- My goodness, the story telling in Little Fires Everywhere was so good. I’d consider owning a copy of it, to cherish again. (That, along with Station Eleven, my other favorite read from the year!). I really want to know more about what happens to the characters! We need a part II!

- I moved from that to a guidebook of San Francisco to somewhat prepare for our trip! Well, I also tried reading a novel called Ghosted but ditched it. The author spent way too much time describing the landscape, which drove me bonkers. And it was moving slow. That’s something I liked about Little Fires Everywhere – Ng didn’t go on and on about unnecessary details. It was super detailed, but with a purpose.
- Ha, on my Monday commute, another train rider was gushing to me when she saw my reusable plastic bag. She even got hers out to show me and told me about all the times she uses it. Love it!
- What is it with iTunes taking three attempts to get my playlists to sync? And it often rewriting them or missing songs? Grr.
- An update on our intruders – there’s been four of them so far and we’ve had them all relocated.
- Here’s some cute cuddling kitty pics!

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- I finished Vox! I became less anxious after the main character’s wrist counter (that tracks her speech and zaps her if she says over 100 words for the day) came off so she could work on an anti-Wernicke’s aphasia serum for the president’s brother. (BUT SPOILER, the government’s intentions are more sinister!) The entire book was suspenseful and made me feel on edge while reading it. But I obviously liked it because I finished it!

- Now I’m reading Little Fires Everywhere, which Amy recommended to me. It’s appropriate I’m starting it today, as I’m traveling to Cleveland, where the book is set!
- This morning was my first time using TSA Pre✓. It went much quicker than regular security, even though they still had me take my jacket and shoes off. It was so nice to leave my laptop in my bag though. <— welcome to the 2010s, Kim, I know. Ha.
- Today is an exciting day – it’s the day I start listening to Christmas music! Woo hoo! (But… I didn’t have time to load it on my phone this morning, so that will wait until tomorrow, sad face.)
- Speaking of Christmas, I bought a few gifts last week!
- Do people still share business cards at meetings? I always have to make sure I have some when I travel for work, or meet someone new. I haven’t received new business cards at work in YEARS. I don’t really use them – I use digital contacts. (Click through to take a poll)

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- My sleep has been such SH!T lately. Gawd. I’ve realized this month that waking up at 3:50 am on Fridays is killing me when I have a weekend full of plans. And about half of each week, the cats wake me up in the middle of the night, or, yay, even better, thirty minutes before my alarm. I’m looking forward to the extra hour gained on Sunday. I won’t get to sleep in (see: cats) but I can take a nap!

Who, us?! We NEVER try to climb the back of the headboard during the night. NEVER.
- I’m having my blog redesigned and love the look so far. I can’t wait to show you guys. Thanks to Shelley for recommending the designer!
- I have a few more “randoms” to share, but maybe I can stretch those in to a full post, ha!
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- Yesterday when I was leaving work and getting in the elevator, two people walked out with cake. After the doors closed, I said to the guy in the elevator with me “Ooo, cake! Someone must be having a retirement party.” Then he said something about the party, and “You don’t need that cake.” Then he paused and said, “and neither do I.” UM WTF kind of response is that to my stupid small talk? GFY, telling me I don’t need cake. Jeebus.
- I’ve said it before, but I’d love one day where everything I pick up, set down, or reach for doesn’t fall to the ground. And when I can walk through my house without any loop or strap on me getting caught on things. So aggravating.
- I finished Give Me Your Hand and am reading Vox. Give Me Your Hand is a mystery/thriller about Kit, a post doc vying for a prestigious research position, when an old classmate with a secret that scarred Kit shows up out of the blue and competes (kind of) against her for the spot! I mostly enjoyed it, except for the research on animals parts. Vox is a dystopian novel where women only get to say 100 words a day and are electrocuted when they go over. This one makes me feel awfully anxious reading it… but I want to see what happens.

- Shitterfly had a “free” bag offer recently so I ordered one to keep in my backpack (because a favorite similar bag of mine has a hole, sadness). I love having these lightweight bags handy. And I love having my cats’ faces on it!

- I had a light meeting week to start the week (woo hoo!) then had FOUR invites for meetings at 9:00 am on Wednesday. Sigh. And the one I went to ran 1.5 hours long (until 11:30).
- Another calendar complaint – when someone acts like it’s difficult to coordinate with my schedule, but they never bothered to check my public calendar and try making an appointment when I am shown as free. It’s not hard, folks.
- Aww, Khali loves her siblings, but especially Apollo! Apollo has been such a sh*t lately. He’s gone poo on the floor twice. And he wakes up in the middle of the night (not all nights, thankfully) to play. Sigh. I hope it’s growing pains!

