Sigh. Guys, I am still figuring out Redbox. As you are about to see. Before we moved (the first time) in December of 2015, we used Netflix disk delivery and got two disks a week and watched them (and more!) each week. But moving and house projects means we watch movies a little less, so we ended that subscription and have started using Redbox (cause $). Which I kind of suck at. Case in point:
The week Passengers came out to Redbox, we tried to rent it the first day is was available, on Tuesday.
On Tuesday, we stopped at a Redbox we thought we had pre-checked to see if it the movie was there. It actually was not available there. We used the website wrong. Oops. We got Arrival instead and watched it again, knowing the big twist. (AHH! It was like watching a different movie. Let’s talk about this movie if you’ve seen it.)
On Friday, we figured it out and checked in advance! But when we got to the box, the guy using it before us was having some issues with it. He told us when he returned his disk, it just dropped to the bottom. Sure enough, we got an error screen when we tried to rent Passengers. Darn it.
We stopped at another Redbox and it didn’t have it. So we didn’t get a movie. Womp womp, grumpypants.
On Saturday, I thought I was being smart and reserved a rental on my phone. Yay! I went to pick it up, at a Redbox close to the studio where I teach. When I got to the Redbox, I realized I reserved it under Steven’s credit card. Not mine. Steven was not with me. I needed his card to retrieve the movie. I called Redbox and they couldn’t do anything but give me a refund. “You can’t put it on a different card?” “No, our systems don’t allow us to do that.” “You can’t release it from the box so I can rent it?” “No, our systems don’t allow us to do that.” MUTHA F*CKA. (Hey, it was nice they gave me a refund though!)
I went home pissy. Later I went to run errands and decided to reserve the rental with the right card and pick it up near where I was running errands. Yay! Me so smart. But wait a minute, why won’t this go through?!

Oh hellz no. I can’t rent it close to the house because of the other reservation? WTF?! I am not driving back to the spot that was only convenient to where I was in the morning!
I drove to the location near where I was running errands, knowing they had a copy, since it was going to let me reserve it. But did it show a copy when I physically went to the Redbox? No.
I then realized my phone was not going to let me reserve a copy anywhere, since I had one reserved for the night. So I decided to just give up.
But what if… I reserved a blu ray copy?! Would that work?
Yes! Bingo!

Gawd, I was so annoyed, I didn’t even want to see it anymore. Ha.
I swore I wouldn’t use Redbox again after this, but they sent me a few free rentals. So you know I went back. I just really pay attention to which credit card I put it on (you use that to pick up a free rental) and which location.
When did I get so old* that I can’t use technology right?!
This is NOT a sponsored post.
*I actually saw part of this movie elsewhere, but couldn’t follow since the version I saw didn’t have closed captions. Yep. I watch everything with closed captions. I actually liked the movie more when I could follow what they were saying!