This is my last post! I enjoyed trying to think of interesting things to say, and hope that I didn’t scare anyone away from! Thank you everyone for your comments and encouragement!!
One last thing, go Panthers! I go to the University of Northern Iowa, and we just finished our football season 11-0! Hopefully we do just as well in the playoffs!
Kim, it will be good to have you back! I’ve missed talking to you!!
Adios amigos!
What is your favorite Thanksgiving food?
Mine is undoubtedly mashed potatoes. Yum! I could eat a whole plate full. My favorite is when they have chunks of potato in them that didn’t get squashed.
Thanksgiving break started for me at 2pm. I am very thankful for a week off of school, but will miss all of my friends that are going home!
Is it normal to not want to associate yourself with the people you went to high school with after graduation? Not all of them of course, I have many good friends that I still talk to on a regular basis. But there’s the ones that you kind of knew. The ones you kind of talked to, but not really. They were just always there? Well I chose to go to a college extremely close to my hometown, figuring it would be close enough to be near my family, but far enough to get away… and all those people, the ones I thought I was getting away from, they’re still here! Sometimes I feel like I’m on my own and in a new world, and then they bring me down. This post may seem bitter, but its just something I’ve been realizing lately!
I’m not sure what else to say, my mind is blank! An update on Kim, she is having lots of fun in Aruba! Doing lots of exciting things that I’m sure she will blog about when she gets back. She is also sneaking online a LOT. KIMBERLY, ENJOY YOUR HONEYMOON AND GET OFF THE INTERNET! 🙂
Thanks for reading. 🙂 I promise more interesting posts are on their way!
Undecided is my curse. I am actually considered a “deciding” major, just because it sounds more uplifting than undecided. I know I am just a college freshman and I have “plenty of time” to figure out what I want to do, but wouldn’t it be so convenient if I could just know now?! I try to look into things I am interested in, but there are just too many! Hotel management, real estate, interior design or even as broad as art or clothing design. I was really interested in majoring in real estate, until I was discouraged from an adviser because he thought it would be too much math for me. So frustrating!!
Any advice on how to decide? Did you change your major in college? I just need some encouragement!
Hopefully all of my friends with majors will change their minds. That would make me feel better, hahaha. 🙂
Thanks for reading!
Hello everyone! This is Kim’s little sister Christina. I am excited to take control of the blog for the next 6 days while Kim is on a much deserved honeymoon in Aruba. I hope I am able to keep my posts mildly interesting, but bare with me if they aren’t, I’ve never blogged before!!
Thanks for reading! Check back tomorrow for a more thought-out post! 🙂