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- Jen and I saw A Star Is Born Tuesday night. We both loved it! I thought the acting (and singing!) was great. I didn’t know much about the story going in, so if you’re familiar with it, you probably know what that means. Vague much? (Don’t want to spoil it!)
- I finally finished reading The Ensemble, and liked it! (My slow reading was due to being too tired to read before bed, not from lack of enjoyment.) The Ensemble told the story of a string quartet from the time they formed the group, up to twenty years later. The book focused on family relationships – theirs as a family to each other, their families from childhood, and the families they formed as adults. It was very relatable, and the only annoying part was the often used musical metaphors. But it’s about music, so what did I expect?! Now I am reading a mystery/thriller my coworker recommended – Give Me Your Hand (which I like, except the main character works in a lab and they mention testing on animals). That coworker just finished reading Aurora, on my recommendation!

- I was going to tell you guys about something that’s bothering me, but I forgot what it is, so that’s good, right? (I could fill this spot with complaining about my doctor wanting me to pay for an extra test they had to do because they screwed up the first one, but, eh. I’m still not sure what the outcome of that is, so I’ll save it for later.)
- We got our TSA Pre✓ Known Traveler Numbers within four days, like Shelley did. I applied the numbers to all our upcoming flights, so we’ll see if that works! Also, I realized when doing this, that ANYONE I send my flight email to, with the “edit traveler info” link in, can, well, edit my info. I usually just send it to whomever I am traveling to see, so while I doubt they would edit things, it’s probably not a good idea for me to share that link, in practice.
- Here’s a random Apollo picture for you. He decided it would be a good idea to lick and chew on my hair that day.

- I’ve been running weekly construction meetings (sigh), and realized I do something obnoxious – I say a statement, then a person’s name to confirm what I said was true. Like, “Since xyz happened, we’re on schedule, right, Bob?” But what if that person wasn’t 100% listening? I think it would be better for me to say, “Bob, since xyz happened, we’re on schedule, correct?” Then they know I am addressing them. I’m gonna work on doing it that way.
- And one more random cute cats pic:

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- We’re going on a trip! Can you guess where?! HUGE thanks to Mica for helping us with our tickets!

- I finished Reborn on the Run and started A River of Stars, but didn’t make it very far before it was due at the library. It was well written, but I wasn’t really rooting for the main character, so I don’t think I’ll put a hold on it to finish it. I picked up a new novel, The Ensemble.

- We are joining the 21st Century and getting TSA Pre✓next week. I’m going to be traveling more for work (and have two personal trips coming up), and hope it will save me a little time and hassle. HOPE, ha.
- I got to trade in my huge laptop (required for the detail I was on earlier this year) in for a smaller one yesterday and YAY!!! It weighs a few pounds less, and takes up much less space in my backpack. WOOT.
- Ugh, I was bummed when Jordan Hasay dropped out of the Chicago Marathon, and now Amy Cragg too?! NOOOOOOOOOOOO! I am excited Gwen Jorgensen is running, but was really excited about Hasay and Cragg.
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- I finished Aurora. The ending was a let down, but I’m glad I read it, because it had a lot of interesting concepts. Now I’m reading Reborn on the Run, which is such an easy (and not always well written) read, compared to Aurora. I haven’t had to look up a single word yet! Ha!

- We finished Mad Men this week. What show will we start during lunch break today? Jack Ryan? Sharp Objects? We’ve watched a few episodes of Jack Ryan and it may be too graphic for me.
- I got an email last week about the Wisconsin Half Marathon registration opening and immediately found myself registering. What?! How does that happen? Looking at my records, I did the exact same thing last year. That turned out well, at least.
- Improvements continue on our street! It doesn’t look like the paved shoulder is going to be as wide as in my wildest imagination, but I will take anything I can get!

- We have an exciting end of the year coming up – lots of visitors and travel! Woo hoo!
- Yesterday Shitterfly had FREE unlimited magnets (up to 9,999 magnets… so not really unlimited, come on), but… they weren’t the size I order. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. That’s okay. I didn’t have anything in my “magnets to make” folder anyway.
- I miss Data greeting me at the door when I come home.
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- A few weeks ago my favorite cartoonist, Nathan W Pyle, announced that he was doing commissions for cat or dog drawings. I was SO EXCITED when I saw that, and asked him to do one of Data. I love how he incorporated Data specific things – his love for toy mice, popcorn, and wearing a tie. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. Perfect timing to receive it too. Follow Nathan on insta – he’s great and will make you smile/laugh!

- On Monday they tore up the street we live off of. I was impressed they did that all in one day. I hope the repaving goes as quickly. Those new paved shoulders are going to be AMAZING!!!

