I was inexplicably anxious about renewing my drivers license by the end of the month (when it expires). The anxiety all started when I got the notification to renew it a month and a half ago. The problem being that the notification went to my old house – crap, I forgot to tell the DMV I moved! So I was going to need all these extra documents to prove my new address. I was so stressed I would bring all of the documents and still not have the right ones, and have to go back home to get the right information, then come back, and try all over again.
So you’d think I’d try to get it taken care of right away, but no, I put it off. I put a note in my calendar to do it two weeks before the license would expire, which happened to be today. I even forgot I was going to do it today until I was making plans with a friend a few weeks ago for tonight and saw the calendar appointment.

I didn’t sleep well last night. I tossed and turned and had strange dreams. I was all worked up/worried about a friend of mine who lives in Nice and was not responding to messages to see if she was okay (she finally checked in in the am and had a horrible eye witness story of what happened).
I went and taught class, then went for a swim after class. What’s normally a relaxing swim left me exhausted. I left the pool all shaky, like I did after I tried to swim as fast as I could in a race last year (yet, this was a slow, easy swim)! I still felt shaky when I got home.
By the time I got to the DMV I was all jacked up, like I was about to race a 5K. Difficulty breathing, elevated heart rate, shaky legs, all sweaty, the whole package. WTF.
When I got up to the counter, and they asked me what forms I brought to prove my change of residence, I said the wrong names of the forms and got a “we don’t take those” response. Um, what? Your website says you do. She looked at them and told me they were okay. Phew.
But I still felt so nervous until I got out of there (and really, even after I left). I don’t know what the hell my deal was/is. All I had to do was take a vision test, pay them, and retake my license photo. But my adrenaline was all high.

When you go swimming, take a shower, then get your new driver’s license… also, when you wear sun glasses for your runs and get a strange tan on your face, ha!
I think dreading it for so long made me build it up to be this big thing in my head. I need to quit doing that. It was no big deal, everyone there was super nice and I was in and out in forty minutes. Chill out, Kim.
Seriously, I need to work on this, in a big way. It would really improve my quality of life to leave Club Dread.
On a side note, the guy filling out my forms for me asked me a few questions about my Garmin watch. I actually get a lot of questions on my watch. One time a stranger was leaving the train, walked by me, saw I was wearing it and turned around and asked me questions about it, ha ha. I wonder how many people have gone on to get them after I told them about it! Conclusion – Garmin should sponsor me. Muah ha ha.