Category: Idioms

They’re cute when they’re young and not sh*tting on your car

By , May 7, 2008 6:55 pm

The highlight of my day was seeing these baby goslings.

This goose has been nesting in front of the job site I visit every Wednesday in the suburbs. She sits right near the entrance, and hisses at me every time I walk by.

Yes, I realize it is sad that this was today’s highlight. What was yours?


Today’s Idiom: to rule the roost – to be in charge, to be master

Data rules the roost in our household.


By , May 6, 2008 5:54 am

Now that it’s been mentioned in both the June issue of Glamour and Marie Claire, I have to say something about it.

Open Marriage.

Jenny Block (not to be confused with “Jenny from the Block”) had an affair with a woman three years into her marriage. Instead of divorce, Block and her husband decided to have an open marriage – staying together, but also dating other people. She recently wrote a book about it – Open: Love, Sex, and Life in an Open Marriage.

I don’t think this is completely ludicrous or unreasonable. It may actually solve (or cover up) some issues that married couples have.

But I know this is not for me. And probably never will be.

I’m not possessive and I’m not jealous, but I don’t like to share… my husband anyway!


Today’s Idiom: Hobson’s choice – no choice at all

We’re given Hobson’s choice when we go out to eat with Steven’s grandma – there is only one restaurant she will go to.

Feeling no pain

By , May 5, 2008 10:16 pm

Today marks one year since I’ve graduated from Iowa State University with a Bachelor of Architecture.


I hate to admit it, but I am curious as to what my classmates are doing. I wonder who’s working, who’s not, who hates their job, and who loves it.

Lately, I’ve been thinking about how much more I like work than school. School is good for learning to be creative and think conceptually… but it is so much neater to see something you design being built. In real life.

A few weeks ago a client called me and rattled on and on about how much the staff loves the new space we designed for them, and all the details and thought that went into it. That made me feel good.

(The next week the client called and told me the staff was complaining and nitpicking. Hey, I had my moment while it lasted).


Today’s Idiom: feeling no pain – drunk

After a couple of glasses of wine, I was feeling no pain and ready to meet up with the in-laws. What can I say? I’m a light-weight.

(Just kidding!)

Things that grow

By , April 29, 2008 5:54 am

Ooo… I can’t wait to see what it looks like fully grown!

Steven has a green thumb. I kill plants. Data does too (although we have different methods – I don’t chew on them).

I’ll just add “taking care of houseplants” to my list of domestic skills that I stink at. Also on the list:

  • cooking
  • sweeping
  • mopping (Thanks for the correction, Nilsa S.!)
  • making the bed (I do it, it just looks awful)
  • putting the dishes into the dishwasher
  • closing the shower curtain after showering
  • wiping my feet off so the floor doesn’t get all wet after showering
  • vacuuming
  • dusting
  • patching walls
  • painting
  • hanging frames
  • leaving my clothes on the drying rack for too long
  • stacking things up on the floor and not putting them away
  • sewing buttons
  • okay, sewing at ALL

And to be fair, a few things I am good at:

  • sending out birthday cards, anniversary cards, thinking of you cards
  • taking the trash out
  • bringing in the newspaper
  • baking banana bread
  • protecting the car
  • finding “Infiniti-approved” parking spots (used to be “Saab-approved”)
  • getting the mail on Saturdays
  • feeding Data on Saturday and Sunday mornings so he’ll STFU and let us sleep
  • changing Data’s litter
  • putting groceries away
  • opening new DVDs
  • getting my clothes out of the dryer in less than 2 days
  • cutting up lettuce, cauliflower, carrots, celery, and strawberries
  • pushing very heavy things up the stairs

Ha. I’m good at all the things that really matter.


Today’s Idiom: to throw down the gauntlet – to challenge someone

Steven thought he was better at Xbox Tetris than me, so I had to throw down the gauntlet, and show off my mad Tetris skills.

In Vitro

By , April 28, 2008 5:36 am

PETA has announced a $1 Million Reward for the first scientist to produce and market in vitro meat.

In vitro meat production would use animal stem cells that would be placed in a medium to grow and reproduce. The result would mimic flesh and could be cooked and eaten.”

Would you eat it?

PETA’s argument for in vitro meat is that it would stop animal suffering, and lessen the affect that harvesting animals has on our environment. They also added as a disclaimer – “Of course, humans don’t need to eat meat at all… But as many people continue to refuse to kick their meat addictions, PETA is willing to help them gain access to flesh that doesn’t cause suffering and death.”

