This weekend was all about birthday celebrations. Yay!
Friday was awesome from the start because:
- I had the day off work and could take a nap in the morning (I had a cold and haven’t been sleeping well… I say that like I wouldn’t have taken a nap anyway, ha!)
- I found out I won a $10 Starbucks gift card from Shelley!
- My Shitterfly magnet order came!
- I registered for Grandma’s Marathon in June in Duluth, MN!
In the evening, we met up with Jen and Troy for a late celebration of Jen’s April birthday. We ate at a local Thai place with delicious food that actually gives you appropriately sized portions. Everyone commented on how it was the right amount of food, and that they totally would have eaten more (because it was so good!), but were glad we weren’t given more so we could get movie theater treats later. (Don’t worry, I am not turning in to someone who complains about receiving “too much food”! I am all about the leftovers! I guess I appreciate a normal sized portion when I am giving an eff about what I eat?!)

Pad See Eiw is always my go-to Thai order!
After dinner we headed to the theater to see Deadpool 2!

My gosh, I laughed throughout the entire movie. Only a few jokes fell flat on me, and I was proud I understood 99% of the joke references (ha). I had so much fun, I would see it again in the theater (on $5 movie night Tuesday, of course). It reminded me of how much fun I had at Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle. COMPLETELY different movies, but it’s a blast to laugh so much. Yay!
We went to a 9:50 pm showing (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) so that was a late night. I was in bed after 1:00 am, up for an hour from 4:00-5:00, and out of bed just before 6:00 am, because, (I had a) cold. Sigh.
I started Saturday off with a short run and ride, then taught fitness boxing and dropped off my bike for a tune-up (I like to get one every spring before I spend more time on it outside).
We had a small lunch then were off to my favorite coworker’s son’s first birthday party in the city!
I hit my raw “I didn’t get enough sleep” breaking point on the drive but rallied through and was able to be social at the party. Phew.
The decorations were ADORABLE (homemade, of course) and my coworker had special vegan food for me, including a piece of vegan cake OH EM GEE YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.

When we got home, I read and took the short nap I needed so I could make it through the evening.

We watched Mad Men with dinner, which we just started this week, and I am seeing for the first time! We tried to use a free FandangoNOW rental code to watch Black Panther, but it wouldn’t work since it’s linked to my email, and the Roku is linked to Steven’s. Sigh. If you know how to fix that, let me know (I couldn’t figure it out with my internets search).
Sunday morning was productive AF. I woke up naturally at 5:00 am (after getting seven hours of sleep!), was done running by 8:00, and did errands from 9:00 – 11:00. I found almost everything I needed and didn’t have to wait in line anywhere to check out. WINNING! (I think it helped that it was early, and raining).
When I got home, I prepped the produce for the week, then we ate lunch and watched more Mad Men and generally had a lazy afternoon with a few chores (like programming my car), but mostly relaxing! Yay! (We had planned to do yard work but it was raining… and 40° out.)
I finished reading Scott Jurek’s new book, North, which made me want to reread his first book. I loved that this new book (about his 2015 attempt to get the fastest known time hiking the Appalachian Trail) included both his and his wife’s perspective. His wife, Jenny, was in charge of crewing for this over forty day event and it was interesting to see things from her perspective.

We watched the Netflix movie Anon with dinner (we were gonna watch Cargo but I was worried that might be too gory to watch while eating!). Meh. Oh Netflix and all your bad Netflix original films. We love watching movies (as you may have picked up on, ha!) and we’ve given a lot of Netflix ones a chance, but they’re mostly meh! (Anyone else watch The Titan?)
But anyway. Yay for a quiet Sunday! One more weekend left in May which BLOWS MY MIND. I don’t feel like summer is around the corner!