Category: Life

He’s here!

By , January 9, 2017 6:31 am

Baby William is here!


Christina’s water broke at 3:30 am Saturday morning, and William arrived that night at 7:07, weighing 6 pounds, 13 ounces and measuring 20″ long. Christina was 36 weeks and 5 days pregnant, so he’s a bit early! Both her and the baby are doing well.

170108babywilliam2 170108babywilliam3

Saturday was such an exciting day! I woke up to see the text that her water broke, and I was pumped all day to see when the baby would come! I really appreciate that they were texting me and keeping me informed because it’s so hard not to be there. I’m so anxious to get there and meet him!!! Soon!


Hey, recognize that blanket?!?!?!?!?!?!

Just your typical Tarjayjay trip…

By , January 7, 2017 12:25 pm

Unfortunately that is NOT for us to keep though. Ha!


Fancy AF

By , January 6, 2017 3:10 pm

Someone is gonna look fancy at the opera…


Heh, even though the venue doesn’t look fancy AT ALL. Eh, whatevs. Our friends are getting all dressed up too so it should be fun!

Dress ✓
Earrings ✓
Clutch ✓
Hair ✓

Shoes? <— I’m hoping I picked the dress at the right length to wear flats and have them covered. Muah ha ha.

Random Thoughts Thursday 122

By , January 5, 2017 6:28 am
  • I didn’t have any expectations for Rogue One… and found myself disappointed and bored in the first half. I enjoyed the second half, but felt meh about it overall. Which made me feel like a bad Star Wars fan, ha! I wonder if I will enjoy any of the spin-off movies.
  • The local station that plays holiday music played it from November 10th all the way to December 31st this year (that was new for this year – they usually stop December 26th). And I listened to it the WHOLE time. And loved it. And miss it. And the great thing about listening to that for so long is that there are all these “new” songs for me to listen to that were playing on regular radio during that time!
  • My new “Keep Calm and Carry On” page-a-day calendar arrived. The first page tells the story of the poster/slogan – I knew it came from Great Britain, but didn’t know it was a poster designed during World War II to help morale in case the Nazi army crossed the British Channel. The posters were never used and mostly destroyed, but a bookstore owner discovered a few in 2000!


  • Aww, poor Data!


Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 121

Things I’m excited about in January!

By , January 3, 2017 6:26 pm


  1. Actual free time. December was fun but freaking busy and exhausting. This month is quieter!
  2. Steven finishing Khali and Snow’s new house. He’s been working hard on it and it looks AWESOME! And yes, maybe this month I will actually take those two to the vet. Bad cat mom.
  3. Gina and Steve running the Houston marathon on January 15th. It’s Steve’s first marathon (on his birthday!) and Gina is going for a big PR! I won’t be there, but will be cheering them on from afar!
  4. Date nights with friends. We have a few things set up, including going to an opera (I got Steven collar bars for his birthday and he wants to dress up and use them!).
  5. Baby William’s arrival! His due date is January 31, but I predicted February 5 for his delivery. Sorry, snis. I hope he comes in the end of January!
  6. More organizing/purging.
  7. Finishing those bunnies and starting a new knitting project.
  8. Not training for anything. Ha, not that I was, but I’m usually in the thick of 5K training in January and won’t be this year!
  9. Continuing to swim for health. And hit up the hot tub, ha.
  10. Eating healthier and feeling less lethargic (I’m hoping my poor diet and being busy is why I’ve been exhausted lately – if eating better and sleeping more doesn’t fix that, I may see a doc).


By , January 3, 2017 6:24 am

Rereading Mark Remy’s January/February Runner’s World column “Beware Wardrobe Fat”* was a nice reminder to go through some of the boxes of clothing I have in the basement which I haven’t completely unpacked since we moved last February. Sure, I’ve gone through them searching for a specific item, but those boxes were full.

Were full. As in, full no more.