I think this is a very interesting idea. But besides all the political BS that it incurs, I wonder, would carnivorous humans go for this? If it cost the same, and tasted the same, looked the same…

Would you eat it?


Today’s Idiom: to go up in smoke – to come to no practical result

My plan to exercise 3 days a week went up in smoke when I kept getting home late from work. But I’m going to figure out a way to work exercise into my schedule. I have to.

The Architect’s favorite word: liability

By , April 24, 2008 8:04 am

Do you think some people consciously don’t respond to emails so they can’t be held liable for the email’s content?

I do.

Of course, I’m not talking about personal emails. And I’m not this skeptical about everyone I interact with.

But one person I send emails to consistently responds by phone, even when I request an email response.

I understand it’s much easier to respond by phone! It probably takes less time. And believe me, I hate feeling like I am being interrupted by Outlook all day, responding to emails, and searching for information.

But I do need some things in email form. Prices. Delivery Dates. Contract Agreements.

I’m not asking for this information so I can use it to pinpoint blame on someone, I just want a concrete record of the conversation. I don’t want to have to search for scribbled notes, or have to rack my brain to remember a credit that was quoted to me, or the delivery date of a crucial item.

It’s been a long work work. And guess what? I get to work on Saturday too. Yay.


Today’s Idiom: Skid Row – disreputable part of town, inhabited by derelicts and people “on the skid.”

It’s hard to say exactly how many areas of Chicago could be described as being part of skid row.

What I love about spring in Chicago

By , April 23, 2008 6:04 am

I called my dad yesterday to tell him how excited I was to see a grey Lamborghini Murcielago on my walk to the train Monday night in Chicago.

“It’s one of the things I love out there, dad” I proclaimed. “As soon as the weather gets warm, you see all these awesome cars – Aston Martins, Ferraris, Lamborghinis…”

“Yeah. I didn’t see anything like that on my way home from work Monday.”

“What, you didn’t see any Lamborghinis?”

“No,” he replied. “I don’t think there are even 10 people in Waterloo [Iowa] who can pronounce it.”

Ha ha.

“I was really excited to see it,” I continue.

“Yeah. It’s nice to know that at least someone enjoys what they’re driving.”

Yeah, that guy in the Lamborghini and Steven in his Infiniti.

The point of me writing this is not to point out how funny and sarcastic my dad is. Nor is it to bore you with another post about cars (although I probably have).

I just wonder… why do I notice these things? Why do cars interest me? Why don’t they interest some people? Why do I get really excited when I see a nice car?

My dad is a mechanic, but I know nothing about how cars WORK. I just know when I see one I like – it’s usually streamlined, aggressive, and curvy.

I have a list of the cars I would like to own. But I haven’t even driven a quarter of them. It’s just an aesthetic thing.

Maybe it’s time for me to get in the garage with Steven… and help him with the project car. Oh yes. The infamous (in my mind) Datsun 1978 280Z. That’s a whole ‘nother post.


Today’s Idiom: to carry the day – to win the approval of the majority

Kim’s suggestion to go to Red Robin for lunch carried the day, although not everyone got the Gardenburger Royal Red Robin burger.

Tired McGrumperson

By , April 22, 2008 8:03 am

Everyone’s outside wearing their new spring gear, and I’m walking around, looking like Frumpy McFrumperson.

I hope it rains.

I need to quit sleeping on the train and start getting more sleep at home. Even if that means going to bed at 9:00, it’s better than waking up feeling like Tired McGrumperson everyday.


Today’s Idiom: crocodile tears – insincere tears

When I found out they were breaking up I did shed a few tears – but crocodile tears. I wanted to comfort her, but really, I thought it was for better that he was leaving her.

be well

By , April 21, 2008 5:45 am

A few of my colleagues have been using “be well” in emails and text messages.

What is “be well”? Is it synonymous with “take care”? I’ve only started hearing (well, reading) it now, and I’m kind of curious who else is using it, or where it came from.


Today’s Idiom: to beard the lion in his den – to visit and oppose a person on his own grounds

There was no other way to file a complaint effectively – I had to go to the store and beard the lion in his den.

Overachiever Kitteh

By , April 17, 2008 6:04 am

A few nights ago, I was playing fetch with Data. I picked up both his yellow ball and his orange ball and said to him “I am going to throw both of these down the stairs at the same time. You bring back the one that is your favorite color.”

He brought them both up, together! Holding one completely inside his mouth, and the other with his teeth. He never does that.

What a little overachiever.


Today’s Idiom: a wet blanket – one who spoils fun

One of my college friends was a total wet blanket – she always wanted to go home early so she could spend hours talking to her long-distance boyfriend.


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