Proximity is key?
When you are looking at a new-to-you blog, what are the first things you check for to see if you want to continue reading it? What are the things that turn you off?*
I noticed that my 100 Things About Me page gets quite a bit of daily traffic, and thought, “Gosh, maybe I should review that page** and make sure it is accurate… as I wrote it in 2005!” Geesh! That was a looooong time ago!
One of the first things I look at when I read a new blogger is their “about me” info and their location. Location is a big deal for me. If they live close to me, or in an area I am interested in, chances are I am going to continue reading their blog (and by that, I mean add it to my rss feed, and hopefully remember why I subscribed to it). Edited to add – this does not mean I don’t read blogs written by people who don’t live near me. I’m just more likely to start reading a blog because of proximity.
I like it when I am on a new-to-me blog and I can find this info right away – I have very limited amounts of time to waste on the internet, and must do it efficiently… riiiiiiiiiiight.
But I do think about that in relationship to my blog, so I keep a little introduction widget in my sidebar, to make that information quick to find.
I also think about not leaving whiny posts at the top of my page for two long. Because, yeah. I don’t want that to be the first post someone reads. That is another good question – when you are looking at new-to-you blogs, how far back in posts do you read, to see if you want to “follow” the blog?
This all implies I am looking for new reads. Of course not! You guys know I am spending ALL of my free time studying. All of it!!!
*Yeah. Not posting THAT list here.
**Added to list of things to do after July 25th exam.