Christina’s baby shower went by so fast! I wish I would have taken more photos! And had more of a chance to talk to people. And a way to slow down time, ha.
We held the shower at a “new to our family” location – the Waterloo Boat House. It was a sunny day and we had neat views of the river!

The inside of the space is pretty on its own – it has a wood wainscot and lots of windows. We didn’t have to do much for decorations (but we did have banners, balloons, and table settings that I managed to not get a picture of, sad face).

The shower theme (if you want to call it that) was “Brunch for Baby.” We thought it would be fun to do something different, so we held it from 11am-1pm and served “brunch” foods – hashbrowns, “roll-ups” (what my family calls french pancakes, aka crepes), sausage (meat and vegan – there was actually another vegan and a vegetarian at the party!), egg casseroles, and fruit. Oh, and of course, mimosas!

I cannot take credit for the fruit duck – I saw it on Shelley’s blog and Christina’s sister-in-law recreated it. Thank you for posting that on Friday, Shelley – perfect timing!
My mom, Christina’s mother-in-law (Gale), and I hosted. Did I get a picture of the three of us? No. Sigh. But here is a cute picture of Gale, Will and Christina!

My mom and I spent most of Saturday prepping for the party. And had a great time doing it – lots and lots of shopping, and a bit of food and decoration prep as well. I am very grateful we had so much help preparing and setting up for the party! The two of us could NOT have done it alone. My dad, sister-in-laws, mom’s mom, Gale, Gale’s friend, and Christina’s sister and brother-in-laws were HUGE helps with set up (and tear down – we had more of the spouses there to help with that, too)!

Amber (younger brother’s wife), me, Christina, Alyssa (older brother’s wife) and Mom

And with my mom’s mom
Gale was in charge of games and came up with cute ones! First people did “late night diapers” – writing messages on diapers for Christina to see when she is doing changes. Christina read them all out loud and picked her favorite three. The second game was “price is right,” where we had to guess how much baby stuff cost. I was WAY off (no surprise there). And the final game was “present bingo” – people filled out their own items on a bingo card and crossed them off as Christina opened them.
Present opening took almost an hour! Baby William is well loved! I felt special when everyone oohed and ahhed over the blanket I made.

I had a grand plan to have hot cinnamon rolls for dessert since it was a brunch theme but… the place didn’t have a stove! Oops! So cake it was – half white with raspberry filling and chocolate with boston creme filling (and there was a vegan cheesecake, not pictured).

And you know I ordered cookies from Maria’s Oven as handouts!

Along with games, Gale also was in charge of game prizes and she brought (separate from the prizes) these adorable handouts – the lollipop, pretzel and chocolate coins are ALL customized for Baby William!

We had a big crowd – almost thirty adults and six kids (not all pictured below, some had to leave early).

And it was a big success – people kept saying how nice everything was. Phew! I was stressed about it and wanted it to be perfect for my snis, and wanted the guests to have fun (and for there to be enough food, ha – that is always my worry for parties – that we’ll run out of food).
It was such a pleasure to see everyone showing love for Christina and baby William, and to meet some of her friends and family that I haven’t met before, and to reconnect with the people I know. I really do wish I had more time to chat with everyone – it’s hard when you’re hosting.

Not sponsored, but people kept asking where my dress was from – it’s Lauren Conrad for Kohl’s. I didn’t realize it came in other colors too! I may need the blue one…
And now… we continue to wait for Baby William to arrive at the end of January! I’m so excited to meet him!