In the column**, Remy is inspired by Marie Kondo’s The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up book to declutter and simplify. He doesn’t consider himself a hoarder, but as he goes through his things, he realizes he has multiples (upon multiples) of stuff he is not using – running gloves, shorts, shirts, etc. He actually compares it to mindless eating:

It’s sneaky, like mindless eating. Gradually, steadily, you consume a bit here and a bit there – tech shirts, hats, tights, vests – until one day you wake up and realize your closet is 50 pounds overweight.

He vows to be more mindful and stop accepting things because it’s free or because he can. But to still hold on to a few sentimental things, and continue to buy socks on two for one sales, ha ha.

It amazes me with how many times I have gone through my clothing that I still have stuff to donate (or throw out). Seriously. We went through all our stuff before we moved out of our townhome, and got rid of a TON. When we lived in a rental house and couldn’t get all our things out, I realized what little I need. And at our new home, I don’t have the closet space I did before, hence some things still living in boxes in the basement. Now I’ve gone almost a year, and through all the seasons, and there are things down there I forgot I had.


So I said goodbye to a lot of unused race shirts and old stuff that I just don’t wear anymore. I have a pretty set preference on workout clothing and quite a bit of what I had didn’t work for me anymore. I held on to a few sentimental things, which I am sure, I will be going through again in the future, and purging from there. And I am holding on to all my skirts and dresses, because frequency of use doesn’t really say if I should keep those or not.

Like Remy, I will continue to be mindful of this in the future, as I have in the past few years. I’ll only keep race shirts if they’re a good quality shirt that I will use, or have some extremely high sentimental value. I won’t buy too much outside of replacing my staples or building my staples (like with swimming stuff). I’ll be mindful of what I actually use! And maybe I’ll start purging after every season (ha, although, in the midwest, our seasons are all over the place)!

*I’ll link to it once it’s available online
**He opens the column with asking how many pairs of running shoes you have. Which I definitely do hoard. When they go on sale, I buy a few pairs. I currently am running in four – six pairs (the speed and trail shoes don’t get used much) and have EIGHT unopened pairs in the basement. Yeah, probably something I shouldn’t have so many of. I go through them fast (about ten pairs a year), but I don’t need to stock that many.


By , January 2, 2017 5:06 pm

Last year I greatly enjoyed texting Mom and Steven the page-a-day calendar quote every day (well, except Sunday) of the year. Even when we were gone, I’d take pictures ahead of time to send on the date. I was planning on texting the pictures each day this year, too.

But not doing a good job planning it. I didn’t have a calendar yet (I looked online and didn’t see anything that stood out to me) but Steven was heading to Mendards today, where I got my page-a-day calendar last year in February, so I asked him to pick something up for me. This was all that was left:



So let’s hope the one I ended up ordering online is decent! It felt odd not to take the photo and send it this am!

Christina and Will’s maternity pics

By , December 28, 2016 4:09 pm

On Monday I got to play photographer’s assistant and help Steven take Christina and Will’s maternity photos!


Note that I had my coat on! It was chilly and WINDY!!!


And last night I got to edit them!

161226cw2 161226cw1 161226cw4 161226cw3

Add those tasks to my “things I wish were my full time job” list. I greatly enjoy editing photos. And I enjoyed helping Steven out too. And spending so much time with Christina and Will this past weekend!

Five more weeks until the baby is due!!!!!

At least one of them’s happy

By , December 26, 2016 10:47 pm

I was so upset after I got home and found out Data completely ruined our new ($$$) tree skirt by pooping and barfing on it three times EACH while we were gone. Wah.

But then I felt better when I went outside to call for the outdoor cats and Khali started meowing from the woods and running toward the house, excited to see me*!


(Picture from last week. It was NOT light out when we got home, ha!)

At least someone is happy we’re home!

And I was happy to see some of the snow melted while we were gone! I like having it, but I was worried about the cats getting around with how much we had. I know – I need this plate I saw today:


*We’ll pretend that is what it was

I see you

By , December 24, 2016 7:14 am

Now feed me.


Just a little creepy to see two eye staring in at you, first thing in the morning. Ha ha.

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47 ‘queries’.