Category: Life

Random Thoughts Thursday 195

By , September 13, 2018 5:44 am
  • A few weeks ago my favorite cartoonist, Nathan W Pyle, announced that he was doing commissions for cat or dog drawings. I was SO EXCITED when I saw that, and asked him to do one of Data. I love how he incorporated Data specific things – his love for toy mice, popcorn, and wearing a tie. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. Perfect timing to receive it too. Follow Nathan on insta – he’s great and will make you smile/laugh!

  • On Monday they tore up the street we live off of. I was impressed they did that all in one day. I hope the repaving goes as quickly. Those new paved shoulders are going to be AMAZING!!!

  • Alright, so I’ve gotten really in to the Aurora book (even though I don’t love the ship’s computer narrating it). Apparently I’m so in to it, that talking about it excitedly to a coworker yesterday made her add it to her library hold list, and pick up that day! I got to the page Tom Hanks hyped up, 321… My excitement was building as I got closer and closer. It didn’t affect me as much as him, but I can see why he said that.
  • We weighed the kittens this week and Apollo is 5.72 pounds and Starbuck is 4.84. They’re growing so fast! Sad face! Will they be as adorable when they are full grown?!

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 194

If you want it to mean something, say something

By , September 12, 2018 6:55 am

I was surprised by the amount of comments I got on Facebook about saying goodbye to Data. And by how thoughtful and kind they were. (Not that I expected the opposite – I had NO expectations. I only post on personal Facebook a few times a year, so it’s kind of funny there’s several paragraphs about it below.)

I actually said to Steven, “people have been saying such nice things about Data on Facebook. They’re so thoughtful. I always feel awkward when I try to express my condolences – I’m going to remember some of these nice phrases and use them [when appropriate].”

Because what I realized is, in a situation like this, for me (everyone is different), it’s the comments/words that mean the most, not the “likes,” or “loves,” or “sad faces.”

I’m not mentioning this to criticize anyone, except myself. In the past, when I’ve seen a not-close friend share a death or sad news and I don’t know what to say, I’ve just clicked on the “sad face,” and thought, “they’ll see I feel sad about this.”

What I realized is, they probably WON’T see that unless they’re sitting at their computer with a notification for every “like.” Or unless they go back and read through the list of who “liked,” and who “loved,” etc. Maybe people do that? But I don’t. I do look at the number of “likes” and think “wow, people are responding,” but what warms my heart is the comments – not the “likes.”

If that makes ANY sense.

This a funny era to live in. Twenty years ago I would have told close friends and family in person, and not many people would know. But now I have social media and the opportunity to share if I want, and mourn in “public.” And in people’s busy days, when they take time to scroll through all the crap on Facebook (and actually see a post at all due to stupid algorithms), a “like” is appreciated… it just doesn’t have the same effect. Again, if that makes any sense.

So like I mentioned yesterday, there’s been some strange guilt with all this kindness, and some thinking of “I could have been more thoughtful when so-and-so went through this.” But the past is past. I’m learning. And like I said – just a comment (whether on social media or via text/email/in person – not everyone is on there) means a lot to me, so maybe it will to other people too? A not-close friend shared the passing of her dog yesterday and instead of just leaving the “sad face,” I wrote something.

This is my blog and I can write about this for as long as I want but GEESH I need something else to talk about!!!!!

Another Tuesday, another disaster

By , September 11, 2018 11:38 am

The vet did a clay paw print of Data that needed to be baked. Our oven is broken, so I decided to bake it in the toaster oven this morning.

I read the instructions, turned the toaster over on, put the clay in there, set a timer for twenty minutes, and went in to the office.

Then noticed it smelled really smoky.

Then went in the kitchen and the inside of the toaster oven was on fire.

I didn’t remember what to do – throw baking soda on it? I unplugged it, ran up the stairs to where Steven was taking a shower, and asked him. Cause you know, the fire’s contained, that seems smart, to just leave it…

He told me to use the fire extinguisher. But when I grabbed the tiny one under the sink and the pin was already gone, I was confused. Duh, Kim. That means it’s ready to use. So much face palm.

Steven came downstairs in his towel, with suds in his hair, and got the big extinguisher out from the garage, and put the fire out. He also unplugged the toaster oven, because I’m so smart that I had unplugged the thing next to it.

Our entire house was filled with smoke. All the smoke detectors (finally?) went off.

I was a mess. So much for being calm in a crisis.

Good things:

  • No one got hurt
  • I didn’t burn the house down
  • Steven was home, and could act as the responsible adult
  • We have fire extinguishers
  • It was nice outside and only a few bugs came in with all the doors/windows open
  • Luckily we had that pawprint set from Rachel, because this one is toast

Would you be surprised to learn that I was reading the temperature for Celsius by accident? The reason the fire started is because it was set at 500°F, not 260°F like I thought. Again, so much face palm.

