy. It looked so nice when I picked the skein out in the store, but all the handling of it made it frizz out. And gah, the last four rows took me the longest on that hat! I really need to go down to DPNs for the last few rows.


Yes – I am wearing my Royals 2014 ALC shirt a lot! When I see my snister this weekend, she’ll have 2015 Royals gear for me!


  • Steven and I started watching Game of Thrones during lunch break (we like to have a TV show to watch while we eat – we just finished Entourage). Mica loaned me the first book from the series some time ago, but I hadn’t started reading it because I was worried about remembering who the characters were. I actually think watching the show may help me with that. I’ll see if I like reading it, while watching it. I’ve heard the show plot diverges from the book plot a bit in later seasons… but I doubt that would bother me. Or that I would get that far in the books, anyway! I just want a little something to read at night to help me fall asleep!
  • We’ve wanted a bench seat for the window in our office for quite some time, and finally got one! I think Data approves!

151026Dataonnewbench1 151026Dataonnewbench2

  • It’s hard to believe the holidays are around the corner (even though I am stoked to start playing holiday music on Sunday!). It’s starting to feel more real to me though, because we’ve finalized our plans for Christmas (each year is different for us – we alternate one year with my family and one with Steven’s (and sometimes they come here and sometimes we go there))!
  • Gina is running the New York City Marathon (NYCM) on Sunday! I am so stoked for her and can’t wait to hear about her race experience. To date, NYCM is still my favorite marathon! Go, Gina!

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 78

Random Thoughts Thursday 78

By , October 22, 2015 6:18 am
  • I can’t believe how much (Royals) baseball we’ve been watching. I find it enjoyable until it gets too stressful. Then I just feel anxious and want it to be over. Ha. I don’t know how regular sports fans do it! I am not talking it down, by any means, but it just seems so anxiety-inducing to be invested in a team full time. But, not everyone is anxiety ridden and can probably just watch the game for the fun of it… right?


  • Did anyone else read this article (pdf here) about the airport in Japan that installed a “track” for wayfinding purposes, and feel disappointed it wasn’t for running on? Ha – I totally thought that was what the article was going to be about when I clicked on the heading to read it!
  • Gah, I realized I have four partially finished knitting projects going on – a scarf I started last winter and almost finished, a dishcloth (I’ve been using up all the extra cotton yarn and have made quite a few), a cowl for Steven, and a hat I started for my mom (photo below). I need to finish those up! I also ordered yarn to make this for Steven’s dad, and bought yarn to make Steven a tie!


  • I am just now noticing that the Playtex Sport tampons packages have… what should I call them… motivational messages? Fortunes (ha)? on them. I find this amusing, for some reason. Are they supposed to pep you up when you have your period? Giggle.


  • This Data cuddling Beaver (the stuffed otter) pose is totally set up, but I have to share it because it’s so cute. To me.


  • I just realized that a 5K I am thinking about going for a PR at is on Friday the 13th. Um, that’s a sign of good luck, right?
  • Steven and I have taken a ton of stuff to Goodwill and a lot of other stuff to a storage unit, and our house feels so uncluttered and tidy. I love it.

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 77

More than once

By , October 20, 2015 6:00 am

Have you ever seen a movie multiple times in the theater, during its original release?

The first movie I did this with was Titanic. I saw it three times in the theater. And cried, every single time. Ha ha ha.

Then I saw the prequel Star Wars films (I-III) a couple times each… and that’s it! I haven’t seen a movie multiple times in the theater since then.


That time Dad let us skip school to see Episode II (my parents also let me skip to buy tickets for Episode I!)

But I am betting I will with the new Star Wars! And we bought tickets for our first viewing last night! Yay, I’m getting stoked! I showed the new trailer to Steven yesterday and asked if he was getting pumped to see the film. He said yes and asked when we were going. I responded “In two months!” He said, “Two months? I thought you were getting tickets for next week or something.” Ha ha, nope! I wish!

Did you hear that?!

By , October 16, 2015 6:19 am

Ha, this photo of Data just cracks me the hell up!


Happy Friday!


By , October 9, 2015 4:09 am

When Gina and family were visiting, Steven and I took Luca to the park. Luca saw some kids there wearing Cubs jerseys and said to me, “I’m not really a Cubs fan. I’m a Yankees fan.” It was so cute! He was so earnest and matter-of-fact when he said it!

So when I was looking through old photos a few days later, I saw the one below and sent it to Gina. She showed it to Luca, and he said he wondered why he was wearing that! (I think we got it for him, to be funny?)


Don’t worry, Luca. We know you’re a Yankees fan!

I didn’t grow up in a family that follows professional or college sports. So I don’t have a love for any sports team ingrained in me. When people ask me if I like the Cubs or the White Sox, I just tell them I think a baseball game is fun no matter who is playing (and if I can get a vegan hot dog).

However, answers like that don’t always fly. Recently, I was questioned by a little girl (maybe 8 years old?) while in line at Starbucks about my favorite football team.

It was the day of the Bears vs Packers game. I was waiting a long enough time in the Starbucks line that I chatted up the girl’s mom saying “I am surprised the store is this busy! Why aren’t people home watching the game?!” We were both laughing, and the daughter asked me “Are you a Bears or Packers fan?”

