I called my dad yesterday to tell him how excited I was to see a grey Lamborghini Murcielago on my walk to the train Monday night in Chicago.

“It’s one of the things I love out there, dad” I proclaimed. “As soon as the weather gets warm, you see all these awesome cars – Aston Martins, Ferraris, Lamborghinis…”
“Yeah. I didn’t see anything like that on my way home from work Monday.”
“What, you didn’t see any Lamborghinis?”
“No,” he replied. “I don’t think there are even 10 people in Waterloo [Iowa] who can pronounce it.”
Ha ha.
“I was really excited to see it,” I continue.
“Yeah. It’s nice to know that at least someone enjoys what they’re driving.”
Yeah, that guy in the Lamborghini and Steven in his Infiniti.
The point of me writing this is not to point out how funny and sarcastic my dad is. Nor is it to bore you with another post about cars (although I probably have).
I just wonder… why do I notice these things? Why do cars interest me? Why don’t they interest some people? Why do I get really excited when I see a nice car?
My dad is a mechanic, but I know nothing about how cars WORK. I just know when I see one I like – it’s usually streamlined, aggressive, and curvy.
I have a list of the cars I would like to own. But I haven’t even driven a quarter of them. It’s just an aesthetic thing.
Maybe it’s time for me to get in the garage with Steven… and help him with the project car. Oh yes. The infamous (in my mind) Datsun 1978 280Z. That’s a whole ‘nother post.
Today’s Idiom: to carry the day – to win the approval of the majority
Kim’s suggestion to go to Red Robin for lunch carried the day, although not everyone got the Gardenburger Royal Red Robin burger.