- Alright, so I’ve gotten really in to the Aurora book (even though I don’t love the ship’s computer narrating it). Apparently I’m so in to it, that talking about it excitedly to a coworker yesterday made her add it to her library hold list, and pick up that day! I got to the page Tom Hanks hyped up, 321… My excitement was building as I got closer and closer. It didn’t affect me as much as him, but I can see why he said that.
- We weighed the kittens this week and Apollo is 5.72 pounds and Starbuck is 4.84. They’re growing so fast! Sad face! Will they be as adorable when they are full grown?!

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- Thanks for all your touching comments on my post about Data yesterday! You’re all so thoughtful. I waited until yesterday to share the news here and on social media and thought I was ready. I wasn’t. All the sweet comments made me feel sad (and loved at the same time).
- Of course, I keep thinking of other funny little Data things to add to that post. How he would be waiting at the door when we got home. How he loved to be brushed but had to attack the comb. How he’d put both paws on my shoulder when I was standing (and he was sitting) to let me know he wanted me to hold him. I miss his big personality. These other three furrballs better step it up!

- Work has been a good distraction this week except for when it hasn’t, like spending too much time helping someone who’s inept, and when I was on a call and people kept saying “data” over and over, because that is a word people use. Ugh.
- I put some photos in the frame Rachel sent, and also have some other special memorials coming for him, which I’ll share when they arrive!

- And now on to the non Data stuff…
- I am trying to read these two books right now. It’s taking me a while to get in to them, which is frustrating me! I think I am finally getting in to Aurora, though. I’m going to blame Tom Hanks if I don’t like it (ha, seriously though, seeing his post was what made me request it from the library – I have to at least make it to page 321).

- Our oven fan broke so we can’t use it until parts come in next week. I’m glad I thought of that before mixing up batter for treats for a friend!
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- Ahhh!!! I received some super thoughtful custom gifts! This mug from my snis, and these socks from xaarlin. Both of them had me looking like the cat making home alone face emoji!!!
Christina said this originally said “All you need is love and a cat (and coffee).” I love that she changed “coffee” to “chai tea latte”! And I love that all my cats are on the mug!

Ha, when I opened these socks, I think I said “Is that Data?!” four or five times. So cool!
- The RAGBRAI store (finally) opened three weeks after the event and I was able to order my 2018 pin! And put it in a drawer with the other four. Why am I collecting these? Ha.

- We’ve been shutting Data in the bedroom, so he can eat at his pace without other cats gobbling up his food. Someone does NOT like that and digs up the carpet. Sigh.

- We let the dishwasher sit open after it’s done washing, to let the dishes dry. Not so much anymore. Someone thinks it’s a playground! Thanks for keeping us on our game, Apollo!

- Cute picture of Starbuck and Apollo:

- How is Data doing? Not great. He is eating a little and using the litter box, but losing weight. A few nights in a row, he seemed to like being petted for a long time, but he wasn’t interested in that last night.

- I was able to finish A Lady’s Guide to Selling Out, and The Last Time I Lied on our flights to and from Kansas City (I was almost done with both) and am now reading Extreme Ownership. I recommend both of those novels! A Lady’s Guide to Selling Out felt so current/relevant, and The Last Time I Lied kept me guessing until the end. Like, literally, the last page!

- Good news for anyone who cares, ha ha – I had previously lamented that the new gmail is getting rid of Labs, which contains “undo send.” Good news – they made “undo send” a permanent setting you can use! Woot!
- I had more random bullets on here but the internet ate them! That is probably for the better!
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- Thanks for all of your kind and thoughtful comments on my post yesterday about Data. They really made me feel better, and supported!
- I’m going to keep posting silly posts like Random Thoughts Thursday as long as I feel like it – a lighthearted distraction is good for me.
- Our library was closed for a week, and it seems like all the books I’ve had on hold for several months came in during that time. Eek. I’m still trying to finish A Lady’s Guide to Selling Out!

- We saw Mission: Impossible – Fallout, and I really liked it (and figured I would!). I knew this was a movie I wanted to see in the theater from the time I saw the first trailer. The end was so suspenseful, I kept wanting to bite my nails (but didn’t since I have a no chip, ha. Instead, I just kept tapping them together). I knew I should have worn some bracelets so I had something to twirl when the movie made me feel anxious!
- We shared baby pictures at work yesterday, and guessed who everyone was. A few of us younger people on the staff were saying we should have made ours black and white to throw people off. Ha. Ha ha ha. It was fun to see whose was SO obvious, and which ones weren’t!

- Apollo got to try being outside on the harness yesterday, for the first time. He was definitely freaked out – he had his tail low between his legs! He eventually chilled a bit.

- And, I have to share this picture of Steven’s lunch companions yesterday. What a bunch of troublemakers.

- Yesterday someone at work told me that an email I sent was the best part of their day because it was so concise and clear, and had everything he needed in it. And that he was going to send it to someone else as an example. Hearing that made MY day, especially as it was for something where I don’t feel like I know what I am doing (project management).
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