I joked around and told her I am a Chiefs fan (not true, I don’t know a thing about football, but Steven is from KC, so why not), and she wasn’t buying it. “But if you had to choose, would you choose Bears or Packers?!”

It completely cracked me up that this little girl wanted to know my answer (I answered her favorite team, phew, ha ha) and I thought it was cool she was in to football! It’s fun to see what kids pick up from their parents. I wonder what I got from mine…

And I have to note, even though I don’t really follow sports, a goal of mine for next baseball season is to learn all the Royals players/stats/other random info so I can completely blow my brother-in-law’s mind when I know it. Ha. (Yeah, it’s totally going to backfire, I know.)


So adult. Much wow. Very new.

By , October 8, 2015 6:19 am

Steven and I have been upgrading some furniture items in our home – new chairs, a new entertainment center, an actual headboard for our bed, new lamps, a few other things…


We were both commenting on how it makes our house feel much more “adult.” And how much we like it. AND WHY DID IT TAKE US SO LONG TO MAKE THESE CHANGES?!?!

Ha, it’s not like we had a house full of dorm furniture. It was just missing some finishing touches here and there.

Steven hypothesized that we were being lazy. I hypothesized that we had other priorities – other things we’d rather spend our money on.

But we both did agree, that when we move, we’ll make the effort for the house to feel this way from the get go!

So. Much. Merchandise.

By , October 7, 2015 6:13 am

I’m stoked to see the new Star Wars film. I plan to see it on opening night (hopefully, midnight or earlier the day before!) and already know what I am going to wear to teach strength class the day it comes out.

But you know what doesn’t have me as excited? All the darn merchandising for the new and old films that seems to have exploded, everywhere.


I don’t want to know much about the new film – I want the characters and plot to be a surprise when I see it. And that’s not exactly easy with Star Wars branded on EVERYTHING. Even if I stay out of the toy aisle, I see Star Wars food, clothes, stationary, home goods, and so on.

And it’s not just that I don’t want spoilers. The amount of merchandise seems excessive to me. A bit sickening, actually. It feels like it’s EVERYWHERE. I want to be excited about the film because it’s good – not because of all the “collectibles” that go along with it. No one needs all that stuff, but the advertising sure makes you think you do! I found myself in the women’s clothing aisle at Target on Saturday holding up a retro style A New Hope shirt wondering what size I should get… before I came to my senses and remembered I have many Star Wars shirts already! I don’t need that one, just because it’s new and cute.

This makes me wonder what it was like when the original Star Wars was released in 1977. I’ve seen the (yes, cool) toys from then. Were they branding food, clothes and home goods as well then, too? Was it as nuts? Maybe!

I say all this, and yet, I succumb to it. The reason I’m such a huge fan is because of the 1997 re-release*, and yes, partially because of how commercialized it was. And I’ve even purchased a shirt and Lego set from the new movie for my nephew for his birthday – I love that he loves Star Wars. (So, yeah, hypocrite.)

And that’s a huge part of how it’s being advertised – as a love for a story that you should pass down your family line. I’m all for that, I really am – I just don’t think it needs to be so forced (buah ha ha). It should be natural (after seeing the film), or at least, not completely driven by commericalism and seller influence. But, how else would kids learn about things, unless family or friends told them? And maybe those family and friends are stoked to see all this stuff in the stores, because it helps get their kids excited about the film? As an adult, all I needed was the movie trailer, to get me pumped to see it, but I’ve mostly outgrown a desire for toys and collecting “things” (mostly). Everyone’s different.

I’m cool with more people loving Star Wars. I just hope it’s for the story (first?) and the gadgets (later). I understand the merchandise makes a lot of money and I don’t think there should be none. And I’m sure that after seeing the film, there will be something I just have to have… but it won’t be available because everyone bought it in September. Ha!

I guess (after reading through this draft a zillion times) what I don’t like about all this now, is that it makes the studio seem so GREEDY. Too much focus on stuff and not story. There ya go. I should have just put that sentence at the top!

This post is all Star Wars, because that’s what’s on my radar, but there must be other films/shows/bands/etc. that are way over-advertised/merchandised?! Or maybe I’m the only old lady yelling at kids to get off my lawn, ha!

*Obviously, Han shot first

Future tattoo ideas

By , October 6, 2015 6:24 am

It’s been almost a year since I got my first tattoo!


Ha, “first” implies I have more than one now*. I don’t, but I have a lot in mind!

I’d like to get a compass rose tattoo – on my foot or side. This would symbolize my love of maps and travel <— I know, so original.

This is way too big, and only the start of what I’d like. But a similar style.

I really like text tattoos. I love asking people the meaning behind theirs! (And love when people comment on mine!) I’ve thought about getting my original family name “Alexciou” (see Oct. 24 post here). Not sure where I would get it, though!

And eventually, I think I will get a cat related tattoo (I really like 3, 15, and 22, here)!

I’ve seen some cool vegetarian/vegan lifestyle related tattoos, but that’s something I don’t think I will ever want. It is the diet I follow, but I don’t like using the label and the connotation that comes with it.

Anyway. I will spend a lot of time thinking about it, like I did with my first, before I get another!

*Ha, I was talking about getting another tattoo around my mom and she informed me I only get one. Ha ha, oh, Mom.

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