The cats were corralled in the bedroom for a long time while we had all the doors and windows open to air out the house. I let them out on the balcony so they could get fresh air. We all need it. I had soot in my noise and still have a headache from the incident.

Small things

By , September 11, 2018 6:21 am

A few small things making me happy today:

  • That my work day isn’t full of meetings, and the ones I do have are internal
  • Most of my clothes are clean and put away (caught up on laundry!)
  • It’s cool enough to drink hot tea again

  • Burning the pumpkin cupcake candle (ha, I burn it for about two hours, let it cool, cut the wicks, then burn it again!)

  • Kitten/cat shenanigans – I love that they play together. How much longer until I catch Khali snuggling with one of the kittens?!

  • That Apollo wants to be a lap cat

  • The love and support about Data. People have been so thoughtful that I feel guilty and undeserving of the kindness at times. But then I tell my brain to shut up.
  • That I have a magnet order on the way
  • That I rearranged the dining room this weekend to make it feel more open
  • That we’re one day closer to the weekend. Ha!

What’s on your list?

Toilet Cat

By , September 8, 2018 8:34 am

It seems the kittens have entered full-on destructo mode, as of this week.

On Wednesday, Apollo knocked over a plant and rolled around in the dirt. I thought it was pretty funny, but judging on Steven’s reaction, it was not appropriate to take a photo. Ha.

On Thursday night, Starbuck started attacking our feet while we sleep, whether we are moving them or not.

On Friday, Apollo decided bookmarks are toys. And books. EVERYTHING’S A TOY!!! (duh)

Tails? Definitely toys.

And about the title of this post? I was going to the bathroom yesterday, and Apollo came in. As I was getting up, he jumped IN TO the toilet, before I could flush or close the lid.

He wasn’t even phased. Not until I turned on the sink to wash off his paws anyway.

He now has a new nickname “Toilet Cat,” and song, sung to the tune of “Smelly Cat.”

Oh, Apollo. You troublemaker.

I know this is just the beginning of destructo mode! I can’t wait to share what they get in to next, muah ha ha.

Random Thoughts Thursday (on Friday) 194

By , September 7, 2018 7:53 am
  • Thanks for all your touching comments on my post about Data yesterday! You’re all so thoughtful. I waited until yesterday to share the news here and on social media and thought I was ready. I wasn’t. All the sweet comments made me feel sad (and loved at the same time).
  • Of course, I keep thinking of other funny little Data things to add to that post. How he would be waiting at the door when we got home. How he loved to be brushed but had to attack the comb. How he’d put both paws on my shoulder when I was standing (and he was sitting) to let me know he wanted me to hold him. I miss his big personality. These other three furrballs better step it up!

  • Work has been a good distraction this week except for when it hasn’t, like spending too much time helping someone who’s inept, and when I was on a call and people kept saying “data” over and over, because that is a word people use. Ugh.
  • I put some photos in the frame Rachel sent, and also have some other special memorials coming for him, which I’ll share when they arrive!

  • And now on to the non Data stuff…
  • I am trying to read these two books right now. It’s taking me a while to get in to them, which is frustrating me! I think I am finally getting in to Aurora, though. I’m going to blame Tom Hanks if I don’t like it (ha, seriously though, seeing his post was what made me request it from the library – I have to at least make it to page 321).

  • Our oven fan broke so we can’t use it until parts come in next week. I’m glad I thought of that before mixing up batter for treats for a friend!

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 193

Favorite Data Memories (RIP, Data)

By , September 6, 2018 6:23 am

We said goodbye to Data on Tuesday. Our veterinarian was extremely compassionate and made it as easy as possible for us. There were even a few laughs among the tears. We all took a shot for Data after. I love our vet. That helped – their compassion and care.

We ate dinner out. Arriving home, the house didn’t feel extremely different without Data there because he’s been so ill and not himself, holed up in a room for a few months. That helped – that it didn’t feel like a big change.

We took his food and litter box out of our bedroom, and cleaned the carpet and the sheets and blankets, then played with the kittens and Khali and had a few laughs. That helped – the distraction and joy of their shenanigans.

We got in to bed early, and I started thinking about all the fun memories with Data. THERE ARE SO MANY. I put his name in the search bar on my blog and was laughing about some of his antics as I went to bed. That helped – looking at photos of him during healthier times, and remembering all the joy he brought to our lives! Gosh, I’m so glad I shared all those stories here!!!

During the day, I had reached out to my family and friends to let them know what was going on. I received thoughtful texts and emails all day. That helped – their care and thoughtfulness. I’m glad I let people know what was going on, instead of holing up, myself. The outpouring of love, along with people sharing their stories and normalizing it for me – yes – really helped.

I don’t think it’s quite sunken in that he’s gone yet, though.

We adopted Data (via proxy, ha) on February 12, 2005 in Ames, Iowa. Here’s his adoption story! He lived with us for over thirteen years – and he lived with Steven longer than I have! We think Data was about fifteen years old. He lived a happy, long life with us, and brought us so much joy and entertainment (!!!)!

It’s helpful for me to think about my favorite Data stories as I mourn, and here is a long list of them, in chronological order (of when I posted about them).

Thank YOU for your compassion and love. It means so much to me!

Continue reading 'Favorite Data Memories (RIP, Data)'»

To feel my best I need to…

By , September 5, 2018 6:35 am

… have frequent meaningful interactions with loved ones
… have a furbaby in my life
… move every day, and workout six days a week
… eat a mostly healthy diet, and not too much food
… get enough sleep
… feel productive at home (and ideally, productive and meaningful at work)

What’s on your list?

This post is brought to you by someone asking me (not meanly… I think?) why I want to run forty miles a week if I am not training for anything. My answer to them – stress management. And it makes me feel my best!

I used to be that person wondering about people who ran often and never raced. When I first started running, I knew of some people who ran five miles a week… just for exercise! I remember thinking “why don’t they do a 5K? They can already run farther than that!!!” Ha, I was young, a new runner, and did not get the allure of exercise to feel good and manage stress. I obviously get that now!

A photo from this morning’s run!

Rain, rain, rain

By , September 4, 2018 12:14 pm

It was so nice to have three days of nothing going on, to wake up whenever we wanted, and be lazy this weekend. What a treat. I haven’t had a weekend with nothing scheduled since mid-July!

My focus this weekend was to spend time with Data, doing things he enjoys (i.e. going outside and eating popcorn).

Data’s worse. He’s weaker, and you have to pester him to eat. His heart rate is elevated a lot of the time. He started hanging out/sleeping in his litter box this weekend – not because he is having bathroom issues (besides his poo consistency and missing the edge of the box some times) – but because that is where he wants to be. It’s a mess, literally.


I take him out of the box and put him somewhere comfortable near us and sometimes he’ll stay there for a while, and sometimes he rushes back to his box.

So, yeah. That’s where we are. It’s time to say goodbye. He doesn’t have a high quality of life anymore.

I’m grateful we had all this time together (this weekend and since we’ve had him). But of course I selfishly wish he’d recover and be himself again. UGH.

The constant rain this weekend made it a difficult to spend much time outside with Data, but we did as much as we could.

On Friday he hung out on the balcony with his sister:

I was dressed to run and took them outside and he did NOT want to come back in, so we stayed out there for three hours and I skipped my run. Priorities!

On Saturday the rain mostly kept him inside, but he hung out with us all afternoon.

On Sunday we made it outside for two hangout sessions in the grass:

And he hung out with us at dinner and watched To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before (SO CUTE)! <— I think he was just there for the popcorn!

The rain kept us in Monday too. Sigh. But he did join us for our three episode Mad Men marathon and hung out on the couch all day. And he totally didn’t mind doing the paw print picture frame kit that Rachel sent (what a thoughtful gift! I know we’ll cherish having it!).

So… yeah… I didn’t leave the house much this weekend! I ran a few times. I did some retail therapy at Bath & Body Works. But I mostly did nada.

I didn’t even read much. I tried to start two different novels from the library, but I couldn’t get in to the writing style. I may keep going with one (Aurora).

We did cook some yummy meals this weekend – a Tofurky roast and mashed potatoes on our anniversary night, and fried seitan the following night! (Neither photograph well, so I will spare you the pics, but they were both DELISH!!!!)

Anniversary roses!

Maybe I will be more social next weekend. Maybe not!

A message from the universe

By , September 4, 2018 7:23 am

“Hey, Kim! It really is TOO early to put out those fall candles!”

It’s kind of hard to tell with that ugly tile, but that’s a candle holder and broken candle, and candle wax all over the floor and shower curtain, and a bit on the walls and bath tub and the things next to the bathtub.


I had my weekend recap ready to go (hint: I did nothing… and I’ll post it later), but let’s talk about this.

We needed to clean Data in the sink this morning.

I had a candle going on the sink and thought “I better move this so we don’t knock it over while we clean him!”

Then proceeded to move it to an uneven surface where it knocked over naturally, cause, duh.


So, clean Data, clean the mess he made, then try to clean the bathroom. I’m not trying to clean the shower curtain – screw that – I ordered a new one.

I’m sharing this because I’m proud of how calm I am in a crisis. Oh, candle dropping behind me and wax and glass going everywhere? That’s okay! I am cleaning Data now and will get to that later.

Poop and pee outside of the litter box again? No worries! I know how to clean that!

But gosh, I sure do spend a lot of time cleaning up messes. The cats’, and my own!

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46 ‘queries’.